Source code for desisim.templates


Functions to simulate spectral templates for DESI.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from copy import copy
from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
from import empty_metatable

    from scipy import constants
    C_LIGHT = constants.c/1000.0
except TypeError: # This can happen during documentation builds.
    C_LIGHT = 299792458.0/1000.0

def _check_input_meta(input_meta, ignore_templateid=False):
    log = get_logger()
    cols = input_meta.colnames
    if ignore_templateid:
        required_cols = ('SEED', 'REDSHIFT', 'MAG', 'MAGFILTER')
        required_cols = ('TEMPLATEID', 'SEED', 'REDSHIFT', 'MAG', 'MAGFILTER')
    if not np.all(np.in1d(required_cols, cols)):
        log.warning('Input metadata table (input_meta) is missing one or more required columns {}'.format(
        raise ValueError

def _check_input_objmeta(input_objmeta, objtype):
    log = get_logger()
    cols = input_objmeta.colnames
    _, ref = empty_metatable(objtype=objtype)

    required_cols = ref.colnames
    if not np.all(np.in1d(required_cols, cols)):
        log.warning('Input object metadata table (input_objmeta) is missing one or more required columns {}'.format(
        raise ValueError

def _check_star_properties(star_properties, WD=False):
    log = get_logger()
    cols = star_properties.colnames
    required_cols = ['REDSHIFT', 'MAG', 'MAGFILTER', 'TEFF', 'LOGG']
    if not WD:
        required_cols = required_cols + ['FEH']
    if not np.all(np.in1d(required_cols, cols)):
        log.warning('Input star_properties is missing one or more required columns {}'.format(
        raise ValueError

[docs]class EMSpectrum(object): """Construct a complete nebular emission-line spectrum. Read the requisite external data files and initialize the output wavelength array. The desired output wavelength array can either by passed directly using LOG10WAVE (note: must be a log-base10, i.e., constant-velocity pixel array!) or via the MINWAVE, MAXWAVE, and CDELT_KMS arguments. In addition, three data files are required: ${DESISIM}/data/recombination_lines.escv, ${DESISIM}/data/forbidden_lines.esv, and ${DESISIM}/data/forbidden_mog.fits. TODO (@moustakas): Incorporate AGN-like emission-line ratios. TODO (@moustakas): Think about how to best include dust attenuation in the lines. Args: minwave (float, optional): Minimum value of the output wavelength array [Angstrom, default 3600]. maxwave (float, optional): Minimum value of the output wavelength array [Angstrom, default 10000]. cdelt_kms (float, optional): Spacing of the output wavelength array [km/s, default 20]. log10wave (numpy.ndarray, optional): Input/output wavelength array (log10-Angstrom, default None). include_mgii (bool, optional): Include Mg II in emission (default False). Attributes: log10wave (numpy.ndarray): Wavelength array constructed from the input arguments. line (astropy.Table): Table containing the laboratoy (vacuum) wavelengths and nominal line-ratios for several dozen forbidden and recombination nebular emission lines. forbidmog (GaussianMixtureModel): Table containing the mixture of Gaussian parameters encoding the forbidden emission-line priors. oiiidoublet (float32): Intrinsic [OIII] 5007/4959 doublet ratio (set by atomic physics). niidoublet (float32): Intrinsic [NII] 6584/6548 doublet ratio (set by atomic physics). Raises: IOError: If the required data files are not found. """ def __init__(self, minwave=3650.0, maxwave=7075.0, cdelt_kms=20.0, log10wave=None, include_mgii=False): from pkg_resources import resource_filename from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel log = get_logger() # Build a wavelength array if one is not given. if log10wave is None: cdelt = cdelt_kms/C_LIGHT/np.log(10) # pixel size [log-10 A] npix = int(round((np.log10(maxwave)-np.log10(minwave))/cdelt))+1 self.log10wave = np.linspace(np.log10(minwave), np.log10(maxwave), npix) else: self.log10wave = log10wave # Read the files which contain the recombination and forbidden lines. recombfile = resource_filename('desisim', 'data/recombination_lines.ecsv') forbidfile = resource_filename('desisim', 'data/forbidden_lines.ecsv') forbidmogfile = resource_filename('desisim','data/forbidden_mogs.fits') if not os.path.isfile(recombfile): log.fatal('Required data file {} not found!'.format(recombfile)) raise IOError if not os.path.isfile(forbidfile): log.fatal('Required data file {} not found!'.format(forbidfile)) raise IOError if not os.path.isfile(forbidmogfile): log.fatal('Required data file {} not found!'.format(forbidmogfile)) raise IOError recombdata =, format='ascii.ecsv', guess=False) forbiddata =, format='ascii.ecsv', guess=False) self.include_mgii = include_mgii if not self.include_mgii: forbiddata.remove_rows(np.where(forbiddata['name'] == 'MgII_2800a')[0]) forbiddata.remove_rows(np.where(forbiddata['name'] == 'MgII_2800b')[0]) line = vstack([recombdata,forbiddata], metadata_conflicts='silent') nline = len(line) line['flux'] = Column(np.ones(nline), dtype='f8') # integrated line-flux line['amp'] = Column(np.ones(nline), dtype='f8') # amplitude self.line = line[np.argsort(line['wave'])] self.forbidmog = GaussianMixtureModel.load(forbidmogfile) self.oiiidoublet = 2.8875 # [OIII] 5007/4959 self.niidoublet = 2.93579 # [NII] 6584/6548 self.oidoublet = 3.03502 # [OI] 6300/6363 self.siiidoublet = 2.4686 # [SIII] 9532/9069 self.ariiidoublet = 4.16988 # [ArIII] 7135/7751 self.mgiidoublet = 1.0 # MgII 2803/2796
[docs] def spectrum(self, oiiihbeta=None, oiihbeta=None, niihbeta=None, siihbeta=None, oiidoublet=0.73, siidoublet=1.3, linesigma=75.0, zshift=0.0, oiiflux=None, hbetaflux=None, seed=None): """Build the actual emission-line spectrum. Building the emission-line spectrum involves three main steps. First, the oiiihbeta, oiihbeta, and niihbeta emission-line ratios are either drawn from the empirical mixture of Gaussians (recommended!) or input values are used to construct the line-ratios of the strongest optical forbidden lines relative to H-beta. Note that all three of oiiihbeta, oiihbeta, and niihbeta must be specified simultaneously in order for them to be used. Second, the requested [OII] 3726,29 and [SII] 6716,31 doublet ratios are imposed. And finally the full emission-line spectrum is self-consistently normalized to *either* an integrated [OII] 3726,29 line-flux *or* an integrated H-beta line-flux. Generally an ELG and LRG spectrum will be normalized using [OII] while the a BGS spectrum will be normalized using H-beta. Note that the H-beta normalization trumps the [OII] normalization (in the case that both are given). TODO (@moustakas): Add a suitably scaled nebular continuum spectrum. TODO (@moustakas): Add more emission lines (e.g., [NeIII] 3869). Args: oiiihbeta (float, optional): Desired logarithmic [OIII] 5007/H-beta line-ratio (default -0.2). A sensible range is [-0.5,0.2]. oiihbeta (float, optional): Desired logarithmic [OII] 3726,29/H-beta line-ratio (default 0.1). A sensible range is [0.0,0.4]. niihbeta (float, optional): Desired logarithmic [NII] 6584/H-beta line-ratio (default -0.2). A sensible range is [-0.6,0.0]. siihbeta (float, optional): Desired logarithmic [SII] 6716/H-beta line-ratio (default -0.3). A sensible range is [-0.5,0.2]. oiidoublet (float, optional): Desired [OII] 3726/3729 doublet ratio (default 0.73). siidoublet (float, optional): Desired [SII] 6716/6731 doublet ratio (default 1.3). linesigma (float, optional): Intrinsic emission-line velocity width/sigma (default 75 km/s). A sensible range is [30-150]. zshift (float, optional): Perturb the emission lines from their laboratory (rest) wavelengths by a factor 1+ZSHIFT (default 0.0). Use with caution! oiiflux (float, optional): Normalize the emission-line spectrum to this integrated [OII] emission-line flux (default None). hbetaflux (float, optional): Normalize the emission-line spectrum to this integrated H-beta emission-line flux (default None). seed (int, optional): input seed for the random numbers. Returns: Tuple of (emspec, wave, line), where emspec is an Array [npix] of flux values [erg/s/cm2/A]; wave is an Array [npix] of vacuum wavelengths corresponding to FLUX [Angstrom, linear spacing]; line is a Table of emission-line parameters used to generate the emission-line spectrum. """ from astropy.table import Table rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) line = self.line.copy() nline = len(line) # Convenience variables. is4959 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OIII]_4959')[0] is5007 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OIII]_5007')[0] is6548 = np.where(line['name'] == '[NII]_6548')[0] is6584 = np.where(line['name'] == '[NII]_6584')[0] is6716 = np.where(line['name'] == '[SII]_6716')[0] is6731 = np.where(line['name'] == '[SII]_6731')[0] #is3869 = np.where(line['name'] == '[NeIII]_3869')[0] is3726 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OII]_3726')[0] is3729 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OII]_3729')[0] is6300 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OI]_6300')[0] is6363 = np.where(line['name'] == '[OI]_6363')[0] is9532 = np.where(line['name'] == '[SIII]_9532')[0] is9069 = np.where(line['name'] == '[SIII]_9069')[0] is7135 = np.where(line['name'] == '[ArIII]_7135')[0] is7751 = np.where(line['name'] == '[ArIII]_7751')[0] # Draw from the MoGs for forbidden lines. if oiiihbeta is None or oiihbeta is None or niihbeta is None or siihbeta is None: oiiihbeta, oiihbeta, niihbeta, siihbeta = \ self.forbidmog.sample(random_state=rand)[0] # Normalize [OIII] 4959, 5007. line['ratio'][is5007] = 10**oiiihbeta # [OIII]/Hbeta line['ratio'][is4959] = line['ratio'][is5007]/self.oiiidoublet # Normalize [NII] 6548,6584. line['ratio'][is6584] = 10**niihbeta # [NII]/Hbeta line['ratio'][is6548] = line['ratio'][is6584]/self.niidoublet # Normalize [SII] 6716,6731. line['ratio'][is6716] = 10**siihbeta # [SII]/Hbeta line['ratio'][is6731] = line['ratio'][is6716]/siidoublet # Hack! For the following lines use constant ratios relative to H-beta-- # Normalize [OI] line['ratio'][is6300] = 0.1 # [OI]6300/Hbeta line['ratio'][is6363] = line['ratio'][is6300]/self.oidoublet # Normalize [SIII] line['ratio'][is9532] = 0.75 # [SIII]9532/Hbeta line['ratio'][is9069] = line['ratio'][is9532]/self.siiidoublet # Normalize [ArIII] line['ratio'][is7135] = 0.04 # [ArIII]7135/Hbeta line['ratio'][is7751] = line['ratio'][is7135]/self.ariiidoublet # Normalize MgII if self.include_mgii: is2800a = np.where(line['name'] == 'MgII_2800a')[0] is2800b = np.where(line['name'] == 'MgII_2800b')[0] line['ratio'][is2800a] = 0.3 # MgII2796/Hbeta line['ratio'][is2800a] = line['ratio'][is2800a]/self.mgiidoublet ## Normalize [NeIII] 3869. #coeff = np.asarray([1.0876,-1.1647]) #disp = 0.1 # dex #line['ratio'][is3869] = 10**(np.polyval(coeff,np.log10(oiiihbeta))+ # rand.normal(0.0,disp)) # Normalize [OII] 3727, split into [OII] 3726,3729. factor1 = oiidoublet / (1.0+oiidoublet) # convert 3727-->3726 factor2 = 1.0/(1.0+oiidoublet) # convert 3727-->3729 line['ratio'][is3726] = factor1*10**oiihbeta line['ratio'][is3729] = factor2*10**oiihbeta # Normalize the full spectrum to the desired integrated [OII] 3727 or # H-beta flux (but not both!) if (oiiflux is None) and (hbetaflux is None): line['flux'] = line['ratio'] if (hbetaflux is None) and (oiiflux is not None): for ii in range(nline): line['ratio'][ii] /= line['ratio'][is3729] line['flux'][ii] = oiiflux*factor2*line['ratio'][ii] if (hbetaflux is not None) and (oiiflux is None): for ii in range(nline): line['flux'][ii] = hbetaflux*line['ratio'][ii] if (hbetaflux is not None) and (oiiflux is not None): log.warning('Both hbetaflux and oiiflux were given; using hbetaflux.') for ii in range(nline): line['flux'][ii] = hbetaflux*line['ratio'][ii] # Finally build the emission-line spectrum log10sigma = linesigma /C_LIGHT / np.log(10) # line-width [log-10 Angstrom] emspec = np.zeros_like(self.log10wave) loglinewave = np.log10(line['wave']) these = np.where( (loglinewave > self.log10wave.min()) * (loglinewave < self.log10wave.max()) )[0] if len(these) > 0: theseline = line[these] for ii in range(len(theseline)): amp = theseline['flux'][ii] / theseline['wave'][ii] / np.log(10) # line-amplitude [erg/s/cm2/A] thislinewave = np.log10(theseline['wave'][ii] * (1.0 + zshift)) theseline['amp'][ii] = amp / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * log10sigma) # [erg/s/A] # Construct the spectrum [erg/s/cm2/A, rest] jj = np.abs( self.log10wave - thislinewave ) < 6 * log10sigma emspec[jj] += amp * np.exp(-0.5 * (self.log10wave[jj]-thislinewave)**2 / log10sigma**2) \ / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * log10sigma) else: theseline = Table() return emspec, 10**self.log10wave, theseline
