Source code for desisim.targets


Utility functions for working with simulated targets.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import sys
import string

import numpy as np
import yaml

import astropy.table

from desimodel.focalplane import FocalPlane
from import empty_metatable
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

from desiutil import brick
from import empty_fibermap
from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask

from desisim import io

[docs]def get_simtype(spectype, desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target): ''' Derive the simulation type from the redshift spectype and target bits Args: spectype : array of 'GALAXY', 'QSO', 'STAR' *_target : target mask bits Returns array of simulation types: ELG, LRG, QSO, BGS, ... TODO: add subtypes of STAR ''' simtype = np.zeros(len(spectype), dtype=(str,6)) simtype[:] = '???' isGalaxy = (spectype == 'GALAXY') isQSO = (spectype == 'QSO') isStar = (spectype == 'STAR') | (spectype == 'WD') isSky = (spectype == 'SKY') | (spectype == '0.0') isLRG = isGalaxy & ((desi_target & desi_mask.LRG) != 0) isELG = isGalaxy & ((desi_target & desi_mask.ELG) != 0) isBGS = isGalaxy & ((bgs_target & bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT) != 0) isBGS |= isGalaxy & ((bgs_target & bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT) != 0) # this is introduced in the case of contaminants for mocks # where spectype != desi_target. # We assume that spectype=="Truth" and desi_target=="targeting information" isELG |= isGalaxy & ((desi_target & desi_mask.QSO) !=0 ) simtype[isLRG] = 'LRG' simtype[isELG] = 'ELG' simtype[isBGS] = 'BGS' simtype[isQSO] = 'QSO' simtype[isStar] = 'STAR' simtype[isSky] = 'SKY' # from pdb import set_trace as bp # bp() # print(len(simtype), np.count_nonzero(simtype=='???'), spectype, type(spectype)) if np.any(simtype == '???') : print("cannot guess simtype of: spectype={}".format(np.unique(spectype[simtype== '???']))) assert np.all(simtype != '???') return simtype
[docs]def sample_objtype(nobj, program): """ Return a random sampling of object types (dark, bright, MWS, BGS, ELG, LRG, QSO, STD, BAD_QSO) Args: nobj : number of objects to generate Returns: (true_objtype, target_objtype) where true_objtype is the array of what type the objects actually are and target_objtype is the array of type they were targeted as Notes: - Actual fiber assignment will result in higher relative fractions of LRGs and QSOs in early passes and more ELGs in later passes. - Also ensures at least 2 sky and 1 stdstar, even if nobj is small """ program = program.upper() #- Load target densities tgt = # initialize so we can ask for 0 of some kinds of survey targets later nlrg = nqso = nelg = nmws = nbgs = nbgs = nmws = 0 #- Fraction of sky and standard star targets is guaranteed nsky = int(tgt['frac_sky'] * nobj) nstd = int(tgt['frac_std'] * nobj) #- Assure at least 2 sky and 1 std if nobj >= 3: if nstd < 1: nstd = 1 if nsky < 2: nsky = 2 #- Number of science fibers available nsci = nobj - (nsky+nstd) true_objtype = ['SKY']*nsky + ['STD']*nstd if (program == 'MWS'): true_objtype += ['MWS_STAR']*nsci elif (program == 'QSO'): true_objtype += ['QSO']*nsci elif (program == 'ELG'): true_objtype += ['ELG']*nsci elif (program == 'LRG'): true_objtype += ['LRG']*nsci elif (program == 'STD'): true_objtype += ['STD']*nsci elif (program == 'BGS'): true_objtype += ['BGS']*nsci elif (program in ('GRAY', 'GREY')): true_objtype += ['ELG',] * nsci elif (program == 'BRIGHT'): #- BGS galaxies and MWS stars #- TODO: split BGS bright vs. faint ntgt = float(tgt['nobs_bgs_faint'] + tgt['nobs_bgs_bright'] + tgt['nobs_mws']) prob_mws = tgt['nobs_mws'] / ntgt prob_bgs = 1 - prob_mws p = [prob_bgs, prob_mws] nbgs, nmws = np.random.multinomial(nsci, p) true_objtype += ['BGS']*nbgs true_objtype += ['MWS_STAR']*nmws elif (program == 'DARK'): #- LRGs ELGs QSOs ntgt = float(tgt['nobs_lrg'] + tgt['nobs_elg'] + tgt['nobs_qso'] + tgt['nobs_lya'] + tgt['ntarget_badqso']) prob_lrg = tgt['nobs_lrg'] / ntgt prob_elg = tgt['nobs_elg'] / ntgt prob_qso = (tgt['nobs_qso'] + tgt['nobs_lya']) / ntgt prob_badqso = tgt['ntarget_badqso'] / ntgt p = [prob_lrg, prob_elg, prob_qso, prob_badqso] nlrg, nelg, nqso, nbadqso = np.random.multinomial(nsci, p) true_objtype += ['ELG']*nelg true_objtype += ['LRG']*nlrg true_objtype += ['QSO']*nqso + ['QSO_BAD']*nbadqso elif program == 'SKY': #- override everything else and just return sky objects nlrg = nqso = nelg = nmws = nbgs = nbgs = nmws = nstd = 0 nsky = nobj true_objtype = ['SKY',] * nobj else: raise ValueError("Do not know the objtype mix for program "+ program) assert len(true_objtype) == nobj, \ 'len(true_objtype) mismatch for program {} : {} != {}'.format(\ program, len(true_objtype), nobj) np.random.shuffle(true_objtype) target_objtype = list() for x in true_objtype: if x == 'QSO_BAD': target_objtype.append('QSO') else: target_objtype.append(x) target_objtype = np.array(target_objtype) true_objtype = np.array(true_objtype) return true_objtype, target_objtype
#- multiprocessing needs one arg, not multiple args def _wrap_get_targets(args): nspec, program, tileid, seed, specify_targets, specmin = args return get_targets(nspec, program, tileid, seed=seed, specify_targets=specify_targets, specmin=specmin)
[docs]def get_targets_parallel(nspec, program, tileid=None, nproc=None, seed=None, specify_targets=dict()): ''' Parallel wrapper for get_targets() nproc (int) is number of multiprocessing processes to use. ''' import multiprocessing as mp if nproc is None: nproc = mp.cpu_count() // 2 #- don't bother with parallelism if there aren't many targets if nspec < 20: log.debug('Not Parallelizing get_targets for only {} targets'.format(nspec)) return get_targets(nspec, program, tileid, seed=seed, specify_targets=specify_targets) else: nproc = min(nproc, nspec//10) log.debug('Parallelizing get_targets using {} cores'.format(nproc)) args = list() n = nspec // nproc #- Generate random seeds for each process to use as a random seed np.random.seed(seed) seeds = np.random.randint(2**32, size=nspec) for i in range(0, nspec, n): if i+n < nspec: args.append( (n, program, tileid, seeds[i], specify_targets, i) ) else: args.append( (nspec-i, program, tileid, seeds[i], specify_targets, i) ) with mp.Pool(nproc) as P: results =, args) fibermaps, targets = list(zip(*results)) fibermap = np.concatenate(fibermaps) #- wave should be the same for all targets wave = targets[0][1] #- vstack for arrays, hstack for tables, python-fu for dictionaries flux = np.vstack([tx[0] for tx in targets]) meta = np.hstack([tx[2] for tx in targets]) objmeta = dict() for tx in targets: if len(tx[3]) > 0: # can be empty, e.g., for QSOs for key in tx[3].keys(): if key in objmeta: objmeta[key] = astropy.table.vstack( (objmeta[key], tx[3][key]) ) else: objmeta[key] = tx[3][key] #- Fix FIBER and SPECTROID entries in fibermap fibermap['FIBER'] = np.arange(nspec) fibermap['SPECTROID'] = fibermap['FIBER'] // 500 #- Check dimensionality nspec, nwave = flux.shape assert len(fibermap) == nspec assert len(meta) == nspec assert len(wave) == nwave return fibermap, (flux, wave, meta, objmeta)
