Source code for desisim.scripts.quickgalaxies

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import os

from datetime import datetime

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser

from astropy.table import Table, vstack

from desisim.templates import BGS
from desisim.scripts.quickspectra import sim_spectra
from desitarget.mock.mockmaker import BGSMaker
from desitarget.cuts import isBGS_colors
from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG

from yaml import load

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class SetDefaultFromFile(Action, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract interface class to set command-line arguments from a file.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): config = self._get_config_from_file(values) for key, value in config.items(): setattr(namespace, key, value) @abstractmethod def _get_config_from_file(self, filename): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SetDefaultFromYAMLFile(SetDefaultFromFile): """Concrete class that sets command-line arguments from a YAML file."""
[docs] def _get_config_from_file(self, filename): """Implementation of configuration reader. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of configuration file to read. Returns ------- config : dictionary Configuration dictionary. """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: config = load(f) return config
[docs]def _get_healpixels_in_footprint(nside=64): """Obtain a list of HEALPix pixels in the DESI footprint. Parameters ---------- nside : int HEALPix nside parameter (in form nside=2**k, k=[1,2,3,...]). Returns ------- healpixels : ndarray List of HEALPix pixels within the DESI footprint. """ from desimodel import footprint from import load_tiles # Load DESI tiles. tile_tab = load_tiles() npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pix_ids = np.arange(npix) ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(nside, pix_ids, lonlat=True) # Get a list of pixel IDs inside the DESI footprint. in_desi = footprint.is_point_in_desi(tile_tab, ra, dec) healpixels = pix_ids[in_desi] return healpixels
[docs]def _default_wave(wavemin=None, wavemax=None, dw=0.2): """Generate a default wavelength vector for the output spectra.""" from import load_throughput if wavemin is None: wavemin = load_throughput('b').wavemin - 10.0 if wavemax is None: wavemax = load_throughput('z').wavemax + 10.0 return np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw)
[docs]def bgs_write_simdata(sim, overwrite=False): """Create a metadata table with simulation inputs. Parameters ---------- sim : dict Simulation parameters from command line. overwrite : bool Overwrite simulation data file. Returns ------- simdata : Table Data table written to disk. """ from import makepath from import write_bintable simdatafile = os.path.join(sim.simdir, 'bgs_{}_simdata.fits'.format(sim.simid)) makepath(simdatafile) cols = [ ('SEED', 'S20'), ('NSPEC', 'i4'), ('EXPTIME', 'f4'), ('AIRMASS', 'f4'), ('SEEING', 'f4'), ('MOONFRAC', 'f4'), ('MOONSEP', 'f4'), ('MOONALT', 'f4')] simdata = Table(np.zeros(sim.nsim, dtype=cols)) simdata['EXPTIME'].unit = 's' simdata['SEEING'].unit = 'arcsec' simdata['MOONSEP'].unit = 'deg' simdata['MOONALT'].unit = 'deg' simdata['SEED'] = sim.seed simdata['NSPEC'] = sim.nspec simdata['AIRMASS'] = sim.airmass simdata['SEEING'] = sim.seeing simdata['MOONALT'] = sim.moonalt simdata['MOONSEP'] = sim.moonsep simdata['MOONFRAC'] = sim.moonfrac simdata['EXPTIME'] = sim.exptime if overwrite or not os.path.isfile(simdatafile): print('Writing {}'.format(simdatafile)) write_bintable(simdatafile, simdata, extname='SIMDATA', clobber=True) return simdata
