Source code for desisim.quickcat


Code for quickly generating an output zcatalog given fiber assignment tiles,
a truth catalog, and optionally a previous zcatalog.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import yaml
from collections import Counter
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from time import asctime

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, Column, vstack
import sys
import scipy.special as sp
import desisim
from desisim.targets import get_simtype

import astropy.constants
c ='km/s').value

from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask

from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

#- redshift errors, zwarn, cata fail rate fractions from
#- /project/projectdirs/desi/datachallenge/redwood/spectro/redux/redwood/
#- sigmav = c sigmaz / (1+z)
_sigma_v = {
#    'ELG': 38.03,
#    'LRG': 67.38,
    'BGS': 37.70,
#    'QSO': 182.16,
    'STAR': 51.51,
    'SKY': 9999,      #- meaningless
    'UNKNOWN': 9999,  #- meaningless

_zwarn_fraction = {
#    'ELG': 0.087,
#    'LRG': 0.007,
#    'QSO': 0.020,
    'BGS': 0.024,
    'STAR': 0.345,
    'SKY': 1.0,
    'UNKNOWN': 1.0,

_cata_fail_fraction = {
#    'ELG': 0.020,
#    'LRG': 0.002,
#    'QSO': 0.012,
    'BGS': 0.003,
    'STAR': 0.050,
    'SKY': 0.,
    'UNKNOWN': 0.,

[docs]def get_zeff_obs(simtype, obsconditions): ''' ''' if(simtype=='LRG'): p_v = [1.0, 0.15, -0.5] p_w = [1.0, 0.4, 0.0] p_x = [1.0, 0.06, 0.05] p_y = [1.0, 0.0, 0.08] p_z = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] sigma_r = 0.02 elif(simtype=='QSO'): p_v = [1.0, -0.2, 0.3] p_w = [1.0, -0.5, 0.6] p_x = [1.0, -0.1, -0.075] p_y = [1.0, -0.08, -0.04] p_z = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] sigma_r = 0.05 elif(simtype=='ELG'): p_v = [1.0, -0.1, -0.2] p_w = [1.0, 0.25, -0.75] p_x = [1.0, 0.0, 0.05] p_y = [1.0, 0.2, 0.1] p_z = [1.0, -10.0, 300.0] sigma_r = 0.075 else: log.warning('No model for how observing conditions impact {} redshift efficiency'.format(simtype)) return np.ones(len(obsconditions)) ncond = len(np.atleast_1d(obsconditions['AIRMASS'])) # airmass v = obsconditions['AIRMASS'] - np.mean(obsconditions['AIRMASS']) pv = p_v[0] + p_v[1] * v + p_v[2] * (v**2. - np.mean(v**2)) # ebmv # KeyError if dict or Table is missing EBMV # ValueError if ndarray is missing EBMV try: w = obsconditions['EBMV'] - np.mean(obsconditions['EBMV']) pw = p_w[0] + p_w[1] * w + p_w[2] * (w**2 - np.mean(w**2)) except (KeyError, ValueError): pw = np.ones(ncond) # seeing x = obsconditions['SEEING'] - np.mean(obsconditions['SEEING']) px = p_x[0] + p_x[1]*x + p_x[2] * (x**2 - np.mean(x**2)) # transparency try: y = obsconditions['LINTRANS'] - np.mean(obsconditions['LINTRANS']) py = p_y[0] + p_y[1]*y + p_y[2] * (y**2 - np.mean(y**2)) except (KeyError, ValueError): py = np.ones(ncond) # moon illumination fraction z = obsconditions['MOONFRAC'] - np.mean(obsconditions['MOONFRAC']) pz = p_z[0] + p_z[1]*z + p_z[2] * (z**2 - np.mean(z**2)) #- if moon is down phase doesn't matter pz = np.ones(ncond) pz[obsconditions['MOONALT'] < 0] = 1.0 pr = 1.0 + np.random.normal(size=ncond, scale=sigma_r) #- this correction factor can be greater than 1, but not less than 0 pobs = (pv * pw * px * py * pz * pr).clip(min=0.0) return pobs
