Source code for desisim.pixsim


Tools for DESI pixel level simulations using specter

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import os
import os.path
import random
from time import asctime
import socket

import astropy.units as u

import numpy as np

from desispec.image import Image
import desispec.cosmics

from . import obs, io
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# Inhibit download of IERS-A catalog, even from a good server.
# Note that this is triggered by a call to astropy.time.Time(),
# which is subsequently used to compute sidereal_time().
# It's the initialization of astropy.time.Time() itself that makes the call.
from desiutil.iers import freeze_iers
from astropy.time import Time

[docs]def simulate_exposure(simspecfile, rawfile, cameras=None, ccdshape=None, simpixfile=None, addcosmics=None, comm=None, keywords=None, outfibermap=None, **kwargs): """ Simulate frames from an exposure, including I/O Args: simspecfile: input simspec format file with spectra rawfile: output raw data file to write Options: cameras: str or list of str, e.g. b0, r1, .. z9 ccdshape: (npix_y, npix_x) primarily used to limit memory while testing simpixfile: output file for noiseless truth pixels addcosmics: if True (must be specified via command input), add cosmics from real data comm: MPI communicator object keywords: dictionnary with keywords to add to the headers outfibermap: output fibermap Additional keyword args are passed to pixsim.simulate() For a lower-level pixel simulation interface that doesn't perform I/O, see pixsim.simulate() Note: call desi_preproc or desispec.preproc.preproc to pre-process the output desi*.fits file for overscan subtraction, noise estimation, etc. """ #- Split communicator by nodes; each node processes N frames #- Assumes / requires equal number of ranks per node if comm is not None: rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size num_nodes = mpi_count_nodes(comm) comm_node, node_index, num_nodes = mpi_split_by_node(comm, 1) node_rank = comm_node.rank node_size = comm_node.size else: log.debug('Not using MPI') rank, size = 0, 1 comm_node = None node_index = 0 num_nodes = 1 node_rank = 0 node_size = 1 if rank == 0: log.debug('Starting simulate_exposure at {}'.format(asctime())) if keywords is None : keywords = dict() adds={"OBSTYPE":"SCIENCE","FLAVOR":"science"} for k in adds : if k not in keywords : keywords[k]=adds[k]"Setting in fibermap PETAL_LOC=FIBER//500") fibermap["PETAL_LOC"]=fibermap['FIBER']//500 if outfibermap is not None :,fibermap)"Wrote "+outfibermap) if cameras is None: if rank == 0: cameras = io.fibers2cameras(fibermap['FIBER']) log.debug('Found cameras {} in input simspec file'.format(cameras)) if len(cameras) % num_nodes != 0: raise ValueError('Number of cameras {} should be evenly divisible by number of nodes {}'.format( len(cameras), num_nodes)) if comm is not None: cameras = comm.bcast(cameras, root=0) #- Fail early if camera alreaady in output file if rank == 0 and os.path.exists(rawfile): from import fits err = False with as fx: for camera in cameras: if camera in fx: log.error('Camera {} already in {}'.format(camera, rawfile)) err = True if err: raise ValueError('Some cameras already in output file') #- Read simspec input; I/O layer handles MPI broadcasting if rank == 0: log.debug('Reading simspec at {}'.format(asctime())) mycameras = cameras[node_index::num_nodes] if node_rank == 0:"Assigning cameras {} to comm_exp node {}".format(mycameras, node_index)) simspec = io.read_simspec(simspecfile, cameras=mycameras, readflux=False, comm=comm) night = simspec.header['NIGHT'] expid = simspec.header['EXPID'] if rank == 0: log.debug('Reading PSFs at {}'.format(asctime())) psfs = dict() #need to initialize previous channel