[docs]def simdata2obsconditions(sim): """Pack simdata observation conditions into a dictionary. Parameters ---------- simdata : Table Simulation data table. Returns ------- obs : dict Observation conditions dictionary. """ obs = dict(AIRMASS=sim.airmass, EXPTIME=sim.exptime, MOONALT=sim.moonalt, MOONFRAC=sim.moonfrac, MOONSEP=sim.moonsep, SEEING=sim.seeing) return obs
[docs]def write_templates(filename, flux, wave, target, truth, objtruth): """Write galaxy templates to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to output file. flux : ndarray Array of flux data for template spectra. wave : ndarray Array of wavelengths. target : Table Target information. truth : Table Template simulation truth. objtruth : Table Object-specific truth data. """ import astropy.units as u from import fits hx = fits.HDUList() # Write the wavelength table. hdu_wave = fits.PrimaryHDU(wave) hdu_wave.header['EXTNAME'] = 'WAVE' hdu_wave.header['BUNIT'] = 'Angstrom' hdu_wave.header['AIRORVAC'] = ('vac', 'Vacuum wavelengths') hx.append(hdu_wave) # Write the flux table. fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom) hdu_flux = fits.ImageHDU(flux) hdu_flux.header['EXTNAME'] = 'FLUX' hdu_flux.header['BUNIT'] = str(fluxunits) hx.append(hdu_flux) # Write targets table. hdu_targets = fits.table_to_hdu(target) hdu_targets.header['EXTNAME'] = 'TARGETS' hx.append(hdu_targets) # Write truth table. hdu_truth = fits.table_to_hdu(truth) hdu_truth.header['EXTNAME'] = 'TRUTH' hx.append(hdu_truth) # Write objtruth table. hdu_objtruth = fits.table_to_hdu(objtruth) hdu_objtruth.header['EXTNAME'] = 'OBJTRUTH' hx.append(hdu_objtruth) print('Writing {}'.format(filename)) hx.writeto(filename, overwrite=True)
[docs]def parse(options=None): """Parse command-line options. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Fast galaxy simulator') parser.add_argument('--config', action=SetDefaultFromYAMLFile) # # Observational conditions. # cond = parser.add_argument_group('Observing conditions') cond.add_argument('--airmass', dest='airmass', type=float, default=1., help='Airmass [1..40].') cond.add_argument('--exptime', dest='exptime', type=int, default=300, help='Exposure time [s].') cond.add_argument('--seeing', dest='seeing', type=float, default=1.1, help='Seeing [arcsec].') cond.add_argument('--moonalt', dest='moonalt', type=float, default=-60., help='Moon altitude [deg].') cond.add_argument('--moonfrac', dest='moonfrac', type=float, default=0., help='Illuminated moon fraction [0..1].') cond.add_argument('--moonsep', dest='moonsep', type=float, default=180., help='Moon separation angle [deg].') # # Galaxy simulation settings. # mcset = parser.add_argument_group('Simulation settings') mcset.add_argument('--nside', dest='nside', type=int, default=64, help='HEALPix NSIDE parameter.') mcset.add_argument('--nspec', dest='nspec', type=int, default=100, help='Number of spectra per HEALPix pixel.') mcset.add_argument('--nsim', dest='nsim', type=int, default=10, help='Number of simulations (HEALPix pixels).') mcset.add_argument('--seed', dest='seed', type=int, default=None, help='Random number seed') mcset.add_argument('--addsnia', dest='addsnia', action='store_true', default=False, help='Add SNe Ia to host spectra.') mcset.add_argument('--addsniip', dest='addsniip', action='store_true', default=False, help='Add SNe IIp to host spectra.') mcset.add_argument('--snrmin', dest='snrmin', type=float, default=0.01, help='SN/host minimum flux ratio.') mcset.add_argument('--snrmax', dest='snrmax', type=float, default=1.00, help='SN/host maximum flux ratio.') # # Output settings. # output = parser.add_argument_group('Output settings') output.add_argument('--simid', dest='simid','%Y-%m-%d'), help='ID/name for simulations.') output.add_argument('--simdir', dest='simdir', default='', help='Simulation output directory absolute path.') # Parse command line options. if options is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(options) return args