[docs]def get_redshift_efficiency(simtype, targets, truth, targets_in_tile, obsconditions, params, ignore_obscondition=False): """ Simple model to get the redshift effiency from the observational conditions or observed magnitudes+redshuft Args: simtype: ELG, LRG, QSO, MWS, BGS targets: target catalog table; currently used only for TARGETID truth: truth table with OIIFLUX, TRUEZ targets_in_tile: dictionary. Keys correspond to tileids, its values are the arrays of targetids observed in that tile. obsconditions: table observing conditions with columns 'TILEID': array of tile IDs 'AIRMASS': array of airmass values on a tile 'EBMV': array of E(B-V) values on a tile 'LINTRANS': array of atmospheric transparency during spectro obs; floats [0-1] 'MOONFRAC': array of moonfraction values on a tile. 'SEEING': array of FWHM seeing during spectroscopic observation on a tile. parameter_filename: yaml file with quickcat parameters ignore_obscondition: if True, no variation of efficiency with obs. conditions (adjustment of exposure time should correct for mean change of S/N) Returns: tuple of arrays (observed, p) both with same length as targets observed: boolean array of whether the target was observed in these tiles p: probability to get this redshift right """ targetid = targets['TARGETID'] n = len(targetid) try: if 'DECAM_FLUX' in targets.dtype.names : true_gflux = targets['DECAM_FLUX'][:, 1] true_rflux = targets['DECAM_FLUX'][:, 2] else: true_gflux = targets['FLUX_G'] true_rflux = targets['FLUX_R'] except: raise Exception('Missing photometry needed to estimate redshift efficiency!') a_small_flux=1e-40 true_gflux[true_gflux<a_small_flux]=a_small_flux true_rflux[true_rflux<a_small_flux]=a_small_flux if (obsconditions is None) or ('OIIFLUX' not in truth.dtype.names): raise Exception('Missing obsconditions and flux information to estimate redshift efficiency') if (simtype == 'ELG'): # Read the model OII flux threshold (FDR fig 7.12 modified to fit redmonster efficiency on OAK) # filename = resource_filename('desisim', 'data/quickcat_elg_oii_flux_threshold.txt') # Read the model OII flux threshold (FDR fig 7.12) filename = resource_filename('desisim', 'data/elg_oii_flux_threshold_fdr.txt') fdr_z, modified_fdr_oii_flux_threshold = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) # Compute OII flux thresholds for truez oii_flux_limit = np.interp(truth['TRUEZ'],fdr_z,modified_fdr_oii_flux_threshold) oii_flux_limit[oii_flux_limit<1e-20]=1e-20 # efficiency is modeled as a function of flux_OII/f_OII_threshold(z) and an arbitrary sigma_fudge snr_in_lines = params["ELG"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SNR_LINES_SCALE"]*7*truth['OIIFLUX']/oii_flux_limit snr_in_continuum = params["ELG"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SNR_CONTINUUM_SCALE"]*true_rflux snr_tot = np.sqrt(snr_in_lines**2+snr_in_continuum**2) sigma_fudge = params["ELG"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMA_FUDGE"] nsigma = 3. simulated_eff = eff_model(snr_tot,nsigma,sigma_fudge) elif(simtype == 'LRG'): r_mag = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(true_rflux) sigmoid_cutoff = params["LRG"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_CUTOFF"] sigmoid_fudge = params["LRG"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_FUDGE"] simulated_eff = 1./(1.+np.exp((r_mag-sigmoid_cutoff)/sigmoid_fudge))"{} eff = sigmoid with cutoff = {:4.3f} fudge = {:4.3f}".format(simtype,sigmoid_cutoff,sigmoid_fudge)) elif(simtype == 'QSO'): zsplit = params['QSO_ZSPLIT'] r_mag = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(true_rflux) simulated_eff = np.ones(r_mag.shape) # lowz tracer qsos sigmoid_cutoff = params["LOWZ_QSO"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_CUTOFF"] sigmoid_fudge = params["LOWZ_QSO"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_FUDGE"] ii=(truth['TRUEZ']<=zsplit) simulated_eff[ii] = 1./(1.