[docs]class GALAXY(object): """Base class for generating Monte Carlo spectra of the various flavors of galaxies (ELG, BGS, and LRG). """ def __init__(self, objtype='ELG', minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, transient=None, tr_fluxratio=(0.01, 1.), tr_epoch=(-10,10), include_mgii=False, colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', normline='OII', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Read the appropriate basis continuum templates, filter profiles and initialize the output wavelength array. Note: Only a linearly-spaced output wavelength array is currently supported. TODO (@moustakas): Incorporate size and morphological properties. Args: objtype (str): object type (default 'ELG') minwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array (default 3600 Angstrom). maxwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array (default 10000 Angstrom). cdelt (float, optional): spacing of the output wavelength array (default 2 Angstrom/pixel). wave (numpy.ndarray): Input/output observed-frame wavelength array, overriding the minwave, maxwave, and cdelt arguments (Angstrom). colorcuts_function (function name): Function to use to select templates that pass the color-cuts for the specified objtype Note that this argument can also be a tuple of more than one selection function to apply (e.g., desitarget.cuts.isBGS_faint and desitarget.cuts.isBGS_bright) which will be applied in sequence (default None). normfilter_north (str): normalization filter for simulated "north" templates. Each spectrum is normalized to the magnitude in this filter bandpass (default 'BASS-r'). normfilter_south (str): corresponding normalization filter for "south" (default 'decam2014-r'). normline (str): normalize the emission-line spectrum to the flux in this emission line. The options are 'OII' (for ELGs, the default), 'HBETA' (for BGS), or None (for LRGs). transient (Transient, None): optional Transient object to integrate into the spectrum (default None). tr_fluxratio (tuple): optional flux ratio range for transient and host spectrum. Default is (0.01, 1). tr_epoch (tuple): optional epoch range for uniformly sampling a transient spectrum, in days. Default is (-10, 10). include_mgii (bool, optional): Include Mg II in emission (default False). Attributes: wave (numpy.ndarray): Output wavelength array (Angstrom). baseflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nbase,npix] of the base rest-frame continuum spectra (erg/s/cm2/A). basewave (numpy.ndarray): Array [npix] of rest-frame wavelengths corresponding to BASEFLUX (Angstrom). basemeta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nbase] for each base template. pixbound (numpy.ndarray): Pixel boundaries of BASEWAVE (Angstrom). normfilt_north (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_north. normfilt_south (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_south. decamwise (speclite.filters instance): DECam2014-[g,r,z] and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. bassmzlswise (speclite.filters instance): BASS-[g,r], MzLS-z and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. Optional Attributes: sne_baseflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [sne_nbase,sne_npix] of the base rest-frame SNeIa spectra interpolated onto BASEWAVE [erg/s/cm2/A]. sne_basemeta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data for each base SNeIa spectra [sne_nbase]. rfilt_north (speclite.filters instance): BASS r-band FilterSequence. rfilt_south (speclite.filters instance): DECam2014 r-band FilterSequence. """ from speclite import filters from desisim import pixelsplines as pxs self.objtype = objtype.upper() self.colorcuts_function = colorcuts_function self.normfilter_north = normfilter_north self.normfilter_south = normfilter_south self.normline = normline # Initialize the output wavelength array (linear spacing) unless it is # already provided. if wave is None: npix = int(round((maxwave-minwave) / cdelt))+1 wave = np.linspace(minwave, maxwave, npix) self.wave = wave # Read the rest-frame continuum basis spectra, if not specified. if baseflux is None or basewave is None or basemeta is None: from import read_basis_templates baseflux, basewave, basemeta = read_basis_templates(objtype=self.objtype) self.baseflux = baseflux self.basewave = basewave self.basemeta = basemeta self.imidwave = np.argmin(np.abs(basewave-5500.0)) # index closest to 5500 Angstrom # Initialize the EMSpectrum object with the same wavelength array as # the "base" (continuum) templates so that we don't have to resample. if self.normline is not None: if self.normline.upper() not in ('OII', 'HBETA'): log.warning('Unrecognized normline input {}; setting to None.'.format(self.normline)) self.normline = None self.EM = EMSpectrum(log10wave=np.log10(self.basewave), include_mgii=include_mgii) # Optionally access a transient model. self.transient = transient self.trans_fluxratiorange = tr_fluxratio self.trans_epochrange = tr_epoch if self.transient is not None: self.rfilt_north = filters.load_filters('BASS-r') self.rfilt_south = filters.load_filters('decam2014-r') # Pixel boundaries #self.pixbound = pxs.cen2bound(basewave) # Initialize the filter profiles. self.normfilt_north = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_north) self.normfilt_south = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_south) self.decamwise = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') self.bassmzlswise = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') # Default fiber fractions based on self.fiberflux_fraction = {'ELG': 0.6, 'LRG': 0.4, 'BGS': 0.3}
[docs] def _blurmatrix(self, vdisp, log=None): """Pre-compute the blur_matrix as a dictionary keyed by each unique value of vdisp. """ from desisim import pixelsplines as pxs uvdisp = list(set(vdisp)) log.debug('Populating blur matrix with {} unique velocity dispersion values.'.format(len(uvdisp))) if len(uvdisp) > self.fracvdisp[1]: log.warning('Slow code ahead! Consider reducing the number of input velocity dispersion values from {}.'.format( len(uvdisp))) blurmatrix = dict() for uvv in uvdisp: sigma = 1.0 + (self.basewave * uvv / C_LIGHT) blurmatrix[uvv] = pxs.gauss_blur_matrix(self.pixbound, sigma).astype('f4') return blurmatrix
[docs] def lineratios(self, nobj, oiiihbrange=(-0.5, 0.2), oiidoublet_meansig=(0.73, 0.05), agnlike=False, rand=None): """Get the correct number and distribution of the forbidden and [OII] 3726/3729 doublet emission-line ratios. Note that the agnlike option is not yet supported. Supporting oiiihbrange needs a different (fast) approach. Suppressing the code below for now until it's needed. """ if agnlike: raise NotImplementedError('AGNLIKE option not yet implemented') if rand is None: rand = np.random.RandomState() if oiidoublet_meansig[1] > 0: oiidoublet = rand.normal(oiidoublet_meansig[0], oiidoublet_meansig[1], nobj) else: oiidoublet = np.repeat(oiidoublet_meansig[0], nobj) # Sample from the MoG. This is not strictly correct because it ignores # the prior on [OIII]/Hbeta, but let's revisit that later. samp = self.EM.forbidmog.sample(nobj, random_state=rand) oiiihbeta = samp[:, 0] oiihbeta = samp[:, 1] niihbeta = samp[:, 2] siihbeta = samp[:, 3] return oiidoublet, oiihbeta, niihbeta, siihbeta, oiiihbeta
[docs] def make_galaxy_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.6, 1.6), magrange=(20.0, 22.0), oiiihbrange=(-0.5, 0.2), vdisprange=(100.0, 300.0), minlineflux=0.0, trans_filter='decam2014-r', maxiter=10, seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, nocolorcuts=False, nocontinuum=False, agnlike=False, novdisp=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo galaxy spectra/templates. This function chooses random subsets of the basis continuum spectra (for the given galaxy spectral type), constructs an emission-line spectrum (if desired), redshifts, convolves by the intrinsic velocity dispersion, and then finally normalizes each spectrum to a (generated or input) apparent magnitude. In detail, each (output) model gets randomly assigned a continuum (basis) template; however, if that template doesn't pass the (spectral) class-specific color cuts (at the specified redshift), then we iterate through the rest of the templates until we find one that *does* pass the color-cuts. The user also (optionally) has a lot of flexibility over the inputs/outputs and can specify any combination of the redshift, velocity dispersion, and apparent magnitude (in the normalization filter specified in the GALAXY.__init__ method) inputs. Alternatively, the user can pass a complete metadata table, in order to easily regenerate spectra on-the-fly (see the documentation for the input_meta argument, below). Note: The default inputs are generally set to values which are appropriate for ELGs, so be sure to alter them when generating templates for other spectral classes. Args: nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). zrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum redshift range. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (0.6, 1.6). magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Defaults to a uniform distribution between (20.0, 22.0). oiiihbrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum logarithmic [OIII] 5007/H-beta line-ratio. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (-0.5, 0.2). vdisprange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum velocity dispersion range. Defaults to (100, 300) km/s. minlineflux (float, optional): Minimum emission-line flux in the line specified by self.normline (default 0 erg/s/cm2). trans_filter (str): filter corresponding to TRANS_FLUXRATIORANGE (default 'decam2014-r'). maxiter (int): maximum number of iterations for generating the requested number of templates template which also satisfy the color-cuts (default 10). seed (int, optional): Input seed for the random numbers. redshift (float, optional): Input/output template redshifts. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores zrange input. mag (float, optional): Input/output template magnitudes in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. vdisp (float, optional): Input/output velocity dispersions in km/s. Array size must equal nmodel. input_meta (astropy.Table): *Input* metadata table with the following required columns: TEMPLATEID, SEED, REDSHIFT, MAG, and MAGFILTER (see for the expected data types). In addition, in order to faithfully reproduce a previous set of spectra, then VDISP must also be passed (normally returned in the OBJMETA table). If present, then all other optional inputs (nmodel, redshift, mag, zrange, logvdisp_meansig, etc.) are ignored. input_objmeta (astropy.Table): *Input* object-specific metadata table. nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the color-cuts specified by the self.colorcuts_function function (default False). nocontinuum (bool, optional): Do not include the stellar continuum in the output spectrum (useful for testing; default False). Note that this option automatically sets nocolorcuts to True and transient to False. novdisp (bool, optional): Do not velocity-blur the spectrum (default False). agnlike (bool, optional): Adopt AGN-like emission-line ratios (e.g., for the LRGs and some BGS galaxies) (default False, meaning we adopt star-formation-like line-ratios). Option not yet supported. south (bool, optional): Apply "south" color-cuts using the DECaLS filter system, otherwise apply the "north" (MzLS+BASS) color-cuts. Defaults to True. restframe (bool, optional): If True, return full resolution restframe templates instead of resampled observer frame. verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError """ from speclite import filters from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux #from redrock.rebin import trapz_rebin from astropy.table import Column from astropy import units as u from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() # Basic error checking and some preliminaries. if nocontinuum: log.debug('Forcing nocolorcuts=True, transient=None since nocontinuum=True.') nocolorcuts = True self.transient = None npix = len(self.basewave) nbase = len(self.basemeta) # Optionally unpack a metadata table. if input_meta is not None: _check_input_meta(input_meta) if input_objmeta is not None: _check_input_objmeta(input_objmeta, self.objtype) vdisp = input_objmeta['VDISP'] templateseed = input_meta['SEED'].data rand = np.random.RandomState(templateseed[0]) use_redshift = input_meta['REDSHIFT'].data use_mag = input_meta['MAG'].data magfilter = np.char.strip(input_meta['MAGFILTER'].data) nchunk = 1 nmodel = len(input_meta) else: # Initialize the random seed. If nmodel=1, use the input seed itself. rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if nmodel == 1 and seed is not None: templateseed = np.atleast_1d(seed) else: templateseed = rand.randint(2**32, size=nmodel) # Divide the basis templates into chunks, so we can speed up the # calculations below. chunksize = np.min((nbase, 100)) nchunk = int(np.ceil(nbase / chunksize)) if south: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_south, nmodel) else: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_north, nmodel) if redshift is not None: if len(redshift) != nmodel: log.fatal('Redshift must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_redshift = copy(redshift) else: use_redshift = None if mag is not None: if len(mag) != nmodel: log.fatal('Mag must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_mag = copy(mag) else: use_mag = None if vdisp is not None: if len(vdisp) != nmodel: log.fatal('Vdisp must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_vdisp = copy(vdisp) vzero = np.where(vdisp <= 0)[0] if len(vzero) > 0: log.fatal('Velocity dispersion is zero or negative!') raise ValueError else: use_vdisp = None meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype=self.objtype) # Generate the (optional) distribution of transient model brightness # and epoch priors or read them from the input table. if self.transient is not None: print('Fix transient stuff') trans_rfluxratio = rand.uniform(self.trans_fluxratiorange[0], self.trans_fluxratiorange[1], nmodel) log.debug('Flux ratio range: {:g} to {:g}'.format(self.trans_fluxratiorange[0], self.trans_fluxratiorange[1])) log.debug('Generated ratios: {}'.format(trans_rfluxratio)) tmin = self.trans_epochrange[0] if tmin < self.transient.mintime().to('day').value: tmin = self.transient.mintime().to('day').value tmin = int(tmin) tmax = self.trans_epochrange[1] if tmax > self.transient.maxtime().to('day').value: tmax = self.transient.maxtime().to('day').value tmax = int(tmax) trans_epoch = rand.randint(tmin, tmax, nmodel) log.debug('Epoch range: {:d} d to {:d} d'.format(tmin, tmax)) log.debug('Generated epochs: {}'.format(trans_epoch)) # Populate the object metadata