previous_channel = 'a' for camera in mycameras: #- Note: current PSF object can't be pickled and thus every #- rank must read it instead of rank 0 read + bcast channel = camera[0] if channel not in psfs:'Reading {} PSF at {}'.format(channel, asctime())) psfs[channel] = #- Trim effective CCD size; mainly to limit memory for testing if ccdshape is not None: psfs[channel].npix_y, psfs[channel].npix_x = ccdshape psf = psfs[channel] cosmics=None #avoid re-broadcasting cosmics if we can if previous_channel != channel: if (addcosmics is True) and (node_rank == 0): cosmics_file = io.find_cosmics(camera, simspec.header['EXPTIME'])'Reading cosmics templates {} at {}'.format( cosmics_file, asctime())) shape = (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x) cosmics = io.read_cosmics(cosmics_file, expid, shape=shape) if (addcosmics is True) and (comm_node is not None): if node_rank == 0:'Broadcasting cosmics at {}'.format(asctime())) cosmics = comm_node.bcast(cosmics, root=0) else: log.debug("Cosmics not requested") if node_rank == 0:"Starting simulate for camera {} on node {}".format(camera,node_index)) image, rawpix, truepix = simulate(camera, simspec, psf, comm=comm_node, preproc=False, cosmics=cosmics, **kwargs) if keywords is not None : for k in keywords : image.meta[k] = keywords[k] #- Use input communicator as barrier since multiple sub-communicators #- will write to the same output file if rank == 0: log.debug('Writing outputs at {}'.format(asctime())) tmprawfile = rawfile + '.tmp' if comm is not None: for i in range(comm.size): if (i == comm.rank) and (comm_node.rank == 0):, rawpix, image.meta, camera=camera, primary_header=keywords) if simpixfile is not None: io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera, meta=image.meta) comm.barrier() else:, rawpix, image.meta, camera=camera, primary_header=keywords) if simpixfile is not None: io.write_simpix(simpixfile, truepix, camera=camera, meta=image.meta) if rank == 0:'Wrote {}'.format(rawfile)) log.debug('done at {}'.format(asctime())) previous_channel = channel #- All done; rename temporary raw file to final location if comm is None or comm.rank == 0: os.rename(tmprawfile, rawfile)
[docs]def simulate(camera, simspec, psf, nspec=None, ncpu=None, cosmics=None, wavemin=None, wavemax=None, preproc=True, comm=None): """Run pixel-level simulation of input spectra Args: camera (string) : b0, r1, .. z9 simspec : object from psf : subclass of specter.psf.psf.PSF, e.g. from Options: nspec (int): number of spectra to simulate ncpu (int): number of CPU cores to use in parallel cosmics (desispec.image.Image): e.g. from wavemin (float): minimum wavelength range to simulate wavemax (float): maximum wavelength range to simulate preproc (boolean, optional) : also preprocess raw data (default True) Returns: (image, rawpix, truepix) tuple, where image is the preproc Image object (only header is meaningful if preproc=False), rawpix is a 2D ndarray of unprocessed raw pixel data, and truepix is a 2D ndarray of truth for image.pix """ freeze_iers() if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0):'Starting pixsim.simulate camera {} at {}'.format(camera, asctime())) #- parse camera name into channel and spectrograph number channel = camera[0].lower() ispec = int(camera[1]) assert channel in 'brz', \ 'unrecognized channel {} camera {}'.format(channel, camera) assert 0 <= ispec < 10, \ 'unrecognized spectrograph {} camera {}'.format(ispec, camera) assert len(camera) == 2, \ 'unrecognized camera {}'.format(camera) #- Load DESI parameters params = #- this is not necessarily true, the truth in is the fibermap nfibers = params['spectro']['nfibers'] phot = simspec.cameras[camera].phot if simspec.cameras[camera].skyphot is not None: phot += simspec.cameras[camera].skyphot