+np.exp((r_mag[ii]-sigmoid_cutoff)/sigmoid_fudge))"{} eff = sigmoid with cutoff = {:4.3f} fudge = {:4.3f}".format("LOWZ QSO",sigmoid_cutoff,sigmoid_fudge)) # highz lya qsos sigmoid_cutoff = params["LYA_QSO"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_CUTOFF"] sigmoid_fudge = params["LYA_QSO"]["EFFICIENCY"]["SIGMOID_FUDGE"] ii=(truth['TRUEZ']>zsplit) simulated_eff[ii] = 1./(1.+np.exp((r_mag[ii]-sigmoid_cutoff)/sigmoid_fudge))"{} eff = sigmoid with cutoff = {:4.3f} fudge = {:4.3f}".format("LYA QSO",sigmoid_cutoff,sigmoid_fudge)) elif simtype == 'BGS': simulated_eff = 0.98 * np.ones(n) elif simtype == 'MWS': simulated_eff = 0.98 * np.ones(n) else: default_zeff = 0.98 log.warning('using default redshift efficiency of {} for {}'.format(default_zeff, simtype)) simulated_eff = default_zeff * np.ones(n) #- Get the corrections for observing conditions per tile, then #- correct targets on those tiles. Parameterize in terms of failure #- rate instead of success rate to handle bookkeeping of targets that #- are observed on more than one tile. #- NOTE: this still isn't quite right since multiple observations will #- be simultaneously fit instead of just taking whichever individual one #- succeeds. if ignore_obscondition : ncond = len(np.atleast_1d(obsconditions['AIRMASS'])) zeff_obs = np.ones(ncond) else : zeff_obs = get_zeff_obs(simtype, obsconditions) pfail = np.ones(n) observed = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool) # More efficient alternative for large numbers of tiles + large target # list, but requires pre-computing the sort order of targetids. # Assume targets['TARGETID'] is unique, so not checking this. sort_targetid = np.argsort(targetid) # Extract the targets-per-tile lists into one huge list. concat_targets_in_tile = np.concatenate([targets_in_tile[tileid] for tileid in obsconditions['TILEID']]) ntargets_per_tile = np.array([len(targets_in_tile[tileid]) for tileid in obsconditions['TILEID']]) # Match entries in each tile list against sorted target list. target_idx = targetid[sort_targetid].searchsorted(concat_targets_in_tile,side='left') target_idx_r = targetid[sort_targetid].searchsorted(concat_targets_in_tile,side='right') del(concat_targets_in_tile) # Flag targets in tiles that do not appear in the target list (sky, # standards). not_matched = target_idx_r - target_idx == 0 target_idx[not_matched] = -1 del(target_idx_r,not_matched) # Not every tile has 5000 targets, so use individual counts to # construct offset of each tile in target_idx. offset = np.concatenate([[0],np.cumsum(ntargets_per_tile[:-1])]) # For each tile, process targets. for i, tileid in enumerate(obsconditions['TILEID']): if ntargets_per_tile[i] > 0: # Quickly get all the matched targets on this tile. targets_this_tile = target_idx[offset[i]:offset[i]+ntargets_per_tile[i]] targets_this_tile = targets_this_tile[targets_this_tile > 0] # List of indices into sorted target list for each observed # source. ii = sort_targetid[targets_this_tile] tmp = (simulated_eff[ii]*zeff_obs[i]).clip(0, 1) pfail[ii] *= (1-tmp) observed[ii] = True simulated_eff = (1-pfail) return observed, simulated_eff