table. objmeta['TRANSIENT_MODEL'][:] = np.full(nmodel, self.transient.model) objmeta['TRANSIENT_TYPE'][:] = np.full(nmodel, self.transient.type) objmeta['TRANSIENT_EPOCH'][:] = trans_epoch objmeta['TRANSIENT_RFLUXRATIO'][:] = trans_rfluxratio # Populate some of the metadata table. for key, value in zip(('MAGFILTER', 'SEED'),(magfilter, templateseed)): meta[key][:] = value # Load the unique set of MAGFILTERs. We could check against # self.decamwise.names and self.bassmzlswise to see if the filters have # already been loaded, but speed should not be an issue. normfilt = dict() for mfilter in np.unique(magfilter): normfilt[mfilter] = filters.load_filters(mfilter) # Optionally initialize the emission-line objects and line-ratios. d4000 = self.basemeta['D4000'].data # Build each spectrum in turn. if restframe: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.basewave)]) else: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.wave)]) # [erg/s/cm2/A] fiberflux_fraction = self.fiberflux_fraction[self.objtype] for ii in range(nmodel): templaterand = np.random.RandomState(templateseed[ii]) # Shuffle the templates in order to add some variety to the selection. if input_meta is None: alltemplateid = templaterand.choice(nbase, size=nbase, replace=False) alltemplateid_chunk = np.array_split(alltemplateid, nchunk) else: alltemplateid_chunk = [np.atleast_1d(input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][ii])] # Iterate up to maxiter. makemore, itercount = True, 0 while makemore: if use_redshift is None: redshift = templaterand.uniform(zrange[0], zrange[1]) else: redshift = use_redshift[ii] if use_mag is None: mag = templaterand.uniform(magrange[0], magrange[1]) else: mag = use_mag[ii] if use_vdisp is None: vdisp = templaterand.uniform(vdisprange[0], vdisprange[1]) else: vdisp = use_vdisp[ii] zwave = self.basewave.astype(float) * (1.0 + redshift) # Optionally generate the emission-line spectrum for this model. if self.normline is None: emflux = np.zeros(npix) normlineflux = np.zeros(nbase) else: # Build the emission-line spectrum for this object. In # detail the line-ratios should correlate with D(4000) or # something else. if input_objmeta is not None: oiidoublet = input_objmeta['OIIDOUBLET'][ii] oiihbeta = input_objmeta['OIIHBETA'][ii] niihbeta = input_objmeta['NIIHBETA'][ii] siihbeta = input_objmeta['SIIHBETA'][ii] oiiihbeta = input_objmeta['OIIIHBETA'][ii] oiiflux = input_objmeta['OIIFLUX'][ii] hbetaflux = input_objmeta['HBETAFLUX'][ii] ewoii = input_objmeta['EWOII'][ii] ewhbeta = input_objmeta['EWHBETA'][ii] else: oiidoublet, oiihbeta, niihbeta, siihbeta, oiiihbeta = \ self.lineratios(nobj=1, oiiihbrange=oiiihbrange, rand=templaterand, agnlike=agnlike) if self.normline.upper() == 'OII': ewoii = 10.0**(np.polyval(self.ewoiicoeff, d4000) + # rest-frame EW([OII]), Angstrom templaterand.normal(0.0, 0.3, nbase)) elif self.normline.upper() == 'HBETA': ewhbeta = 10.0**(np.polyval(self.ewhbetacoeff, d4000) + \ templaterand.normal(0.0, 0.2, nbase)) * \ (self.basemeta['HBETA_LIMIT'].data == 0) # rest-frame H-beta, Angstrom if self.normline.upper() == 'OII': normlineflux = self.basemeta['OII_CONTINUUM'].data * ewoii emflux, emwave, emline = self.EM.spectrum(linesigma=vdisp, seed=templateseed[ii], oiidoublet=oiidoublet, oiiihbeta=oiiihbeta, oiihbeta=oiihbeta, niihbeta=niihbeta, siihbeta=siihbeta, oiiflux=1.0) elif self.normline.upper() == 'HBETA': normlineflux = self.basemeta['HBETA_CONTINUUM'].data * ewhbeta emflux, emwave, emline = self.EM.spectrum(linesigma=vdisp, seed=templateseed[ii], oiidoublet=oiidoublet, oiiihbeta=oiiihbeta, oiihbeta=oiihbeta, niihbeta=niihbeta, siihbeta=siihbeta, hbetaflux=1.0) emflux /= (1+redshift) # [erg/s/cm2/A, @redshift] for key, value in zip(('OIIIHBETA', 'OIIHBETA', 'NIIHBETA', 'SIIHBETA', 'OIIDOUBLET'), (oiiihbeta, oiihbeta, niihbeta, siihbeta, oiidoublet)): objmeta[key][ii] = value # Optionally get the transient spectrum and normalization factor. if self.transient is not None: # Evaluate the flux where the model has defined wavelengths. # Zero-pad all other wavelength values. trans_restflux = np.zeros_like(self.basewave, dtype=float) minw = self.transient.minwave().to('Angstrom').value maxw = self.transient.maxwave().to('Angstrom').value j = np.argwhere(self.basewave >= minw)[0,0] k = np.argwhere(self.basewave <= maxw)[-1,0] trans_restflux[j:k] = self.transient.flux(trans_epoch[ii], self.basewave[j:k] * u.Angstrom) trans_norm = normfilt[magfilter[ii]].get_ab_maggies(trans_restflux, zwave) # Assign the emission-line spectrum to chunks of continuum spectra # until we simulate all the models requested. for ichunk in range(nchunk): if ii % 100 == 0 and ii > 0: log.debug('Simulating {} template {}/{} in chunk {}/{}.'. \ format(self.objtype, ii, nmodel, ichunk+1, nchunk)) templateid = alltemplateid_chunk[ichunk] nbasechunk = len(templateid) if nocontinuum: restflux = np.tile(emflux, (nbasechunk, 1)) * \ np.tile(normlineflux[templateid], (npix, 1)).T else: restflux = self.baseflux[templateid, :] + np.tile(emflux, (nbasechunk, 1)) * \ np.tile(normlineflux[templateid], (npix, 1)).T # Optionally add in the transient spectrum. if self.transient is not None: galnorm = normfilt[magfilter[ii]].get_ab_maggies(restflux, zwave) trans_factor = galnorm[magfilter[ii]].data * trans_rfluxratio[ii]/trans_norm[magfilter[ii]].data restflux += np.tile(trans_restflux, (nbasechunk, 1)) * np.tile(trans_factor, (npix, 1)).T # Synthesize photometry to determine which models will pass the # color-cuts. if south: maggies = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(restflux, zwave, mask_invalid=True) else: maggies = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(restflux, zwave, mask_invalid=True) if nocontinuum: magnorm = np.repeat(10**(-0.4*mag), nbasechunk) else: normmaggies = np.array(normfilt[magfilter[ii]].get_ab_maggies( restflux, zwave, mask_invalid=True)[magfilter[ii]]) assert(np.all(normmaggies > 0)) magnorm = 10**(-0.4*mag) / normmaggies synthnano = dict() for key in maggies.columns: synthnano[key] = 1E9 * maggies[key] * magnorm # nanomaggies zlineflux = normlineflux[templateid] * magnorm if south: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['decam2014-g']), \['decam2014-r']),['decam2014-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) else: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['BASS-g']), \['BASS-r']),['MzLS-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) if nocolorcuts or self.colorcuts_function is None: colormask = np.repeat(1, nbasechunk) else: # differentiate the different selections for BGS, ELG, and LRG targets if self.objtype == 'BGS': _colormask = [] for targtype in ('bright', 'faint', 'wise'): _colormask.append(self.colorcuts_function( gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, rfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*rflux, rfibertotflux=fiberflux_fraction*rflux, south=south, targtype=targtype)) colormask = np.any(, axis=0 ) elif self.objtype == 'ELG': # colormask_vlo, _colormask = self.colorcuts_function( gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, gfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*gflux, rfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*rflux, zfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) colormask = np.any([colormask_vlo, _colormask])), axis=0 ) else: colormask = self.colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, gfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*gflux, rfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*rflux, zfiberflux=fiberflux_fraction*zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) # If the color-cuts pass then populate the output flux vector # (suitably normalized) and metadata table, convolve with the # velocity dispersion, resample, and finish up. Note that the # emission lines already have the velocity dispersion # line-width. #if ii == 0: # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() if np.any(colormask*(zlineflux >= minlineflux)): this = templaterand.choice(np.where(colormask * (zlineflux >= minlineflux))[0]) # Pick one randomly. tempid = templateid[this] thisemflux = emflux * normlineflux[templateid[this]] if nocontinuum or novdisp: blurflux = restflux[this, :] * magnorm[this] else: sigma = 1.0 + (self.basewave[self.imidwave] * vdisp / C_LIGHT) # [pixels] blurflux = ((gaussian_filter1d(restflux[this, :] - thisemflux, sigma=sigma)) + thisemflux) * magnorm[this] if restframe: outflux[ii, :] = blurflux else: trim = (zwave > (self.wave.min()-10.0)) * (zwave < (self.wave.max()+10.0)) #outflux[ii, :] = trapz_rebin(zwave[trim], blurflux[trim], self.wave) outflux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.wave, zwave, blurflux, extrapolate=True) meta['TEMPLATEID'][ii] = tempid meta['REDSHIFT'][ii] = redshift meta['MAG'][ii] = mag meta['FLUX_G'][ii] = gflux[this] meta['FLUX_R'][ii] = rflux[this] meta['FLUX_Z'][ii] = zflux[this] meta['FLUX_W1'][ii] = w1flux[this] meta['FLUX_W2'][ii] = w2flux[this] objmeta['VDISP'][ii] = vdisp objmeta['D4000'][ii] = d4000[tempid] if self.normline is not None: if input_objmeta is not None: objmeta['OIIFLUX'][ii] = oiiflux objmeta['EWOII'][ii] = ewoii objmeta['HBETAFLUX'][ii] = hbetaflux objmeta['EWHBETA'][ii] = ewhbeta else: if self.normline == 'OII': objmeta['OIIFLUX'][ii] = zlineflux[this] objmeta['EWOII'][ii] = ewoii[tempid] elif self.normline == 'HBETA': objmeta['HBETAFLUX'][ii] = zlineflux[this] objmeta['EWHBETA'][ii] = ewhbeta[tempid] # We succeeded modeling this object! makemore = False break #print(ii, ichunk, itercount) itercount += 1 if itercount == maxiter: log.warning('Maximum number of iterations reached on {} model {}'.format(self.objtype, ii)) makemore = False # Check to see if any spectra could not be computed. success = (np.sum(outflux, axis=1) > 0)*1 if ~np.all(success): log.warning('{} spectra could not be computed given the input priors!'.\ format(np.sum(success == 0))) raise ValueError if restframe: outwave = self.basewave else: outwave = self.wave return 1e17 * outflux, outwave, meta, objmeta
[docs]class ELG(GALAXY): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of emission-line galaxies (ELGs).""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, transient=None, tr_fluxratio=(0.01, 1.), tr_epoch=(-10,10), include_mgii=False, colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-g', normfilter_south='decam2014-g', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the ELG class. See the GALAXY.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Note: By default, we assume the emission-line spectra are normalized to the integrated [OII] emission-line flux. Args: Attributes: ewoiicoeff (float, array): empirically derived coefficients to map D(4000) to EW([OII]). Raises: """ if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isELG_colors as colorcuts_function super(ELG, self).__init__(objtype='ELG', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, normline='OII', colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta, transient=transient, tr_fluxratio=tr_fluxratio, tr_epoch=tr_epoch, include_mgii=include_mgii) self.ewoiicoeff = [1.34323087, -5.02866474, 5.43842874]
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.6, 1.6), magrange=(20.0, 23.4), oiiihbrange=(-0.5, 0.2), vdisprange=(50.0, 150.0), minoiiflux=0.0, trans_filter='decam2014-r', redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, seed=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, nocolorcuts=False, nocontinuum=False, agnlike=False, novdisp=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo ELG spectra/templates. See the GALAXY.make_galaxy_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments that are specific to the ELG class. Args: oiiihbrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum logarithmic [OIII] 5007/H-beta line-ratio. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (-0.5, 0.2). vdisprange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum velocity dispersion range. Defaults to (50, 150) km/s. minoiiflux (float, optional): Minimum [OII] 3727 flux (default 0.0 erg/s/cm2). Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_galaxy_templates(nmodel=nmodel, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, oiiihbrange=oiiihbrange, vdisprange=vdisprange, minlineflux=minoiiflux, redshift=redshift, vdisp=vdisp, mag=mag, trans_filter=trans_filter, seed=seed, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, nocontinuum=nocontinuum, agnlike=agnlike, novdisp=novdisp, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class BGS(GALAXY): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of bright galaxy survey galaxies (BGSs).""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, transient=None, tr_fluxratio=(0.01, 1.), tr_epoch=(-10,10), include_mgii=False, colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the BGS class. See the GALAXY.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Note: By default, we assume the emission-line spectra are normalized to the integrated H-beta emission-line flux. Args: Attributes: ewhbetacoeff (float, array): empirically derived coefficients to map D(4000) to EW(H-beta). Raises: """ if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isBGS_colors as colorcuts_function super(BGS, self).__init__(objtype='BGS', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, normline='HBETA', colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta, transient=transient, tr_fluxratio=tr_fluxratio, tr_epoch=tr_epoch, include_mgii=include_mgii) self.ewhbetacoeff = [1.28520974, -4.94408026, 4.9617704]
