Source code for desisim.qso_template.qso_pca


Module for generate QSO PCA templates

24-Nov-2014 by JXP
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

import numpy as np
import os
import multiprocessing as mp

from import fits
flg_xdb = True
    from xastropy.xutils import xdebug as xdb
except ImportError:
    flg_xdb = False

[docs]def read_qso_eigen(eigen_fil=None): ''' Input the QSO Eigenspectra ''' # File if eigen_fil is None: eigen_fil = os.environ.get('IDLSPEC2D_DIR')+'/templates/spEigenQSO-55732.fits' print('Using these eigen spectra: {:s}'.format(eigen_fil)) hdu = eigen = hdu[0].data head = hdu[0].header # Rest wavelength eigen_wave = 10.**(head['COEFF0'] + np.arange(head['NAXIS1'])*head['COEFF1']) # Return return eigen, eigen_wave
[docs]def fit_eigen(flux,ivar,eigen_flux): ''' Fit the spectrum with the eigenvectors. Pass back the coefficients ''' #C = np.diag(1./ivar) Cinv = np.diag(ivar) A = eigen_flux.T #alpha =, np.linalg.solve(C, A)) # Numerical Recipe notation alpha =,,A)) cov = np.linalg.inv(alpha) #beta =, np.linalg.solve(C, y)) beta =,, flux)) acoeff =, beta) # Return return acoeff
[docs]def do_boss_lya_parallel(istart, iend, output, debug=False, cut_Lya=True): ''' Generate PCA coeff for the BOSS Lya DR10 dataset, v2.1 Parameters ---------- cut_Lya: boolean (True) Avoid using the Lya forest in the analysis ''' # Eigen eigen, eigen_wave = read_qso_eigen() # Open the BOSS catalog file boss_cat_fil = os.environ.get('BOSSPATH')+'/DR10/BOSSLyaDR10_cat_v2.1.fits.gz' bcat_hdu = t_boss = bcat_hdu[1].data nqso = len(t_boss) pca_val = np.zeros((iend-istart, 4)) # Loop us -- Should spawn on multiple CPU #for ii in range(nqso): datdir = os.environ.get('BOSSPATH')+'/DR10/BOSSLyaDR10_spectra_v2.1/' jj = 0 for ii in range(istart,iend): if (ii % 100) == 0: print('ii = {:d}'.format(ii)) # Spectrum file pnm = str(t_boss['PLATE'][ii]) fnm = str(t_boss['FIBERID'][ii]).rjust(4,str('0')) mjd = str(t_boss['MJD'][ii]) sfil = datdir+pnm+'/speclya-' sfil = sfil+pnm+'-'+mjd+'-'+fnm+'.fits.gz' # Read spectrum spec_hdu = t = spec_hdu[1].data flux = t['flux'] wave = 10.**t['loglam'] ivar = t['ivar'] zqso = t_boss['z_pipe'][ii] wrest = wave / (1+zqso) wlya = 1215.67 # Cut Lya forest? if cut_Lya is True: Ly_imn = np.argmin(np.abs(wrest-wlya)) else: Ly_imn = 0 # Pack imn = np.argmin(np.abs(wrest[Ly_imn]-eigen_wave)) npix = len(wrest[Ly_imn:]) imx = npix+imn eigen_flux = eigen[:,imn:imx] # FIT acoeff = fit_eigen(flux[Ly_imn:], ivar[Ly_imn:], eigen_flux) pca_val[jj,:] = acoeff jj += 1 # Check if debug is True: model =,acoeff) if flg_xdb is True: xdb.xplot(wrest, flux, xtwo=eigen_wave, ytwo=model) xdb.set_trace() #xdb.set_trace() if output is not None: output.put((istart,iend,pca_val))
## ################################# ## ################################# ## TESTING ## ################################# if __name__ == '__main__': # Run #do_boss_lya_parallel(0,10,None,debug=True,cut_Lya=True) #xdb.set_trace() ## ############################ # Parallel boss_cat_fil = os.environ.get('BOSSPATH')+'/DR10/BOSSLyaDR10_cat_v2.1.fits.gz' bcat_hdu = t_boss = bcat_hdu[1].data nqso = len(t_boss) nqso = 45 # Testing output = mp.Queue() processes = [] nproc = 4 nsub = nqso // nproc # Setup the Processes for ii in range(nproc): # Generate istrt = ii * nsub if ii == (nproc-1): iend = nqso else: iend = (ii+1)*nsub #xdb.set_trace() process = mp.Process(target=do_boss_lya_parallel, args=(istrt,iend,output)) processes.append(process) # Run processes for p in processes: p.start() # Exit the completed processes for p in processes: p.join() # Get process results from the output queue results = [output.get() for p in processes] # Bring together #sorted(results, key=lambda result: result[0]) #all_is = [ir[0] for ir in results] pca_val = np.zeros((nqso, 4)) for ir in results: pca_val[ir[0]:ir[1],:] = ir[2] xdb.set_trace()