# Efficiency model def eff_model(x, nsigma, sigma, max_efficiency=1): return 0.5*max_efficiency*(1.+sp.erf((x-nsigma)/(np.sqrt(2.)*sigma)))
[docs]def reverse_dictionary(a): """Inverts a dictionary mapping. Args: a: input dictionary. Returns: b: output reversed dictionary. """ b = {} for i in a.items(): try: for k in i[1]: if k not in b.keys(): b[k] = [i[0]] else: b[k].append(i[0]) except: k = i[1] if k not in b.keys(): b[k] = [i[0]] else: b[k].append(i[0]) return b
[docs]def get_observed_redshifts(targets, truth, targets_in_tile, obsconditions, parameter_filename=None, ignore_obscondition=False): """ Returns observed z, zerr, zwarn arrays given true object types and redshifts Args: targets: target catalog table; currently used only for target mask bits truth: truth table with OIIFLUX, TRUEZ targets_in_tile: dictionary. Keys correspond to tileids, its values are the arrays of targetids observed in that tile. obsconditions: table observing conditions with columns 'TILEID': array of tile IDs 'AIRMASS': array of airmass values on a tile 'EBMV': array of E(B-V) values on a tile 'LINTRANS': array of atmospheric transparency during spectro obs; floats [0-1] 'MOONFRAC': array of moonfraction values on a tile. 'SEEING': array of FWHM seeing during spectroscopic observation on a tile. parameter_filename: yaml file with quickcat parameters ignore_obscondition: if True, no variation of efficiency with obs. conditions (adjustment of exposure time should correct for mean change of S/N) Returns: tuple of (zout, zerr, zwarn) """ if parameter_filename is None : # Load efficiency parameters yaml file parameter_filename = resource_filename('desisim', 'data/quickcat.yaml') params=None with open(parameter_filename,"r") as file : params = yaml.safe_load(file) simtype = get_simtype(np.char.strip(truth['TRUESPECTYPE']), targets['DESI_TARGET'], targets['BGS_TARGET'], targets['MWS_TARGET']) #simtype = get_simtype(np.char.strip(truth['TEMPLATETYPE']), targets['DESI_TARGET'], targets['BGS_TARGET'], targets['MWS_TARGET']) truez = truth['TRUEZ'] targetid = truth['TARGETID'] try: if 'DECAM_FLUX' in targets.dtype.names : true_gflux = targets['DECAM_FLUX'][:, 1] true_rflux = targets['DECAM_FLUX'][:, 2] else: true_gflux = targets['FLUX_G'] true_rflux = targets['FLUX_R'] except: raise Exception('Missing photometry needed to estimate redshift efficiency!') a_small_flux=1e-40 true_gflux[true_gflux<a_small_flux]=a_small_flux true_rflux[true_rflux<a_small_flux]=a_small_flux zout = truez.copy() zerr = np.zeros(len(truez), dtype=np.float32) zwarn = np.zeros(len(truez), dtype=np.int32) objtypes = list(set(simtype)) n_tiles = len(np.unique(obsconditions['TILEID'])) if(n_tiles!=len(targets_in_tile)): raise ValueError('Number of obsconditions {} != len(targets_in_tile) {}'.format(n_tiles, len(targets_in_tile))) for objtype in objtypes: ii=(simtype==objtype) ################################### # redshift errors ################################### if objtype =='ELG' : sigma = params["ELG"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["SIGMA_17"] powerlawindex = params["ELG"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["POWER_LAW_INDEX"] oiiflux = truth['OIIFLUX'][ii]*1e17 zerr[ii] = sigma/(1.e-9+oiiflux**powerlawindex)*(1.+truez[ii]) zout[ii] += np.random.normal(scale=zerr[ii])"ELG sigma={:6.5f} index={:3.2f} median zerr={:6.5f}".format(sigma,powerlawindex,np.median(zerr[ii]))) elif objtype == 'LRG' : sigma = params["LRG"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["SIGMA_17"] powerlawindex = params["LRG"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["POWER_LAW_INDEX"] zerr[ii] = sigma/(1.e-9+true_rflux[ii]**powerlawindex)*(1.