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.01, 0.45), magrange=(17.0, 20.2), oiiihbrange=(-1.3, 0.6), vdisprange=(120.0, 300.0), minhbetaflux=0.0, trans_filter='decam2014-r', redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, seed=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, nocolorcuts=False, nocontinuum=False, agnlike=False, novdisp=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo BGS spectra/templates. See the GALAXY.make_galaxy_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments that are specific to the BGS class. Args: oiiihbrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum logarithmic [OIII] 5007/H-beta line-ratio. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (-1.3, 0.6). vdisprange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum velocity dispersion range. Defaults to (120, 300) km/s. minhbetaflux (float, optional): Minimum H-beta flux (default 0.0 erg/s/cm2). Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_galaxy_templates(nmodel=nmodel, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, oiiihbrange=oiiihbrange, vdisprange=vdisprange, minlineflux=minhbetaflux, redshift=redshift, vdisp=vdisp, mag=mag, trans_filter=trans_filter, seed=seed, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, nocontinuum=nocontinuum, agnlike=agnlike, novdisp=novdisp, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class LRG(GALAXY): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of luminous red galaxies (LRGs).""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, transient=None, tr_fluxratio=(0.01, 1.), tr_epoch=(-10,10), colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='MzLS-z', normfilter_south='decam2014-z', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the LRG class. See the GALAXY.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Note: Emission lines (with presumably AGN-like line-ratios) are not yet included. Args: Attributes: Raises: """ if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isLRG_colors as colorcuts_function super(LRG, self).__init__(objtype='LRG', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, normline=None, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta, transient=transient, tr_fluxratio=tr_fluxratio, tr_epoch=tr_epoch)
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.35, 1.0), magrange=(18.2, 21.1), vdisprange=(150.0, 300.0), trans_filter='decam2014-r', redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, seed=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, nocolorcuts=False, novdisp=False, agnlike=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo BGS spectra/templates. See the GALAXY.make_galaxy_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments that are specific to the LRG class. Args: vdisprange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum velocity dispersion range. Defaults to (150, 300) km/s. agnlike (bool, optional): adopt AGN-like emission-line ratios (not yet supported; defaults False). Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_galaxy_templates(nmodel=nmodel, zrange=zrange, magrange=magrange, vdisprange=vdisprange, redshift=redshift, vdisp=vdisp, mag=mag, trans_filter=trans_filter, seed=seed, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, agnlike=agnlike, novdisp=novdisp, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) # Pre-v2.4 templates: if 'ZMETAL' in self.basemeta.colnames: good = np.where(meta['TEMPLATEID'] != -1)[0] if len(good) > 0: meta['ZMETAL'][good] = self.basemeta[meta['TEMPLATEID'][good]]['ZMETAL'] meta['AGE'][good] = self.basemeta[meta['TEMPLATEID'][good]]['AGE'] return result
[docs]class SUPERSTAR(object): """Base class for generating Monte Carlo spectra of the various flavors of stars.""" def __init__(self, objtype='STAR', subtype='', minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', colorcuts_function=None, baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Read the appropriate basis continuum templates, filter profiles and initialize the output wavelength array. Note: Only a linearly-spaced output wavelength array is currently supported. Args: objtype (str): type of object to simulate (default STAR). subtype (str, optional): stellar subtype, currently only for white dwarfs. The choices are DA and DB and the default is DA. minwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array (default 3600 Angstrom). maxwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array (default 10000 Angstrom). cdelt (float, optional): spacing of the output wavelength array (default 2 Angstrom/pixel). wave (numpy.ndarray): Input/output observed-frame wavelength array, overriding the minwave, maxwave, and cdelt arguments (Angstrom). colorcuts_function (function name): Function to use to select targets (must accept a "south" Boolean argument for selecting templates that pass the "north" vs "south" color-cuts (default None). normfilter_north (str): normalization filter for simulated "north" templates. Each spectrum is normalized to the magnitude in this filter bandpass (default 'BASS-r'). normfilter_south (str): corresponding normalization filter for "south" (default 'decam2014-r'). Attributes: wave (numpy.ndarray): Output wavelength array (Angstrom). baseflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nbase,npix] of the base rest-frame continuum spectra (erg/s/cm2/A). basewave (numpy.ndarray): Array [npix] of rest-frame wavelengths corresponding to BASEFLUX (Angstrom). basemeta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nbase] for each base template. normfilt_north (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_north. normfilt_south (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_south. sdssrfilt (speclite.filters instance): SDSS2010-r FilterSequence. decamwise (speclite.filters instance): DECam2014-[g,r,z] and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. bassmzlswise (speclite.filters instance): BASS-[g,r], MzLS-z and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. """ from speclite import filters self.objtype = objtype.upper() self.subtype = subtype.upper() self.colorcuts_function = colorcuts_function self.normfilter_north = normfilter_north self.normfilter_south = normfilter_south # Initialize the output wavelength array (linear spacing) unless it is # already provided. if wave is None: npix = int(round((maxwave-minwave) / cdelt))+1 wave = np.linspace(minwave, maxwave, npix) self.wave = wave # Read the rest-frame continuum basis spectra, if not specified. if baseflux is None or basewave is None or basemeta is None: from import read_basis_templates baseflux, basewave, basemeta = read_basis_templates(objtype=self.objtype, subtype=self.subtype) self.baseflux = baseflux self.basewave = basewave self.basemeta = basemeta # Initialize the filter profiles. self.normfilt_north = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_north) self.normfilt_south = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_south) self.sdssrfilt = filters.load_filters('sdss2010-r') self.decamwise = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') self.bassmzlswise = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2')
[docs] def make_star_templates(self, nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), magrange=(18.0, 22.0), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, star_properties=None, nocolorcuts=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo spectra/templates for various flavors of stars. This function chooses random subsets of the continuum spectra for the type of star specified by OBJTYPE, adds radial velocity jitter, applies the targeting color-cuts, and then normalizes the spectrum to the magnitude in the given filter. The user also (optionally) has a lot of flexibility over the inputs/outputs and can specify any combination of the radial velocity and apparent magnitude (in the normalization filter specified in the GALAXY.__init__ method) inputs. Alternatively, the user can pass a complete metadata table, in order to easily regenerate spectra on-the-fly (see the documentation for the input_meta argument, below). Finally, the user can pass a star_properties table in order to interpolate the base templates to non-gridded values of [Fe/H], logg, and Teff. Note: * The default inputs are generally set to values which are appropriate for generic stars, so be sure to alter them when generating templates for other spectral classes. * If both input_meta and star_properties are passed, then star_properties is ignored. Args: nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). vrad_meansig (float, optional): Mean and sigma (standard deviation) of the radial velocity "jitter" (in km/s) that should be included in each spectrum. Defaults to a normal distribution with a mean of zero and sigma of 200 km/s. magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Defaults to a uniform distribution between (18, 22). seed (int, optional): input seed for the random numbers. redshift (float, optional): Input/output (dimensionless) radial velocity. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores vrad_meansig input. mag (float, optional): Input/output template magnitudes in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. input_meta (astropy.Table): *Input* metadata table with the following required columns: TEMPLATEID, SEED, REDSHIFT, MAG, and MAGFILTER (see for the expected data types). If present, then all other optional inputs (nmodel, redshift, mag, zrange, vrad_meansig, etc.) are ignored. input_objmeta (astropy.Table): *Input* object-specific metadata table. star_properties (astropy.Table): *Input* table with the following required columns: REDSHIFT, MAG, MAGFILTER, TEFF, LOGG, and FEH (except for WDs, which don't need to have an FEH column). Optionally, SEED can also be included in the table. When this table is passed, the basis templates are interpolated to the desired physical values provided, enabling large numbers of mock stellar spectra to be generated with physically consistent properties. However, be warned that the interpolation scheme is very rudimentary. nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the color-cuts specified by the self.colorcuts_function function (default False). south (bool, optional): Apply "south" color-cuts using the DECaLS filter system, otherwise apply the "north" (MzLS+BASS) color-cuts. Defaults to True. restframe (bool, optional): If True, return full resolution restframe templates instead of resampled observer frame. verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns (outflux, wave, meta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. Raises: ValueError """ from speclite import filters from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() npix = len(self.basewave) nbase = len(self.basemeta) # Optionally unpack a metadata table. if input_meta is not None: _check_input_meta(input_meta) templateseed = input_meta['SEED'].data use_redshift = input_meta['REDSHIFT'].data use_mag = input_meta['MAG'].data magfilter = np.char.strip(input_meta['MAGFILTER'].data) nchunk = 1 nmodel = len(input_meta) else: if star_properties is not None: nmodel = len(star_properties) _check_star_properties(star_properties, WD=self.objtype=='WD') use_redshift = star_properties['REDSHIFT'].data use_mag = star_properties['MAG'].data magfilter = np.char.strip(star_properties['MAGFILTER'].data) if 'SEED' in star_properties.keys(): templateseed = star_properties['SEED'].data else: rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if nmodel == 1 and seed is not None: templateseed = np.atleast_1d(seed) else: templateseed = rand.randint(2**32, size=nmodel) if 'FEH' in self.basemeta.columns: base_properties = np.array([self.basemeta['LOGG'], self.basemeta['TEFF'], self.basemeta['FEH']]).T.astype('f4') input_properties = (star_properties['LOGG'].data, star_properties['TEFF'].data, star_properties['FEH'].data) else: base_properties = np.array([self.basemeta['LOGG'], self.basemeta['TEFF']]).T.astype('f4') input_properties = (star_properties['LOGG'].data, star_properties['TEFF'].data) nchunk = 1 else: # Initialize the random seed. rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if nmodel == 1 and seed is not None: templateseed = np.atleast_1d(seed) else: templateseed = rand.randint(2**32, size=nmodel) # Divide the basis templates into chunks, so we can speed up the # calculations below. chunksize = np.min((nbase, 50)) nchunk = int(np.ceil(nbase / chunksize)) if south: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_south, nmodel) else: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_north, nmodel) if redshift is not None: if len(redshift) != nmodel: log.fatal('Redshift must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_redshift = copy(redshift) else: use_redshift = None if mag is not None: if len(mag) != nmodel: log.fatal('Mag must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_mag = copy(mag) else: use_mag = None # Initialize the metadata table. meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype=self.objtype, subtype=self.subtype) # Populate some of the metadata table. for key, value in zip(('MAGFILTER', 'SEED'),(magfilter, templateseed)): meta[key][:] = value # Load the unique set of MAGFILTERs. We could check against # self.decamwise.names and self.bassmzlswise to see if the filters have # already been loaded, but speed should not be an issue. normfilt = dict() for mfilter in np.unique(magfilter): normfilt[mfilter] = filters.load_filters(mfilter) # Optionally interpolate onto a non-uniform grid. if star_properties is None: baseflux = self.baseflux else: from scipy.interpolate import griddata baseflux = griddata(base_properties, self.baseflux, input_properties, method='nearest') interptemplateid = griddata(base_properties, np.arange(nbase), input_properties, method='nearest') #interptemplateid = np.array([int(tempid) for tempid in interptemplateid]) # Build each spectrum in turn. if restframe: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.basewave)]) # [erg/s/cm2/A] else: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.wave)]) # [erg/s/cm2/A] for ii in range(nmodel): templaterand = np.random.RandomState(templateseed[ii]) # Shuffle the templates in order to add some variety to the selection. if input_meta is None: if star_properties is None: alltemplateid = templaterand.choice(nbase, size=nbase, replace=False) alltemplateid_chunk = np.array_split(alltemplateid, nchunk) else: alltemplateid_chunk = [np.atleast_1d(interptemplateid[ii])] else: alltemplateid_chunk = [np.atleast_1d(input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][ii])] if use_redshift is None: if vrad_meansig[1] > 0: vrad = templaterand.normal(vrad_meansig[0], vrad_meansig[1]) else: vrad = vrad_meansig[0] redshift = np.array(vrad) / C_LIGHT else: redshift = use_redshift[ii] if use_mag is None: mag = templaterand.uniform(magrange[0], magrange[1]) else: mag = use_mag[ii] zwave = self.basewave.astype(float)*(1.0 + redshift) for ichunk in range(nchunk): if ii % 100 == 0 and ii > 0: log.debug('Simulating {} template {}/{} in chunk {}/{}.'