def main(args=None): log = get_logger() if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))): args = parse(args) # Save simulation output. rng = np.random.RandomState(args.seed) simdata = bgs_write_simdata(args) obs = simdata2obsconditions(args) # Generate list of HEALPix pixels to randomly sample from the mocks. healpixels = _get_healpixels_in_footprint(nside=args.nside) npix = np.minimum(10*args.nsim, len(healpixels)) pixels = rng.choice(healpixels, size=npix, replace=False) ipix = iter(pixels) # Set up the template generator. maker = BGSMaker(seed=args.seed) maker.template_maker = BGS(add_SNeIa=args.addsnia,add_SNeIIp=args.addsniip, wave=_default_wave()) for j in range(args.nsim): # Loop until finding a non-empty healpixel (one with mock galaxies). tdata = [] while len(tdata) == 0: pixel = next(ipix) tdata =, nside=args.nside) # Add SN generation options. if args.addsnia or args.addsniip: tdata['SNE_FLUXRATIORANGE'] = (args.snrmin, args.snrmax) tdata['SNE_FILTER'] = 'decam2014-r' # Generate nspec spectral templates and write them to "truth" files. wave = None flux, targ, truth, obj = [], [], [], [] # Generate templates until we have enough to pass brightness cuts. ntosim = np.min((args.nspec, len(tdata['RA']))) ngood = 0 while ngood < args.nspec: idx = rng.choice(len(tdata['RA']), ntosim) tflux, twave, ttarg, ttruth, tobj = \ maker.make_spectra(tdata, indx=idx) # Apply color cuts. is_bright = isBGS_colors(gflux=ttruth['FLUX_G'], rflux=ttruth['FLUX_R'], zflux=ttruth['FLUX_Z'], w1flux=ttruth['FLUX_W1'], w2flux=ttruth['FLUX_W2'], targtype='bright') is_faint = isBGS_colors(gflux=ttruth['FLUX_G'], rflux=ttruth['FLUX_R'], zflux=ttruth['FLUX_Z'], w1flux=ttruth['FLUX_W1'], w2flux=ttruth['FLUX_W2'], targtype='faint') is_wise = isBGS_colors(gflux=ttruth['FLUX_G'], rflux=ttruth['FLUX_R'], zflux=ttruth['FLUX_Z'], w1flux=ttruth['FLUX_W1'], w2flux=ttruth['FLUX_W2'], targtype='wise') keep = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(is_bright, is_faint), is_wise) _ngood = np.count_nonzero(keep) if _ngood > 0: ngood += _ngood flux.append(tflux[keep, :]) targ.append(ttarg[keep]) truth.append(ttruth[keep]) obj.append(tobj[keep]) wave = maker.wave flux = np.vstack(flux)[:args.nspec, :] targ = vstack(targ)[:args.nspec] truth = vstack(truth)[:args.nspec] obj = vstack(obj)[:args.nspec] if args.addsnia or args.addsniip: # TARGETID in truth table is split in two; deal with it here. truth['TARGETID'] = truth['TARGETID_1'] # Set up and verify the TARGETID across all truth tables. n = len(truth) new_id = 10000000*pixel + 100000*j + np.arange(1, n+1) truth['TARGETID'][:] = new_id targ['TARGETID'][:] = new_id obj['TARGETID'][:] = new_id assert(len(truth) == args.nspec) assert(np.all(targ['TARGETID'] == truth['TARGETID'])) assert(len(truth) == len(np.unique(truth['TARGETID']))) assert(len(targ) == len(np.unique(targ['TARGETID']))) assert(len(obj) == len(np.unique(obj['TARGETID']))) truthfile = os.path.join(args.simdir, 'bgs_{}_{:03}_truth.fits'.format(args.simid, j)) write_templates(truthfile, flux, wave, targ, truth, obj) # Generate simulated spectra, given observing conditions. specfile = os.path.join(args.simdir, 'bgs_{}_{:03}_spectra.fits'.format(args.simid, j)) sim_spectra(wave, flux, 'bgs', specfile, obsconditions=obs, sourcetype='bgs', targetid=truth['TARGETID'], redshift=truth['TRUEZ'], seed=args.seed, expid=j)