+truez[ii]) zout[ii] += np.random.normal(scale=zerr[ii])"LRG sigma={:6.5f} index={:3.2f} median zerr={:6.5f}".format(sigma,powerlawindex,np.median(zerr[ii]))) elif objtype == 'QSO' : zsplit = params['QSO_ZSPLIT'] sigma = params["LOWZ_QSO"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["SIGMA_17"] powerlawindex = params["LOWZ_QSO"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["POWER_LAW_INDEX"] jj=ii&(truth['TRUEZ']<=zsplit) zerr[jj] = sigma/(1.e-9+(true_rflux[jj])**powerlawindex)*(1.+truez[jj])"LOWZ QSO sigma={:6.5f} index={:3.2f} median zerr={:6.5f}".format(sigma,powerlawindex,np.median(zerr[jj]))) sigma = params["LYA_QSO"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["SIGMA_17"] powerlawindex = params["LYA_QSO"]["UNCERTAINTY"]["POWER_LAW_INDEX"] jj=ii&(truth['TRUEZ']>zsplit) zerr[jj] = sigma/(1.e-9+(true_rflux[jj])**powerlawindex)*(1.+truez[jj]) if np.count_nonzero(jj) > 0:"LYA QSO sigma={:6.5f} index={:3.2f} median zerr={:6.5f}".format( sigma,powerlawindex,np.median(zerr[jj]))) else: log.warning("No LyA QSO generated") zout[ii] += np.random.normal(scale=zerr[ii]) elif objtype in _sigma_v.keys() :"{} use constant sigmav = {} km/s".format(objtype,_sigma_v[objtype])) ii = (simtype == objtype) zerr[ii] = _sigma_v[objtype] * (1+truez[ii]) / c zout[ii] += np.random.normal(scale=zerr[ii]) else :"{} no redshift error model, will use truth") ################################### # redshift efficiencies ################################### # Set ZWARN flags for some targets # the redshift efficiency only sets warning, but does not impact # the redshift value and its error. was_observed, goodz_prob = get_redshift_efficiency( objtype, targets[ii], truth[ii], targets_in_tile, obsconditions=obsconditions,params=params, ignore_obscondition=ignore_obscondition) n=np.sum(ii) assert len(was_observed) == n assert len(goodz_prob) == n r = np.random.random(len(was_observed)) zwarn[ii] = 4 * (r > goodz_prob) * was_observed ################################### # catastrophic failures ################################### zlim=[0.,3.5] cata_fail_fraction = np.zeros(n) if objtype == "ELG" : cata_fail_fraction[:] = params["ELG"]["FAILURE_RATE"] zlim=[0.6,1.7] elif objtype == "LRG" : cata_fail_fraction[:] = params["LRG"]["FAILURE_RATE"] zlim=[0.5,1.1] elif objtype == "QSO" : zsplit = params["QSO_ZSPLIT"] cata_fail_fraction[truth['TRUEZ'][ii]<=zsplit] = params["LOWZ_QSO"]["FAILURE_RATE"] cata_fail_fraction[truth['TRUEZ'][ii]>zsplit] = params["LYA_QSO"]["FAILURE_RATE"] zlim=[0.5,3.5] elif objtype in _cata_fail_fraction : cata_fail_fraction[:] = _cata_fail_fraction[objtype] failed = (np.random.uniform(size=n)<cata_fail_fraction)&(zwarn[ii]==0) failed_indices = np.where(ii)[0][failed]"{} n_failed/n_tot={}/{}={:4.3f}".format(objtype,failed_indices.size,n,failed_indices.size/float(n))) zout[failed_indices] = np.random.uniform(zlim[0],zlim[1],failed_indices.size) return zout, zerr, zwarn