. \ format(self.objtype, ii, nmodel, ichunk+1, nchunk)) templateid = alltemplateid_chunk[ichunk] nbasechunk = len(templateid) if star_properties is None: restflux = baseflux[templateid, :] else: restflux = baseflux[ii, :].reshape(1, npix) # Synthesize photometry to determine which models will pass the # color-cuts. Also, with radial velocity shifts, the >v3.0 # templates do not go red enough to cover the full r-band # spectral range, so pad here. if south: padflux, padzwave = self.decamwise.pad_spectrum(restflux, zwave, method='edge') maggies = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True) else: padflux, padzwave = self.bassmzlswise.pad_spectrum(restflux, zwave, method='edge') maggies = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True) if 'W1-R' in self.basemeta.colnames: # new templates sdssrnorm = self.sdssrfilt.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padzwave)['sdss2010-r'].data maggies['wise2010-W1'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.basemeta['W1-R'][templateid].data) maggies['wise2010-W2'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.basemeta['W2-R'][templateid].data) normmaggies = np.array(normfilt[magfilter[ii]].get_ab_maggies( padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True)[magfilter[ii]]) assert(np.all(normmaggies > 0)) magnorm = 10**(-0.4*mag) / normmaggies synthnano = dict() for key in maggies.columns: synthnano[key] = 1E9 * maggies[key] * magnorm if south: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['decam2014-g']), \['decam2014-r']),['decam2014-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) else: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['BASS-g']), \['BASS-r']),['MzLS-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) if nocolorcuts or self.colorcuts_function is None: colormask = np.repeat(1, nbasechunk) else: colormask = self.colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) # If the color-cuts pass then populate the output flux vector # (suitably normalized) and metadata table and finish up. if np.any(colormask): this = templaterand.choice(np.where(colormask)[0]) # Pick one randomly. tempid = templateid[this] if restframe: outflux[ii, :] = restflux[this, :] * magnorm[this] else: outflux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.wave, zwave, restflux[this, :], extrapolate=True) * magnorm[this] meta['TEMPLATEID'][ii] = tempid meta['REDSHIFT'][ii] = redshift meta['MAG'][ii] = mag meta['FLUX_G'][ii] = gflux[this] meta['FLUX_R'][ii] = rflux[this] meta['FLUX_Z'][ii] = zflux[this] meta['FLUX_W1'][ii] = w1flux[this] meta['FLUX_W2'][ii] = w2flux[this] if star_properties is None: objmeta['TEFF'][ii] = self.basemeta['TEFF'][tempid] objmeta['LOGG'][ii] = self.basemeta['LOGG'][tempid] if 'FEH' in self.basemeta.columns: objmeta['FEH'][ii] = self.basemeta['FEH'][tempid] else: objmeta['TEFF'][ii] = input_properties[1][ii] objmeta['LOGG'][ii] = input_properties[0][ii] if 'FEH' in self.basemeta.columns: objmeta['FEH'][ii] = input_properties[2][ii] break # Check to see if any spectra could not be computed. success = (np.sum(outflux, axis=1) > 0)*1 if ~np.all(success): log.warning('{} spectra could not be computed given the input priors!'.\ format(np.sum(success == 0))) raise ValueError if restframe: return 1e17 * outflux, self.basewave, meta, objmeta else: return 1e17 * outflux, self.wave, meta, objmeta
[docs]class STAR(SUPERSTAR): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of generic stars.""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the STAR class. See the SUPERSTAR.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Args: Attributes: Raises: """ super(STAR, self).__init__(objtype='STAR', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta)
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), magrange=(18.0, 23.5), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, star_properties=None, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo spectra/templates for generic stars. See the SUPERSTAR.make_star_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments which are specific to the STAR class. Args: Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_star_templates(nmodel=nmodel, vrad_meansig=vrad_meansig, magrange=magrange, seed=seed, redshift=redshift, mag=mag, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, star_properties=star_properties, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class STD(SUPERSTAR): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of (metal-poor, main sequence turnoff) standard stars (STD). """ def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the STD class. See the SUPERSTAR.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Args: Attributes: Raises: """ if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isSTD_colors as colorcuts_function super(STD, self).__init__(objtype='STD', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta)
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), magrange=(16.0, 19.0), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, star_properties=None, nocolorcuts=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo spectra/templates for STD stars. See the SUPERSTAR.make_star_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments which are specific to the STD class. Args: Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_star_templates(nmodel=nmodel, vrad_meansig=vrad_meansig, magrange=magrange, seed=seed, redshift=redshift, mag=mag, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, star_properties=star_properties, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class MWS_STAR(SUPERSTAR): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of Milky Way Survey (magnitude-limited) stars. """ def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the MWS_STAR class. See the SUPERSTAR.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Args: Attributes: Raises: """ if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isMWSSTAR_colors as colorcuts_function super(MWS_STAR, self).__init__(objtype='MWS_STAR', minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta)
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), magrange=(16.0, 20.0), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, star_properties=None, nocolorcuts=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo spectra/templates for MWS_STAR stars. See the SUPERSTAR.make_star_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments which are specific to the MWS_STAR class. Args: Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: """ result = self.make_star_templates(nmodel=nmodel, vrad_meansig=vrad_meansig, magrange=magrange, seed=seed, redshift=redshift, mag=mag, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, star_properties=star_properties, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class WD(SUPERSTAR): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of white dwarfs.""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, subtype='DA', colorcuts_function=None, normfilter_north='BASS-g', normfilter_south='decam2014-g', baseflux=None, basewave=None, basemeta=None): """Initialize the WD class. See the SUPERSTAR.__init__ method for documentation on the arguments plus the inherited attributes. Args: Attributes: Raises: """ super(WD, self).__init__(objtype='WD', subtype=subtype, minwave=minwave, maxwave=maxwave, cdelt=cdelt, wave=wave, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, normfilter_north=normfilter_north, normfilter_south=normfilter_south, baseflux=baseflux, basewave=basewave, basemeta=basemeta)
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), magrange=(16.0, 19.0), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, star_properties=None, nocolorcuts=False, south=True, restframe=False, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo spectra/templates for WD stars. See the SUPERSTAR.make_star_templates function for documentation on the arguments and inherited attributes. Here we only document the arguments which are specific to the WD class. Args: Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError: If the INPUT_META or STAR_PROPERTIES table contains different values of SUBTYPE. """ log = get_logger() for intable in (input_meta, star_properties): if intable is not None: if 'SUBTYPE' in intable.dtype.names: if (self.subtype != '') and ~np.all(intable['SUBTYPE'] == self.subtype): log.warning('WD Class initialized with subtype {}, which does not match input table.'.format( self.subtype)) raise ValueError result = self.make_star_templates(nmodel=nmodel, vrad_meansig=vrad_meansig, magrange=magrange, seed=seed, redshift=redshift, mag=mag, input_meta=input_meta, input_objmeta=input_objmeta, star_properties=star_properties, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, south=south, restframe=restframe, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs]class QSO(): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of quasars (QSOs).""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, basewave_min=1200, basewave_max=2.5e4, basewave_R=8000, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', colorcuts_function=None, balqso=False, z_wind=0.2): """Read the QSO basis continuum templates, filter profiles and initialize the output wavelength array. Note: Only a linearly-spaced output wavelength array is currently supported and the basis templates are only defined in the range 3500-10000 A (observed). Args: minwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array [default 3600 Angstrom]. maxwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array [default 10000 Angstrom]. cdelt (float, optional): spacing of the output wavelength array [default 2 Angstrom/pixel]. wave (numpy.ndarray): Input/output observed-frame wavelength array, overriding the minwave, maxwave, and cdelt arguments [Angstrom]. basewave_min (float, optional): minimum output wavelength when noresample=True (in QSO.make_templates) [default 1200 Angstrom]. basewave_max (float, optional): maximum output wavelength when noresample=True (in QSO.make_templates) [default 25000 Angstrom]. basewave_R (float, optional): output wavelength resolution when noresample=True (in QSO.make_templates) [default R=8000]. colorcuts_function (function name): Function to use to select templates that pass the color-cuts. normfilter_north (str): normalization filter for simulated "north" templates. Each spectrum is normalized to the magnitude in this filter bandpass (default 'BASS-r'). normfilter_south (str): corresponding normalization filter for "south" (default 'decam2014-r'). balqso (bool, optional): Include broad absorption line (BAL) features (default False). z_wind (float, optional): Redshift window for sampling (defaults to 0.2). Attributes: objtype (str): 'QSO' wave (numpy.ndarray): Output wavelength array [Angstrom]. cosmo (astropy.cosmology): Default cosmology object (currently hard-coded to FlatLCDM with H0=70, Omega0=0.3). normfilt_north (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_north. normfilt_south (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_south. decamwise (speclite.filters instance): DECam2014-[g,r,z] and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. bassmzlswise (speclite.filters instance): BASS-[g,r], MzLS-z and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. """ from import fits from speclite import filters from import find_basis_template, read_basis_templates from desisim import lya_mock_p1d as lyamock log = get_logger() self.objtype = 'QSO' if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isQSO_colors as colorcuts_function self.colorcuts_function = colorcuts_function self.normfilter_north = normfilter_north self.normfilter_south = normfilter_south # Initialize the output wavelength array (linear spacing) unless it is # already provided. if wave is None: npix = int(round((maxwave-minwave) / cdelt))+1 wave = np.linspace(minwave, maxwave, npix) self.wave = wave try: from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM # astropy >v5.0 except: from astropy.cosmology.core import FlatLambdaCDM self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(70.0, 0.3) self.lambda_lylimit = 911.76 self.lambda_lyalpha = 1215.67 # Load the PCA eigenvectors and associated data. infile = find_basis_template('qso') with as hdus: hdu_names = [hdus[ii].name for ii in range(len(hdus))] self.boss_pca_coeff = hdus[hdu_names.index('BOSS_PCA')].data self.sdss_pca_coeff = hdus[hdu_names.index('SDSS_PCA')].data self.boss_zQSO = hdus[hdu_names.index('BOSS_Z')].data self.sdss_zQSO = hdus[hdu_names.index('SDSS_Z')].data self.eigenflux = hdus[hdu_names.index('SDSS_EIGEN')].data self.eigenwave = hdus[hdu_names.index('SDSS_EIGEN_WAVE')].data self.pca_list = ['PCA0', 'PCA1', 'PCA2', 'PCA3'] self.z_wind = z_wind def _fixed_R_dispersion(lam1, lam2, R): """""" loglam1 = np.log(lam1) loglam2 = np.log(lam2) dloglam = R**-1 loglam = np.arange(loglam1,loglam2+dloglam,dloglam) return np.exp(loglam) self.basewave = _fixed_R_dispersion(basewave_min, basewave_max, basewave_R) # Iniatilize the Lyman-alpha mock maker. self.lyamock_maker = lyamock.MockMaker() # Optionally read the BAL basis templates and resample. self.balqso = balqso if self.balqso: from desisim.bal import BAL from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux bal = BAL() bal_baseflux = np.zeros((len(bal.balmeta), len(self.eigenwave))) for ii in range(len(bal.balmeta)): bal_baseflux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.eigenwave, bal.balwave, bal.balflux[ii, :], extrapolate=True) bal_baseflux[ii, bal_baseflux[ii, :] > 1] = 1.0 # do not exceed unity self.bal_baseflux = bal_baseflux self.bal_basemeta = bal.balmeta self.balmeta = bal.empty_balmeta() # Initialize the filter profiles. self.normfilt_north = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_north) self.normfilt_south = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_south) self.decamwise = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') self.bassmzlswise = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2')
