Source code for desisim.dla


Functions and methods for inserting DLAs into QSO spectra.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import wofz

from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from astropy import constants as const
from desiutil.log import get_logger

c_cgs ='cm/s').value

[docs]def insert_dlas(wave, zem, rstate=None, seed=None, fNHI=None, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Insert zero, one or more DLAs into a given spectrum towards a source with a given redshift Args: wave (ndarray): wavelength array in Ang zem (float): quasar emission redshift rstate (numpy.random.rstate, optional): for random numberes seed (int, optional): fNHI (spline): f_NHI object **kwargs: Passed to init_fNHI() Returns: dlas (list): List of DLA dict's with keys z,N dla_model (ndarray): normalized specrtrum with DLAs inserted """ from scipy import interpolate log = get_logger() # Init if rstate is None: rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed) # this is breaking the chain of randoms if seed is None if fNHI is None: fNHI = init_fNHI(**kwargs) # Allowed redshift placement ## Cut on zem and 910A rest-frame zlya = wave/1215.67 - 1 dz = np.roll(zlya,-1)-zlya dz[-1] = dz[-2] gdz = (zlya < zem) & (wave > 910.*(1+zem)) # l(z) -- Uses DLA for SLLS too which is fine lz = calc_lz(zlya[gdz]) cum_lz = np.cumsum(lz*dz[gdz]) tot_lz = cum_lz[-1] if len(cum_lz)<2: log.warning('WARNING: cum_lz in insert_dla has only {} element. skyped add DLA.'.format(len(cum_lz))) dlas,dla_model=[],[] return dlas,dla_model fzdla = interpolate.interp1d(cum_lz/tot_lz, zlya[gdz], bounds_error=False,fill_value=np.min(zlya[gdz]))# # n DLA nDLA = rstate.poisson(tot_lz, 1) # Generate DLAs dlas = [] for jj in range(nDLA[0]): # Random z zabs = float(fzdla(rstate.random_sample())) # Random NHI NHI = float(fNHI(rstate.random_sample())) # Generate and append dla = dict(z=zabs, N=NHI,dlaid=jj) dlas.append(dla) # Generate model of DLAs dla_model = dla_spec(wave, dlas) # Return return dlas, dla_model
[docs]def dla_spec(wave, dlas): """ Generate spectrum absorbed by dlas Args: wave (ndarray): observed wavelengths dlas (list): DLA dicts Returns: abs_flux: ndarray of absorbed flux """ flya = 0.4164 gamma_lya = 626500000.0 lyacm = 1215.6700 / 1e8 wavecm = wave / 1e8 tau = np.zeros(wave.size) for dla in dlas: par = [dla['N'], dla['z'], 30*1e5, # b value lyacm, flya, gamma_lya] tau += voigt_tau(wavecm, par) # Flux flux = np.exp(-1.0*tau) # Return return flux
[docs]def voigt_tau(wave, par): """ Find the optical depth at input wavelengths Taken from linetools.analysis.voigt This is a stripped down routine for calculating a tau array for an input line. Built for speed, not utility nor with much error checking. Use wisely. And take careful note of the expected units of the inputs (cgs) Parameters ---------- wave : ndarray Assumed to be in cm parm : list Line parameters. All are input unitless and should be in cgs par[0] = logN (cm^-2) par[1] = z par[2] = b in cm/s par[3] = wrest in cm par[4] = f value par[5] = gamma (s^-1) Returns ------- tau : ndarray Optical depth at input wavelengths """ cold = 10.0 ** par[0] # / / zp1 = par[1] + 1.0 # #*1.0e-8 nujk = c_cgs / par[3] dnu = par[2] / par[3] # (line.attrib['b'].to( / wv).to('Hz') avoigt = par[5] / (4 * np.pi * dnu) uvoigt = ((c_cgs / (wave / zp1)) - nujk) / dnu # Voigt cne = 0.014971475 * cold * par[4] #['f'] * * * u.Hz tau = cne * voigt_wofz(uvoigt, avoigt) / dnu # return tau
[docs]def voigt_wofz(vin,a): """Uses scipy function for calculation. Taken from linetools.analysis.voigt Parameters ---------- vin : ndarray u parameter a : float a parameter Returns ------- voigt : ndarray """ return wofz(vin + 1j * a).real
[docs]def init_fNHI(slls=False, mix=True): """ Args: slls (bool): SLLS only? mix (bool): Mix of DLAs and SLLS? Returns: model: fNHI model """ from import fits from scipy import interpolate as scii # f(N) fN_file = resource_filename('desisim','data/fN_spline_z24.fits.gz') hdu = fN_data = hdu[1].data # Instantiate pivots=np.array(fN_data['LGN']).flatten() param = dict(sply=np.array(fN_data['FN']).flatten()) fNHI_model = scii.PchipInterpolator(pivots, param['sply'], extrapolate=True) # scipy 0.16 # Integrate on NHI if slls: lX, cum_lX, lX_NHI = calculate_lox(fNHI_model, 19.5, NHI_max=20.3, cumul=True) elif mix: lX, cum_lX, lX_NHI = calculate_lox(fNHI_model, 19.5, NHI_max=22.5, cumul=True) else: lX, cum_lX, lX_NHI = calculate_lox(fNHI_model, 20.3, NHI_max=22.5, cumul=True) # Interpolator cum_lX /= cum_lX[-1] # Normalize fNHI = scii.interp1d(cum_lX, lX_NHI, bounds_error=False,fill_value=lX_NHI[0]) # Return return fNHI
[docs]def calc_lz(z, boost=1.6): """ Args: z (ndarray): redshift values for evaluation boost (float): boost for SLLS (should be 1 if only running DLAs) Returns: ndarray: l(z) aka dN/dz values of DLAs """ lz = boost * 0.6 * np.exp(-7./z**2) # Prochaska et al. 2008, ApJ, 675, 1002 return lz
[docs]def evaluate_fN(model, NHI): """ Evaluate an f(N,X) model at a set of NHI values Parameters ---------- NHI : array log NHI values Returns ------- log_fN : array f(NHI,X) values """ # Evaluate without z dependence log_fNX = model.__call__(NHI) return log_fNX
[docs]def calculate_lox(model, NHI_min, NHI_max=None, neval=10000, cumul=False): """ Calculate l(X) over an N_HI interval Parameters ---------- z : float Redshift for evaluation NHI_min : float minimum log NHI value NHI_max : float, optional maximum log NHI value for evaluation (Infinity) neval : int, optional Discretization parameter (10000) cumul : bool, optional Return a cumulative array? (False) cosmo : astropy.cosmology, optional Cosmological model to adopt (as needed) Returns ------- lX : float l(X) value """ # Initial if NHI_max is None: NHI_max = 23. # Brute force (should be good to ~0.5%) lgNHI = np.linspace(NHI_min,NHI_max,neval) #NHI_min + (NHI_max-NHI_min)*np.arange(neval)/(neval-1.) dlgN = lgNHI[1]-lgNHI[0] # Evaluate f(N,X) lgfNX = evaluate_fN(model, lgNHI) # Sum lX = np.sum(10.**(lgfNX+lgNHI)) * dlgN * np.log(10.) if cumul is True: cum_sum = np.cumsum(10.**(lgfNX+lgNHI)) * dlgN * np.log(10.) # Return return lX, cum_sum, lgNHI