[docs]def get_median_obsconditions(tileids): """Gets the observational conditions for a set of tiles. Args: tileids : list of tileids that were observed Returns: Table with the observational conditions for every tile. It inclues at least the following columns:: 'TILEID': array of tile IDs 'AIRMASS': array of airmass values on a tile 'EBMV': array of E(B-V) values on a tile 'LINTRANS': array of atmospheric transparency during spectro obs; floats [0-1] 'MOONFRAC': array of moonfraction values on a tile. 'SEEING': array of FWHM seeing during spectroscopic observation on a tile. """ #- Load standard DESI tiles and trim to this list of tileids import tiles = tileids = np.asarray(tileids) ii = np.in1d(tiles['TILEID'], tileids) tiles = tiles[ii] assert len(tiles) == len(tileids) #- Sort tiles to match order of tileids i = np.argsort(tileids) j = np.argsort(tiles['TILEID']) k = np.argsort(i) tiles = tiles[j[k]] assert np.all(tiles['TILEID'] == tileids) #- fix type bug after reading desi-tiles.fits if tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'].dtype == np.float64: tiles = Table(tiles) tiles.replace_column('OBSCONDITIONS', tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'].astype(int)) n = len(tileids) obsconditions = Table() obsconditions['TILEID'] = tileids obsconditions['AIRMASS'] = tiles['AIRMASS'] obsconditions['EBMV'] = tiles['EBV_MED'] obsconditions['LINTRANS'] = np.ones(n) obsconditions['SEEING'] = np.ones(n) * 1.1 #- Add lunar conditions, defaulting to dark time from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions as obsbits obsconditions['MOONFRAC'] = np.zeros(n) obsconditions['MOONALT'] = -20.0 * np.ones(n) obsconditions['MOONSEP'] = 180.0 * np.ones(n) ii = (tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'] & obsbits.GRAY) != 0 obsconditions['MOONFRAC'][ii] = 0.1 obsconditions['MOONALT'][ii] = 10.0 obsconditions['MOONSEP'][ii] = 60.0 ii = (tiles['OBSCONDITIONS'] & obsbits.BRIGHT) != 0 obsconditions['MOONFRAC'][ii] = 0.7 obsconditions['MOONALT'][ii] = 60.0 obsconditions['MOONSEP'][ii] = 50.0 return obsconditions
[docs]def quickcat(tilefiles, targets, truth, fassignhdu='FIBERASSIGN', zcat=None, obsconditions=None, perfect=False): """ Generates quick output zcatalog Args: tilefiles : list of fiberassign tile files that were observed targets : astropy Table of targets truth : astropy Table of input truth with columns TARGETID, TRUEZ, and TRUETYPE zcat (optional): input zcatalog Table from previous observations obsconditions (optional): Table or ndarray with observing conditions from surveysim perfect (optional): if True, treat spectro pipeline as perfect with input=output, otherwise add noise and zwarn!=0 flags Returns: zcatalog astropy Table based upon input truth, plus ZERR, ZWARN, NUMOBS, and TYPE columns """ #- convert to Table for easier manipulation if not isinstance(truth, Table): truth = Table(truth) #- Count how many times each target was observed for this set of tiles'{} QC Reading {} tiles'.format(asctime(), len(tilefiles))) nobs = Counter() targets_in_tile = {} tileids = list() for infile in tilefiles: fibassign, header = fits.getdata(infile, fassignhdu, header=True) # hack needed here rnc 7/26/18 if 'TILEID' in header: tileidnew = header['TILEID'] else: fnew=infile.split('/')[-1] tileidnew=fnew.split("_")[-1] tileidnew=int(tileidnew[:-5]) log.error('TILEID missing from {} header'.format(fnew)) log.error('{} -> TILEID {}'.format(infile, tileidnew)) tileids.append(tileidnew) ii = (fibassign['TARGETID'] != -1) #- targets with assignments nobs.update(fibassign['TARGETID'][ii]) targets_in_tile[tileidnew] = fibassign['TARGETID'][ii] #- Trim obsconditions to just the tiles that were observed if obsconditions is not None: ii = np.in1d(obsconditions['TILEID'], tileids) if np.any(ii == False): obsconditions = obsconditions[ii] assert len(obsconditions) > 0 #- Sort obsconditions to match order of tiles #- This might not be needed, but is fast for O(20k) tiles and may #- prevent future surprises