[docs] def _sample_pcacoeff(self, nsample, coeff, samplerand): """Draw from the distribution of PCA coefficients.""" cdf = np.cumsum(coeff, dtype=float) cdf /= cdf[-1] x = samplerand.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=nsample) return coeff[np.interp(x, cdf, np.arange(0, len(coeff), 1)).astype('int')]
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.5, 4.0), magrange=(17.5, 22.7), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, input_objmeta=None, N_perz=40, maxiter=20, uniform=False, balprob=0.12, lyaforest=True, noresample=False, nocolorcuts=False, south=True, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo QSO spectra/templates. This function generates QSO spectra on-the-fly using PCA decomposition coefficients of SDSS and BOSS QSO spectra. The default is to generate flat, uncorrelated priors on redshift and apparent magnitude (in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter). However, the user also (optionally) has flexibility over the inputs/outputs and can specify any combination of the redshift and output apparent magnitude. Alternatively, the user can pass a complete metadata table, in order to easily regenerate spectra on-the-fly (see the documentation for the input_meta argument, below). Note: The templates are only defined in the range 3500-10000 A (observed). Args: nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). zrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum redshift range. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (0.5, 4.0). magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Defaults to a uniform distribution between (17, 22.7). seed (int, optional): input seed for the random numbers. redshift (float, optional): Input/output template redshifts. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores zrange input. mag (float, optional): Input/output template magnitudes in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. input_meta (astropy.Table): *Input* metadata table with the following required columns: SEED, REDSHIFT, MAG, and MAGFILTER (see for the expected data types). If present, then all other optional inputs (nmodel, redshift, mag, zrange, etc.) are ignored. Note that this argument cannot be used (at this time) to precisely reproduce templates that have had BALs inserted. input_objmeta (astropy.Table): *Input* object-specific metadata table. N_perz (int, optional): Number of templates per redshift redshift value to generate (default 20). maxiter (int): maximum number of iterations for findng a non-negative template that also satisfies the color-cuts (default 20). uniform (bool, optional): Draw uniformly from the PCA coefficients (default False). balprob (float, optional): Probability that a QSO is a BAL (default 0.12). Only used if QSO(balqso=True) at instantiation. lyaforest (bool, optional): Include Lyman-alpha forest absorption (default True). noresample (bool, optional): Do not resample the QSO spectra in wavelength (default False). nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the fiducial rzW1W2 color-cuts cuts (default False). south (bool, optional): Apply "south" color-cuts using the DECaLS filter system, otherwise apply the "north" (MzLS+BASS) color-cuts. Defaults to True. verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns (outflux, wave, meta, objmeta) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame wavelength array (Angstrom). If noresample=True then this is an [nmodel, npix] array (a different observed-frame array for each object), otherwise it's a one-dimensional [npix]-length array. * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. Raises: ValueError """ from speclite import filters from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux if uniform: from desiutil.stats import perc if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() if self.balqso: if balprob < 0: log.warning('Balprob {} is negative; setting to zero.'.format(balprob)) balprob = 0.0 if balprob > 1: log.warning('Balprob {} cannot exceed unity; setting to 1.0.'.format(balprob)) balprob = 1.0 npix = len(self.eigenwave) # Optionally unpack a metadata table. if input_meta is not None: nmodel = len(input_meta) _check_input_meta(input_meta, ignore_templateid=True) templateseed = input_meta['SEED'].data rand = np.random.RandomState(templateseed[0]) use_redshift = input_meta['REDSHIFT'].data use_mag = input_meta['MAG'].data magfilter = np.char.strip(input_meta['MAGFILTER'].data) meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype=self.objtype, simqso=False) else: meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype=self.objtype, simqso=False) if self.balqso: from astropy.table import vstack balmeta = vstack([self.balmeta for ii in range(nmodel)]) # Initialize the random seed. rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if nmodel == 1 and seed is not None: templateseed = np.atleast_1d(seed) else: templateseed = rand.randint(2**32, size=nmodel) if south: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_south, nmodel) else: magfilter = np.repeat(self.normfilter_north, nmodel) if redshift is not None: if len(redshift) != nmodel: log.fatal('Redshift must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_redshift = copy(redshift) else: use_redshift = None if mag is not None: if len(mag) != nmodel: log.fatal('Mag must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError use_mag = copy(mag) else: use_mag = None if redshift is not None: if len(redshift) != nmodel: log.fatal('Redshift must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError zrange = (np.min(redshift), np.max(redshift)) if mag is not None: if len(mag) != nmodel: log.fatal('Mag must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError # Populate some of the metadata table. meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = np.arange(nmodel) for key, value in zip(('MAGFILTER', 'SEED'), (magfilter, templateseed)): meta[key][:] = value if lyaforest: meta['SUBTYPE'][:] = 'LYA' if self.balqso: balmeta['Z'][:] = redshift if lyaforest: meta['SUBTYPE'][:] = 'LYA+BAL' else: meta['SUBTYPE'][:] = 'BAL' # Load the unique set of MAGFILTERs. We could check against # self.decamwise.names and self.bassmzlswise to see if the filters have # already been loaded, but speed should not be an issue. normfilt = dict() for mfilter in np.unique(magfilter): normfilt[mfilter] = filters.load_filters(mfilter) # Build each spectrum in turn. if input_objmeta is not None: N_perz = 1 else: PCA_rand = np.zeros((4, N_perz)) nonegflux = np.zeros(N_perz) flux = np.zeros((N_perz, npix)) #zwave = np.outer(self.eigenwave, 1+redshift) # [observed-frame, Angstrom] if noresample: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.eigenwave)]) # [erg/s/cm2/A] else: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.wave)]) # [erg/s/cm2/A] for ii in range(nmodel): if ii % 100 == 0 and ii > 0: log.debug('Simulating {} template {}/{}.'.format(self.objtype, ii, nmodel)) templaterand = np.random.RandomState(templateseed[ii]) # Assign redshift and magnitude priors. if use_redshift is None: redshift = templaterand.uniform(zrange[0], zrange[1]) else: redshift = np.atleast_1d(use_redshift[ii]) if use_mag is None: mag = templaterand.uniform(magrange[0], magrange[1]) else: mag = np.atleast_1d(use_mag[ii]) zwave = self.eigenwave * (1+redshift) # [observed-frame, Angstrom] # Attenuate below the Lyman-limit by the mean free path (MFP) model # measured by Worseck, Prochaska et al. 2014. mfp = np.atleast_1d(37.0 * ( (1 + redshift)/5.0)**(-5.4)) # Physical Mpc pix912 = np.argmin( np.abs(self.eigenwave-self.lambda_lylimit) ) zlook = self.cosmo.lookback_distance(redshift) # Does this QSO have a BAL? If so, build the spectrum here. hasbal = self.balqso * (templaterand.random_sample() < balprob) if hasbal: balindx = templaterand.choice(len(self.bal_basemeta)) balflux = self.bal_baseflux[balindx, :] balmeta['BAL_TEMPLATEID'][ii] = balindx # BOSS or SDSS? if redshift > 2.15: zQSO = self.boss_zQSO pca_coeff = self.boss_pca_coeff else: zQSO = self.sdss_zQSO pca_coeff = self.sdss_pca_coeff # Compute and interpolate the Lya forest spectrum. if lyaforest: skewer_wave, _skewer_flux = self.lyamock_maker.get_lya_skewers(Ns=1, new_seed=templateseed[ii]) skewer_flux = _skewer_flux[0] no_forest = ( skewer_wave > self.lambda_lyalpha * (1 + redshift) ) skewer_flux[no_forest] = 1.0 qso_skewer_flux = resample_flux(zwave, skewer_wave, skewer_flux, extrapolate=True) w = zwave > self.lambda_lyalpha * (1 + redshift) qso_skewer_flux[w] = 1.0 idx = np.where( (zQSO > redshift-self.z_wind/2) * (zQSO < redshift+self.z_wind/2) )[0] if len(idx) == 0: idx = np.where( (zQSO > redshift-self.z_wind) * (zQSO < redshift+self.z_wind) )[0] if len(idx) == 0: log.warning('Redshift {} far from any parent BOSS/SDSS quasars; choosing closest one.') idx = np.array( np.abs(zQSO-redshift).argmin() ) # Need these arrays for the MFP, below. if redshift > 2.39: z912 = zwave[:pix912] / self.lambda_lylimit - 1.0 phys_dist = np.fabs( self.cosmo.lookback_distance(z912) - zlook ) # [Mpc] # Iterate up to maxiter. makemore, itercount = True, 0 while makemore: if input_objmeta is not None: PCA_rand = input_objmeta['PCA_COEFF'][ii].reshape(4, 1) else: # Gather N_perz sets of coefficients. for jj, ipca in enumerate(self.pca_list): if uniform: if jj == 0: # Use bounds for PCA0 [avoids negative values] xmnx = perc(pca_coeff[ipca][idx], per=95) PCA_rand[jj, :] = templaterand.uniform(xmnx[0], xmnx[1], N_perz) else: mn = np.mean(pca_coeff[ipca][idx]) sig = np.std(pca_coeff[ipca][idx]) PCA_rand[jj, :] = templaterand.uniform( mn - 2*sig, mn + 2*sig, N_perz) else: PCA_rand[jj, :] = self._sample_pcacoeff(N_perz, pca_coeff[ipca][idx], templaterand) # Instantiate the templates, including attenuation below the # Lyman-limit based on the MFP, and the Lyman-alpha forest. for kk in range(N_perz): flux[kk, :] =, PCA_rand[:, kk]).flatten() if redshift > 2.39: flux[kk, :pix912] *= np.exp(-phys_dist.value / mfp) if lyaforest: flux[kk, :] *= qso_skewer_flux if hasbal: flux[kk, :] *= balflux nonegflux[kk] = (np.sum(flux[kk, (zwave > 3000) & (zwave < 1E4)] < 0) == 0) * 1 # Synthesize photometry to determine which models will pass the # color-cuts. We have to temporarily pad because the spectra # don't go red enough. padflux, padzwave = self.decamwise.pad_spectrum(flux, zwave, method='edge') if south: maggies = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True) else: maggies = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True) normmaggies = np.array(normfilt[magfilter[ii]].get_ab_maggies( padflux, padzwave, mask_invalid=True)[magfilter[ii]]) assert(np.all(normmaggies[np.where(nonegflux)[0]] > 0)) magnorm = 10**(-0.4*mag) / normmaggies synthnano = dict() for key in maggies.columns: synthnano[key] = 1E9 * maggies[key] * magnorm if south: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['decam2014-g']), \['decam2014-r']),['decam2014-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) else: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['BASS-g']), \['BASS-r']),['MzLS-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) if nocolorcuts or self.colorcuts_function is None: colormask = np.repeat(1, N_perz) else: colormask = self.colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south, optical=True) # If the color-cuts pass then populate the output flux vector # (suitably normalized) and metadata table and finish up. if np.any(colormask * nonegflux): this = templaterand.choice(np.where(colormask * nonegflux)[0]) # Pick one randomly. if noresample: outflux[ii, :] = flux[this, :] * magnorm[this] else: outflux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.wave, zwave, flux[this, :], extrapolate=True) * magnorm[this] meta['REDSHIFT'][ii] = redshift meta['MAG'][ii] = mag meta['FLUX_G'][ii] = gflux[this] meta['FLUX_R'][ii] = rflux[this] meta['FLUX_Z'][ii] = zflux[this] meta['FLUX_W1'][ii] = w1flux[this] meta['FLUX_W2'][ii] = w2flux[this] objmeta['PCA_COEFF'][ii, :] = PCA_rand[:, this].T if hasbal: objmeta['BAL_TEMPLATEID'][ii] = balindx makemore = False itercount += 1 if itercount == maxiter: log.warning('Maximum number of iterations reached on QSO {}, z={:.5f}.'.format(ii, redshift)) makemore = False # Check to see if any spectra could not be computed. success = (np.sum(outflux, axis=1) > 0)*1 if ~np.all(success): log.warning('{} spectra could not be computed given the input priors!'.\ format(np.sum(success == 0))) raise ValueError if noresample: outwave = zwave else: outwave = self.wave return 1e17 * outflux, outwave, meta, objmeta