[docs]def get_targets(nspec, program, tileid=None, seed=None, specify_targets=dict(), specmin=0): """ Generates a set of targets for the requested program Args: nspec: (int) number of targets to generate program: (str) program name DARK, BRIGHT, GRAY, MWS, BGS, LRG, ELG, ... Options: * tileid: (int) tileid, used for setting RA,dec * seed: (int) random number seed * specify_targets: (dict of dicts) Define target properties like magnitude and redshift for each target class. Each objtype has its own key,value pair see simspec.templates.specify_galparams_dict() or simsepc.templates.specify_starparams_dict() * specmin: (int) first spectrum number (0-indexed) Returns: * fibermap * targets as tuple of (flux, wave, meta) """ if tileid is None: tile_ra, tile_dec = 0.0, 0.0 else: tile_ra, tile_dec = io.get_tile_radec(tileid) program = program.upper() log.debug('Using random seed {}'.format(seed)) np.random.seed(seed) #- Get distribution of target types true_objtype, target_objtype = sample_objtype(nspec, program) #- Get DESI wavelength coverage try: params = wavemin = params['ccd']['b']['wavemin'] wavemax = params['ccd']['z']['wavemax'] except KeyError: wavemin ='b').wavemin wavemax ='z').wavemax dw = 0.2 wave = np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw) nwave = len(wave) flux = np.zeros( (nspec, len(wave)) ) meta, _ = empty_metatable(nmodel=nspec, objtype='SKY') objmeta = dict() fibermap = empty_fibermap(nspec) targetid = np.random.randint(sys.maxsize, size=nspec).astype(np.int64) meta['TARGETID'] = targetid fibermap['TARGETID'] = targetid for objtype in set(true_objtype): ii = np.where(true_objtype == objtype)[0] nobj = len(ii) fibermap['OBJTYPE'][ii] = target_objtype[ii].astype(fibermap['OBJTYPE'].dtype) if objtype in specify_targets.keys(): obj_kwargs = specify_targets[objtype] else: obj_kwargs = dict() # Simulate spectra if objtype == 'SKY': fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.SKY continue elif objtype == 'ELG': from desisim.templates import ELG elg = ELG(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = elg.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.ELG elif objtype == 'LRG': from desisim.templates import LRG lrg = LRG(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = lrg.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.LRG elif objtype == 'BGS': from desisim.templates import BGS bgs = BGS(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = bgs.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.BGS_ANY fibermap['BGS_TARGET'][ii] = bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT elif objtype == 'QSO': from desisim.templates import QSO qso = QSO(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = qso.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, lyaforest=False, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.QSO # For a "bad" QSO simulate a normal star without color cuts, which isn't # right. We need to apply the QSO color-cuts to the normal stars to pull # out the correct population of contaminating stars. # Note by @moustakas: we can now do this using desisim/#150, but we are # going to need 'noisy' photometry (because the QSO color-cuts # explicitly avoid the stellar locus). elif objtype == 'QSO_BAD': from desisim.templates import STAR #from desitarget.cuts import isQSO #star = STAR(wave=wave, colorcuts_function=isQSO) star = STAR(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = star.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] = desi_mask.QSO elif objtype == 'STD': from desisim.templates import STD std = STD(wave=wave) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = std.