if code expects them to be row aligned tileids = np.array(tileids) if (obsconditions is not None) and \ (np.any(tileids != obsconditions['TILEID'])): i = np.argsort(tileids) j = np.argsort(obsconditions['TILEID']) k = np.argsort(i) obsconditions = obsconditions[j[k]] assert np.all(tileids == obsconditions['TILEID']) #- Trim truth down to just ones that have already been observed'{} QC Trimming truth to just observed targets'.format(asctime())) obs_targetids = np.array(list(nobs.keys())) iiobs = np.in1d(truth['TARGETID'], obs_targetids) truth = truth[iiobs] targets = targets[iiobs] #- Construct initial new z catalog'{} QC Constructing new redshift catalog'.format(asctime())) newzcat = Table() newzcat['TARGETID'] = truth['TARGETID'] if 'BRICKNAME' in truth.dtype.names: newzcat['BRICKNAME'] = truth['BRICKNAME'] else: newzcat['BRICKNAME'] = np.zeros(len(truth), dtype=(str, 8)) #- Copy TRUETYPE -> SPECTYPE so that we can change without altering original newzcat['SPECTYPE'] = truth['TRUESPECTYPE'].copy() #- Add ZERR and ZWARN'{} QC Adding ZERR and ZWARN'.format(asctime())) nz = len(newzcat) if perfect: newzcat['Z'] = truth['TRUEZ'].copy() newzcat['ZERR'] = np.zeros(nz, dtype=np.float32) newzcat['ZWARN'] = np.zeros(nz, dtype=np.int32) else: # get the observational conditions for the current tilefiles if obsconditions is None: obsconditions = get_median_obsconditions(tileids) # get the redshifts z, zerr, zwarn = get_observed_redshifts(targets, truth, targets_in_tile, obsconditions) newzcat['Z'] = z #- update with noisy redshift newzcat['ZERR'] = zerr newzcat['ZWARN'] = zwarn #- Add numobs column'{} QC Adding NUMOBS column'.format(asctime())) newzcat.add_column(Column(name='NUMOBS', length=nz, dtype=np.int32)) for i in range(nz): newzcat['NUMOBS'][i] = nobs[newzcat['TARGETID'][i]] #- Merge previous zcat with newzcat'{} QC Merging previous zcat'.format(asctime())) if zcat is not None: #- don't modify original #- Note: this uses copy on write for the columns to be memory #- efficient while still letting us modify a column if needed zcat = zcat.copy() # needed to have the same ordering both in zcat and newzcat # to ensure consistent use of masks from np.in1d() zcat.sort(keys='TARGETID') newzcat.sort(keys='TARGETID') #- targets that are in both zcat and newzcat repeats = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], newzcat['TARGETID']) #- update numobs in both zcat and newzcat ii = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID'][repeats]) orig_numobs = zcat['NUMOBS'][repeats].copy() new_numobs = newzcat['NUMOBS'][ii].copy() zcat['NUMOBS'][repeats] += new_numobs newzcat['NUMOBS'][ii] += orig_numobs #- replace only repeats that had ZWARN flags in original zcat #- replace in new replace = repeats & (zcat['ZWARN'] != 0) jj = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID'][replace]) zcat[replace] = newzcat[jj] #- trim newzcat to ones that shouldn't override original zcat discard = np.in1d(newzcat['TARGETID'], zcat['TARGETID']) newzcat = newzcat[~discard] #- Should be non-overlapping now assert np.all(np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], newzcat['TARGETID']) == False) #- merge them newzcat = vstack([zcat, newzcat]) #- check for duplicates targetids = newzcat['TARGETID'] assert len(np.unique(targetids)) == len(targetids) #- Metadata for header newzcat.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'ZCATALOG' #newzcat.sort(keys='TARGETID')'{} QC done'.format(asctime())) return newzcat