[docs]class SIMQSO(): """Generate Monte Carlo spectra of quasars (QSOs) using simqso.""" def __init__(self, minwave=3600.0, maxwave=10000.0, cdelt=0.2, wave=None, nproc=1, basewave_min=450.0, basewave_max=6e4, basewave_R=8000, normfilter_north='BASS-r', normfilter_south='decam2014-r', colorcuts_function=None, restframe=False,sqmodel='default'): """Read the QSO basis continuum templates, filter profiles and initialize the output wavelength array. Note: Only a linearly-spaced output wavelength array is currently supported although an arbitrary wavelength array is possible. Much of the infrastructure below is hard-coded to use the SDSS/DR9 quasar luminosity function (see Args: minwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array [default 3600 Angstrom]. maxwave (float, optional): minimum value of the output wavelength array [default 10000 Angstrom]. cdelt (float, optional): spacing of the output wavelength array [default 2 Angstrom/pixel]. wave (numpy.ndarray): Input/output observed-frame wavelength array, overriding the minwave, maxwave, and cdelt arguments [Angstrom]. nproc (int, optional): number of cores to use (default 1). basewave_min (float, optional): minimum output wavelength when either restframe=True or noresample=True (in SIMQSO.make_templates) [default 450 Angstrom]. basewave_max (float, optional): maximum output wavelength when either restframe=True or noresample=True (in SIMQSO.make_templates) [default 60000 Angstrom]. basewave_R (float, optional): output wavelength resolution when either restframe=True or noresample=True (in SIMQSO.make_templates) [default R=8000]. normfilter_north (str): normalization filter for simulated "north" templates. Each spectrum is normalized to the magnitude in this filter bandpass (default 'BASS-r'). normfilter_south (str): corresponding normalization filter for "south" (default 'decam2014-r'). colorcuts_function (function name): Function to use to select templates that pass the color-cuts. restframe (bool, optional): If True, generate rest-frame templates. Attributes: objtype (str): 'QSO' wave (numpy.ndarray): Output wavelength array [Angstrom]. procMap (map Class): Built-in map for multiprocessing (based on nproc). cosmo (astropy.cosmology): Default cosmology object (currently hard-coded to FlatLCDM with H0=70, Omega0=0.3). normfilt_north (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_north. normfilt_south (speclite.filters instance): FilterSequence of self.normfilter_south. decamwise (speclite.filters instance): DECam2014-[g,r,z] and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. bassmzlswise (speclite.filters instance): BASS-[g,r], MzLS-z and WISE2010-[W1,W2] FilterSequence. """ from speclite import filters log = get_logger() try: from simqso.sqbase import ContinuumKCorr, fixed_R_dispersion,AppToAbsMag #Added in order to use modified emision lines in quickquasars and select_mock_targets. if sqmodel=='lya_simqso_model_develop': #Added in order to test a different model than the one currently used in quickquasars from desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model import model_PLEpivot as model_PLEpivot from desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model import model_vars_develop as sqmodel_vars log.warning("Using simqso.sqmodel under development defined in desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model") elif sqmodel=='lya_simqso_model': from desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model import model_PLEpivot as model_PLEpivot from desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model import model_vars as sqmodel_vars log.warning("Using modified simqso.sqmodel defined in desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model") else: from simqso.sqmodels import BOSS_DR9_PLEpivot as model_PLEpivot from simqso.sqmodels import get_BossDr9_model_vars as sqmodel_vars"Note: using default SIMQSO model") self.sqmodel_vars=sqmodel_vars except ImportError: message = 'Please install' log.error(message) raise(ImportError(message)) self.objtype = 'QSO' if colorcuts_function is None: from desitarget.cuts import isQSO_colors as colorcuts_function self.colorcuts_function = colorcuts_function self.normfilter_north = normfilter_north self.normfilter_south = normfilter_south # Initialize multiprocessing map object. if nproc > 1: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) self.procMap = else: self.procMap = map # Initialize the output wavelength array (linear spacing) unless it is # already provided. if wave is None: npix = int(round((maxwave-minwave) / cdelt))+1 wave = np.linspace(minwave, maxwave, npix) self.wave = wave self.restframe = restframe if restframe: self._zpivot = 3.0 self.basewave = fixed_R_dispersion(basewave_min*(1+self._zpivot), basewave_max*(1+self._zpivot), basewave_R) else: self.basewave = fixed_R_dispersion(basewave_min, basewave_max, basewave_R) try: from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM # astropy >v5.0 except: from astropy.cosmology.core import FlatLambdaCDM self.cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(70.0, 0.3) self.lambda_lylimit = 911.76 self.lambda_lyalpha = 1215.67 # Initialize the filter profiles. self.normfilt_north = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_north) self.normfilt_south = filters.load_filters(self.normfilter_south) self.decamwise = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') self.bassmzlswise = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') # Initialize the BOSS/DR9 quasar luminosity function and k-correction # objects. # Map between speclite and simqso filter names. filtnames = dict() for filt1, filt2 in zip( ('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z'), ('DECam-g', 'DECam-r', 'DECam-z', 'BASS-MzLS-g', 'BASS-MzLS-r', 'MzLS-MzLS-z') ): filtnames[filt1] = filt2 if normfilter_north not in filtnames.keys() or normfilter_south not in filtnames.keys(): log.warning('Unrecognized normalization filter!') raise ValueError # Initialize the K-correction and luminosity function objects. self.kcorr_north = ContinuumKCorr(filtnames[self.normfilter_north], 1450, effWaveBand=self.normfilt_north.effective_wavelengths.value) self.kcorr_south = ContinuumKCorr(filtnames[self.normfilter_south], 1450, effWaveBand=self.normfilt_south.effective_wavelengths.value) self.qlf = model_PLEpivot(cosmo=self.cosmo) self.m2M=AppToAbsMag(self.cosmo,self.kcorr_south)
[docs] def empty_qsometa(self, qsometa, nmodel): """Initialize an empty QsoSimPoints object, which contains all the metadata needed to regenerate simqso spectra. """ [ for ii in range(nmodel)] return qsometa
[docs] def _make_simqso_templates(self, redshift=None, magrange=None, mag=None, seed=None, lyaforest=True, nocolorcuts=False, noresample=False, input_qsometa=None, south=True): """Wrapper function for actually generating the templates. """ from astropy.table import Column from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux if lyaforest: subtype = 'LYA' else: subtype = '' if input_qsometa: nmodel = len( else: nmodel = len(redshift) meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype='QSO', subtype=subtype, simqso=True) if noresample or self.restframe: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.basewave)]) else: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.wave)]) if input_qsometa: from simqso.sqrun import buildQsoSpectrum from simqso.sqgrids import SpectralFeatureVar flux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.basewave)]) specFeatures = input_qsometa.getVars(SpectralFeatureVar) for ii in range(nmodel): flux1 = buildQsoSpectrum(self.basewave, input_qsometa.cosmo, specFeatures,[ii]) flux[ii, :] = flux1.f_lambda qsometa = input_qsometa else: from simqso.sqrun import buildSpectraBulk from simqso.sqgrids import generateQlfPoints, QsoSimPoints # Sample from the QLF, using the input redshifts. zrange = (np.min(redshift), np.max(redshift)) if mag is not None: from simqso.sqgrids import AbsMagVar,AppMagVar,RedshiftVar,FixedSampler _M=mag - self.m2M(mag,redshift) if south: _M=AbsMagVar(FixedSampler(_M),self.kcorr_south.restBand) _m=AppMagVar(FixedSampler(mag),self.kcorr_south.obsBand) else: _M=AbsMagVar(FixedSampler(_M),self.kcorr_north.restBand) _m=AppMagVar(FixedSampler(mag),self.kcorr_north.obsBand) _z=RedshiftVar(FixedSampler(redshift)) qsometa=QsoSimPoints([_M,_m,_z],cosmo=self.cosmo,units='flux', seed=seed) else: if south: qsometa = generateQlfPoints(self.qlf, magrange, zrange, zin=redshift, kcorr=self.kcorr_south, qlfseed=seed, gridseed=seed) else: qsometa = generateQlfPoints(self.qlf, magrange, zrange, zin=redshift, kcorr=self.kcorr_north, qlfseed=seed, gridseed=seed) # Add the fiducial quasar SED model from BOSS/DR9, optionally # without IGM absorption. This step adds a fiducial continuum, # emission-line template, and an iron emission-line template. qsometa.addVars(self.sqmodel_vars(qsometa, self.basewave, noforest=not lyaforest)) # Establish the desired (output) photometric system. if south: qsometa.loadPhotoMap([('DECam', 'DECaLS'), ('WISE', 'AllWISE')]) else: qsometa.loadPhotoMap([('BASS-MzLS', 'BASS-MzLS'), ('WISE', 'AllWISE')]) # Finally, generate the spectra, iterating in order to converge on the # per-object K-correction (typically, after ~two steps the maximum error # on the absolute mags is typically <<1%). _, flux = buildSpectraBulk(self.basewave, qsometa, maxIter=5, verbose=0, procMap=self.procMap, saveSpectra=True) # Synthesize photometry to determine which models will pass the # color cuts. if south: magfilt = self.normfilt_south magfilter = self.normfilter_south maggies = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(flux, self.basewave.copy(), mask_invalid=True) else: magfilt = self.normfilt_north magfilter = self.normfilter_north maggies = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(flux, self.basewave.copy(), mask_invalid=True) normmaggies = np.array(magfilt.get_ab_maggies(flux, self.basewave.copy(), mask_invalid=True)[magfilter]) assert(np.all(normmaggies > 0)) synthnano = dict() for key in maggies.columns: synthnano[key] = 1E9 * maggies[key] if south: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['decam2014-g']), \['decam2014-r']),['decam2014-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) else: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux =['BASS-g']), \['BASS-r']),['MzLS-z']), \['wise2010-W1']),['wise2010-W2']) if nocolorcuts or self.colorcuts_function is None: colormask = np.repeat(1, nmodel) else: colormask = self.colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) # For objects that pass the color cuts, populate the output flux # vector, the metadata and qsometadata tables, and finish up. these = np.where(colormask)[0] if len(these) > 0: for ii in range(len(these)): if noresample or self.restframe: outflux[these[ii], :] = flux[these[ii], :] else: outflux[these[ii], :] = resample_flux( self.wave, self.basewave, flux[these[ii], :], extrapolate=True) if input_qsometa: meta['SEED'][these] = input_qsometa.seed meta['REDSHIFT'][these] = input_qsometa.z else: meta['SEED'][these] = seed if self.restframe: meta['REDSHIFT'][these] = 0 else: meta['REDSHIFT'][these] = redshift[these] meta['MAGFILTER'][these] = magfilter meta['MAG'][these] = -2.5 * np.log10(normmaggies[these]) meta['FLUX_G'][these] = gflux[these] meta['FLUX_R'][these] = rflux[these] meta['FLUX_Z'][these] = zflux[these] meta['FLUX_W1'][these] = w1flux[these] meta['FLUX_W2'][these] = w2flux[these] objmeta['MABS_1450'][these] =['absMag'][these] objmeta['SLOPES'][these, :] =['slopes'][these, :] #Added because some emision line model tables have different lenght than default. if(objmeta['EMLINES'].shape!['emLines'].shape): objmeta.replace_column('EMLINES',np.zeros((nmodel,len(['emLines'][0, :, 0]), 3))-1) objmeta['EMLINES'][these, :, :] =['emLines'][these, :, :] return outflux, meta, objmeta, qsometa