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) #- Loop options for forwards/backwards compatibility for name in ['STD_FAINT', 'STD_FSTAR', 'STD']: if name in desi_mask.names(): fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] |= desi_mask[name] break elif objtype == 'MWS_STAR': from desisim.templates import MWS_STAR mwsstar = MWS_STAR(wave=wave) # TODO: mag ranges for different programs of STAR targets should be in desimodel if 'magrange' not in obj_kwargs.keys(): obj_kwargs['magrange'] = (15.0,20.0) simflux, wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = mwsstar.make_templates(nmodel=nobj, seed=seed, **obj_kwargs) fibermap['DESI_TARGET'][ii] |= desi_mask.MWS_ANY #- MWS bit names changed after desitarget 0.6.0 so use number #- instead of name for now (bit 0 = mask 1 = MWS_MAIN currently) fibermap['MWS_TARGET'][ii] = 1 else: raise ValueError('Unable to simulate OBJTYPE={}'.format(objtype)) # Assign targetid meta1['TARGETID'] = targetid[ii] if hasattr(objmeta1, 'data'): # simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimPoints object['TARGETID'] = targetid[ii] else: if len(objmeta1) > 0: objmeta1['TARGETID'] = targetid[ii] # We want the dict key tied to the "true" object type (e.g., STAR), # not, e.g., QSO_BAD. objmeta[meta1['OBJTYPE'][0]] = objmeta1 flux[ii] = simflux meta[ii] = meta1 for band in ['G', 'R', 'Z', 'W1', 'W2']: key = 'FLUX_'+band fibermap[key][ii] = meta[key][ii] #- TODO: FLUX_IVAR #- Load fiber -> positioner mapping and tile information fiberpos = #- Where are these targets? Centered on positioners for now. x = fiberpos['X'][specmin:specmin+nspec] y = fiberpos['Y'][specmin:specmin+nspec] fp = FocalPlane(tile_ra, tile_dec) ra = np.zeros(nspec) dec = np.zeros(nspec) for i in range(nspec): ra[i], dec[i] = fp.xy2radec(x[i], y[i]) #- Fill in the rest of the fibermap structure fibermap['FIBER'] = np.arange(nspec, dtype='i4') fibermap['POSITIONER'] = fiberpos['POSITIONER'][specmin:specmin+nspec] fibermap['SPECTROID'] = fiberpos['SPECTROGRAPH'][specmin:specmin+nspec] fibermap['TARGETCAT'] = np.zeros(nspec, dtype=(str, 20)) fibermap['LAMBDA_REF'] = np.ones(nspec, dtype=np.float32)*5400 fibermap['TARGET_RA'] = ra fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] = dec fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_X'] = x fibermap['FIBERASSIGN_Y'] = y fibermap['FIBER_RA'] = fibermap['TARGET_RA'] fibermap['FIBER_DEC'] = fibermap['TARGET_DEC'] fibermap['BRICKNAME'] = brick.brickname(ra, dec) return fibermap, (flux, wave, meta, objmeta)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- Currently unused, but keep around for now
[docs]def sample_nz(objtype, n): """ Given `objtype` = 'LRG', 'ELG', 'QSO', 'STAR', 'STD' return array of `n` redshifts that properly sample n(z) from $DESIMODEL/data/targets/nz*.dat """ #- TODO: should this be in desimodel instead? #- Stars are at redshift 0 for now. Could consider a velocity dispersion. if objtype in ('STAR', 'STD'): return np.zeros(n, dtype=float) #- Determine which input n(z) file to use targetdir = os.getenv('DESIMODEL')+'/data/targets/' objtype = objtype.upper() if objtype == 'LRG': infile = targetdir+'/nz_lrg.dat' elif objtype == 'ELG': infile = targetdir+'/nz_elg.dat' elif objtype == 'QSO': #- TODO: should use full dNdzdg distribution instead infile = targetdir+'/nz_qso.dat' else: raise ValueError("objtype {} not recognized (ELG LRG QSO STD STAR)".format(objtype)) #- Read n(z) distribution zlo, zhi, ntarget = np.loadtxt(infile, unpack=True)[0:3] #- Construct normalized cumulative density function (cdf) cdf = np.cumsum(ntarget, dtype=float) cdf /= cdf[-1] #- Sample that distribution x = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=n) return np.interp(x, cdf, zhi)
[docs]def _default_wave(wavemin=None, wavemax=None, dw=0.2): '''Construct and return the default wavelength vector.''' params = if wavemin is None: try: wavemin = params['ccd']['b']['wavemin'] except KeyError: wavemin ='b').wavemin if wavemax is None: try: wavemax = params['ccd']['z']['wavemax'] except KeyError: wavemax ='z').wavemax wave = np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw) return wave