[docs] def make_templates(self, nmodel=100, zrange=(0.5, 4.0), magrange=(17.0, 22.7), seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, maxiter=20, input_qsometa=None, qsometa_extname='QSOMETA', return_qsometa=False, lyaforest=True, nocolorcuts=False, noresample=False, south=True, verbose=False): """Build Monte Carlo QSO spectra/templates. * This function generates QSO spectra on-the-fly using @imcgreer's simqso. The default is to generate flat, uncorrelated priors on redshift, absolute magnitudes based on the SDSS/DR9 QSOLF, and to compute the corresponding apparent magnitudes using the appropriate per-object K-correction. Alternatively, the redshift can be input and the absolute and apparent magnitudes will again be computed self-consistently from the QSOLF. Providing apparent magnitudes on *input* is not supported although it could be if there is need. However, one can control the apparent brightness of the resulting QSO spectra by specifying magrange. * The way the code is currently structured could lead to memory problems if one attempts to generate very large numbers of spectra simultaneously (>10^4, perhaps, depending on the machine). However, it can easily be refactored to generate the appropriate number of templates in chunks at the expense of some computational speed. Args: nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). zrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum redshift range. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (0.5, 4.0). magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter_south (if south=True) or self.normfilter_north (if south=False). Defaults to a uniform distribution between (17, 22.7). seed (int, optional): input seed for the random numbers. redshift (float, optional): Input/output template redshifts. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores zrange input. mag (float, optional): Not currently supported or used, but see magrange. Defaults to None. maxiter (int): maximum number of iterations for findng a template that satisfies the color-cuts (default 20). input_qsometa (simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimPoints object or FITS filename): Input QsoSimPoints object or FITS filename (with a qsometa_extname HDU) from which to (re)generate the QSO spectra. All other inputs are ignored when this optional input is present. Please be cautious when using this argument, as it has not been fully tested. qsometa_extname (str): FITS extension name to read when input_qsometa is a filename. Defaults to 'QSOMETA'. return_qsometa (bool, optional): Return the simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimPoints object, which contains all the data necessary to regenerate the QSO spectra. In particular, the data attribute is an astropy.Table object which contains lots of useful info. This object can be written to disk with the simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimObjects.write method (default False). lyaforest (bool, optional): Include Lyman-alpha forest absorption (default True). nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the fiducial rzW1W2 color-cuts cuts (default False). noresample (bool, optional): Do not resample the QSO spectra in wavelength (default False). south (bool, optional): Apply "south" color-cuts using the DECaLS filter system, otherwise apply the "north" (MzLS+BASS) color-cuts. Defaults to True. verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns (outflux, wave, meta, qsometa) tuple where: * outflux (numpy.ndarray): Array [nmodel, npix] of observed-frame spectra (1e-17 erg/s/cm2/A). * wave (numpy.ndarray): Observed-frame [npix] wavelength array (Angstrom). * meta (astropy.Table): Table of meta-data [nmodel] for each output spectrum. * objmeta (astropy.Table): Additional objtype-specific table data [nmodel] for each spectrum. In addition, if return_qsometa=True then a fourth argument, qsometa, is returned (see the return_qsometa documentation, above). Raises: ValueError """ from astropy.table import Column if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() if self.restframe: log.debug('Setting nocolorcuts=True.') nocolorcuts = True # Optionally generate spectra from an input file or a # simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimPoints object. if input_qsometa: from simqso.sqgrids import QsoSimObjects if self.restframe: log.warning('restframe and input_qsometa inputs cannot be used together.') raise ValueError if isinstance(input_qsometa, QsoSimObjects): qsos = input_qsometa else: log.debug('Reading {} extension from {}'.format(qsometa_extname, input_qsometa)) qsos =, extname=qsometa_extname) nmodel = len( outflux, meta, objmeta, qsometa = self._make_simqso_templates( input_qsometa=qsos, lyaforest=lyaforest, noresample=noresample, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, south=south) log.debug('Generated {} templates from an input qso metadata table.'.format( len(objmeta))) else: if self.restframe and noresample: log.warning('restframe and noresample inputs cannot be used together.') raise ValueError # Initialize the random seed and assign redshift priors. rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if redshift is not None: if len(redshift) != nmodel: log.warning('Redshift must be an nmodel-length array') raise ValueError # Initialize the template metadata table and flux vector. meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nmodel, objtype='QSO', simqso=True) qsometa = None if noresample or self.restframe: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.basewave)]) else: outflux = np.zeros([nmodel, len(self.wave)]) if self.restframe: redshift = np.repeat(self._zpivot, nmodel) # Iterate (up to maxiter) until enough spectra pass the color cuts. itercount = 0 iterseed = rand.randint(2**32, size=maxiter) def _need(outflux): return np.where( np.sum(outflux, axis=1) == 0 )[0] need = _need(outflux) while (len(need) > 0): if redshift is None: zin = rand.uniform(zrange[0], zrange[1], len(need)) else: zin = redshift[need] iterflux, itermeta, iterobjmeta, iterqsometa = self._make_simqso_templates( zin, magrange, mag=mag, seed=iterseed[itercount], lyaforest=lyaforest, nocolorcuts=nocolorcuts, noresample=noresample, south=south) outflux[need, :] = iterflux if(objmeta['EMLINES'].shape!=iterobjmeta['EMLINES'].shape): objmeta.replace_column('EMLINES',np.zeros((nmodel,len(iterobjmeta['EMLINES'][0, :, 0]), 3))-1) meta[need] = itermeta objmeta[need] = iterobjmeta if qsometa is None: _data = qsometa = self.empty_qsometa(iterqsometa, nmodel=nmodel)[need] = _data else:[need] = need = _need(outflux) itercount += 1 if itercount == maxiter: log.warning('Maximum number of iterations reached.') break log.debug('Generated {} templates after {}/{} iterations.'.format( nmodel, itercount, maxiter)) success = (np.sum(outflux, axis=1) > 0)*1 if ~np.all(success): log.warning('{} spectra could not be computed given the input priors!'.\ format(np.sum(success == 0))) raise ValueError meta['TEMPLATEID'] = np.arange(nmodel) if noresample: outwave = self.basewave elif self.restframe: outwave = self.basewave / (1 + self._zpivot) else: outwave = self.wave if return_qsometa: return 1e17 * outflux, outwave, meta, objmeta, qsometa else: return 1e17 * outflux, outwave, meta, objmeta
[docs]def specify_galparams_dict(templatetype, zrange=None, magrange=None, oiiihbrange=None, logvdisp_meansig=None, minlineflux=None, trans_rfluxratiorange=None, redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, nocolorcuts=None, nocontinuum=None, agnlike=None, novdisp=None, restframe=None): ''' Creates a dictionary of keyword variables to be passed to GALAXY.make_templates (or one of GALAXY's child classes). Allows the user to fully define the templated spectra, via defining individual targets or ranges in values. Values already specified in get_targets are not included here. Anything not define or set to None will not be assigned and CLASS.make_templates will assume the following as defaults: * nmodel=100, zrange=(0.6, 1.6), magrange=(21.0, 23.5), * oiiihbrange=(-0.5, 0.2), logvdisp_meansig=(1.9, 0.15), * minlineflux=0.0, trans_rfluxratiorange=(0.01, 0.1), * seed=None, redshift=None, mag=None, vdisp=None, * input_meta=None, nocolorcuts=False, nocontinuum=False, * agnlike=False, novdisp=False, restframe=False, verbose=False Args: * nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). * zrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum redshift range. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (0.6, 1.6). * magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (21, 23.4) in the r-band. * oiiihbrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum logarithmic [OIII] 5007/H-beta line-ratio. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (-0.5, 0.2). * logvdisp_meansig (float, optional): Logarithmic mean and sigma values for the (Gaussian) stellar velocity dispersion distribution. Defaults to log10-sigma=1.9+/-0.15 km/s. * minlineflux (float, optional): Minimum emission-line flux in the line specified by self.normline (default 0 erg/s/cm2). * trans_rfluxratiorange (float, optional): r-band flux ratio of the SNeIa spectrum with respect to the underlying galaxy. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (0.01, 0.1). * seed (int, optional): Input seed for the random numbers. * redshift (float, optional): Input/output template redshifts. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores zrange input. * mag (float, optional): Input/output template magnitudes in the band specified by self.normfilter. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. * vdisp (float, optional): Input/output velocity dispersions. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. * input_meta (astropy.Table): *Input* metadata table with the following required columns: TEMPLATEID, SEED, REDSHIFT, VDISP, MAG (where mag is specified by self.normfilter). In addition, if transient is True then the table must also contain SNE_TEMPLATEID, SNE_EPOCH, and SNE_RFLUXRATIO columns. See for the required data type for each column. If this table is passed then all other optional inputs (nmodel, redshift, vdisp, mag, zrange, logvdisp_meansig, etc.) are ignored. * nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the color-cuts specified by the self.colorcuts_function function (default False). * nocontinuum (bool, optional): Do not include the stellar continuum in the output spectrum (useful for testing; default False). Note that this option automatically sets nocolorcuts to True and transient to False. * novdisp (bool, optional): Do not velocity-blur the spectrum (default False). * agnlike (bool, optional): Adopt AGN-like emission-line ratios (e.g., for the LRGs and some BGS galaxies) (default False, meaning we adopt star-formation-like line-ratios). Option not yet supported. * restframe (bool, optional): If True, return full resolution restframe templates instead of resampled observer frame. * verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns: * fulldef_dict (dict): dictionary containing all of the values passed defined with variable names as the corresonding key. These are intentionally identical to those passed to the make_templates classes above ''' fulldef_dict = {} if zrange is not None: fulldef_dict['zrange'] = zrange if magrange is not None: fulldef_dict['magrange'] = magrange if oiiihbrange is not None: fulldef_dict['oiiihbrange'] = oiiihbrange if logvdisp_meansig is not None: fulldef_dict['logvdisp_meansig'] = logvdisp_meansig if minlineflux is not None: fulldef_dict['minlineflux'] = minlineflux if trans_rfluxratiorange is not None: fulldef_dict['trans_rfluxratiorange'] = trans_rfluxratiorange if redshift is not None: fulldef_dict['redshift'] = redshift if mag is not None: fulldef_dict['mag'] = mag if vdisp is not None: fulldef_dict['vdisp'] = vdisp if nocolorcuts is not None: fulldef_dict['nocolorcuts'] = nocolorcuts if nocontinuum is not None: fulldef_dict['nocontinuum'] = nocontinuum if agnlike is not None: fulldef_dict['agnlike'] = agnlike if novdisp is not None: fulldef_dict['novdisp'] = novdisp if restframe is not None: fulldef_dict['restframe'] = restframe return fulldef_dict
[docs]def specify_starparams_dict(templatetype,vrad_meansig=None, magrange=None, redshift=None, mag=None, input_meta=None, star_properties=None, nocolorcuts=None, restframe=None): ''' Creates a dictionary of keyword variables to be passed to SUPERSTAR.make_templates (or one of SUPERSTAR's child classes). Allows the user to fully define the templated spectra, via defining individual targets or ranges in values. Values already specified in get_targets are not included here. Anything not define or set to None will not be assigned and CLASS.make_templates will assume the following as defaults: * nmodel=100, vrad_meansig=(0.0, 200.0), * magrange=(18.0, 23.5), seed=None, redshift=None, * mag=None, input_meta=None, star_properties=None, * nocolorcuts=False, restframe=False, verbose=False Args: * nmodel (int, optional): Number of models to generate (default 100). * vrad_meansig (float, optional): Mean and sigma (standard deviation) of the radial velocity "jitter" (in km/s) that should be included in each spectrum. Defaults to a normal distribution with a mean of zero and sigma of 200 km/s. * magrange (float, optional): Minimum and maximum magnitude in the bandpass specified by self.normfilter. Defaults to a uniform distribution between (18, 23.5) in the r-band. * seed (int, optional): input seed for the random numbers. * redshift (float, optional): Input/output (dimensionless) radial velocity. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores vrad_meansig input. * mag (float, optional): Input/output template magnitudes in the band specified by self.normfilter. Array size must equal nmodel. Ignores magrange input. * input_meta (astropy.Table): *Input* metadata table with the following required columns: TEMPLATEID, SEED, REDSHIFT, and MAG (where mag is specified by self.normfilter). See for the required data type for each column. If this table is passed then all other optional inputs (nmodel, redshift, mag, vrad_meansig etc.) are ignored. * star_properties (astropy.Table): *Input* table with the following required columns: REDSHIFT, MAG, TEFF, LOGG, and FEH (except for WDs, which don't need to have an FEH column). Optionally, SEED can also be included in the table. When this table is passed, the basis templates are interpolated to the desired physical values provided, enabling large numbers of mock stellar spectra to be generated with physically consistent properties. * nocolorcuts (bool, optional): Do not apply the color-cuts specified by the self.colorcuts_function function (default False). * restframe (bool, optional): If True, return full resolution restframe templates instead of resampled observer frame. * verbose (bool, optional): Be verbose! Returns: * fulldef_dict (dict): dictionary containing all of the values passed defined with variable names as the corresonding key. These are intentionally identical to those passed to the make_templates classes above ''' fulldef_dict = {} if vrad_meansig is not None: fulldef_dict['vrad_meansig'] = vrad_meansig if magrange is not None: fulldef_dict['magrange'] = magrange if redshift is not None: fulldef_dict['redshift'] = redshift if mag is not None: fulldef_dict['mag'] = mag if input_meta is not None: fulldef_dict['input_meta'] = input_meta if star_properties is not None: fulldef_dict['star_properties'] = star_properties if nocolorcuts is not None: fulldef_dict['nocolorcuts'] = nocolorcuts if restframe is not None: fulldef_dict['restframe'] = restframe return fulldef_dict