if nspec is not None: phot = phot[0:nspec] else: nspec = phot.shape[0] #- Trim wavelengths if needed wave = simspec.cameras[camera].wave if wavemin is not None: ii = (wave >= wavemin) phot = phot[:, ii] wave = wave[ii] if wavemax is not None: ii = (wave <= wavemax) phot = phot[:, ii] wave = wave[ii] #- Project to image and append that to file if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0):'Starting {} projection at {}'.format(camera, asctime())) # The returned true pixel values will only exist on rank 0 in the # MPI case. Otherwise it will be None. truepix = parallel_project(psf, wave, phot, ncpu=ncpu, comm=comm) if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0):'Finished {} projection at {}'.format(camera, asctime())) image = None rawpix = None if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0): #- Start metadata header header = simspec.header.copy() header['CAMERA'] = camera header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM' header['FEEVER'] = 'SIM' header['DETECTOR'] = 'SIM' #- Add cosmics from library of dark images ny = truepix.shape[0] // 2 nx = truepix.shape[1] // 2 if cosmics is not None: # set to zeros values with mask bit 0 (= dead column or hot pixels) cosmics_pix = cosmics.pix*((cosmics.mask&1)==0) pix = np.random.poisson(truepix) + cosmics_pix try: #- cosmics templates >= v0.3 rdnoiseA = cosmics.meta['OBSRDNA'] rdnoiseB = cosmics.meta['OBSRDNB'] rdnoiseC = cosmics.meta['OBSRDNC'] rdnoiseD = cosmics.meta['OBSRDND'] except KeyError: #- cosmics templates <= v0.2 print(cosmic.meta) rdnoiseA = cosmics.meta['RDNOISE0'] rdnoiseB = cosmics.meta['RDNOISE1'] rdnoiseC = cosmics.meta['RDNOISE2'] rdnoiseD = cosmics.meta['RDNOISE3'] else: pix = truepix readnoise = params['ccd'][channel]['readnoise'] rdnoiseA = rdnoiseB = rdnoiseC = rdnoiseD = readnoise #- data already has noise if cosmics were added noisydata = (cosmics is not None) #- Split by amplifier and expand into raw data nprescan = params['ccd'][channel]['prescanpixels'] if 'overscanpixels' in params['ccd'][channel]: noverscan = params['ccd'][channel]['overscanpixels'] else: noverscan = 50 #- Reproducibly random overscan bias level offsets across diff exp assert channel in 'brz' if channel == 'b': irand = ispec elif channel == 'r': irand = 10 + ispec elif channel == 'z': irand = 20 + ispec seeds = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(2**32-1, size=30) rand = np.random.RandomState(seeds[irand]) nyraw = ny nxraw = nx + nprescan + noverscan rawpix = np.empty( (nyraw*2, nxraw*2), dtype=np.int32 ) gain = params['ccd'][channel]['gain'] #- Amp A/1 Lower Left rawpix[0:nyraw, 0:nxraw] = \ photpix2raw(pix[0:ny, 0:nx], gain, rdnoiseA, readorder='lr', nprescan=nprescan, noverscan=noverscan, offset=rand.uniform(100, 200), noisydata=noisydata) #- Amp B/2 Lower Right rawpix[0:nyraw, nxraw:nxraw+nxraw] = \ photpix2raw(pix[0:ny, nx:nx+nx], gain, rdnoiseB, readorder='rl', nprescan=nprescan, noverscan=noverscan, offset=rand.uniform(100, 200), noisydata=noisydata) #- Amp C/3 Upper Left rawpix[nyraw:nyraw+nyraw, 0:nxraw] = \ photpix2raw(pix[ny:ny+ny, 0:nx], gain, rdnoiseC, readorder='lr', nprescan=nprescan, noverscan=noverscan, offset=rand.uniform(100, 200), noisydata=noisydata) #- Amp D/4 Upper Right rawpix[nyraw:nyraw+nyraw, nxraw:nxraw+nxraw] = \ photpix2raw(pix[ny:ny+ny, nx:nx+nx], gain, rdnoiseD, readorder='rl', nprescan=nprescan, noverscan=noverscan, offset=rand.uniform(100, 200), noisydata=noisydata) def xyslice2header(xyslice): ''' convert 2D slice into IRAF style [a:b,c:d] header value e.g. xyslice2header(np.s_[0:10, 5:20]) -> '[6:20,1:10]' ''' yy, xx = xyslice value = '[{}:{},{}:{}]'.format(xx.start+1, xx.stop, yy.start+1, yy.stop) return value #- Amp order from DESI-1964 (previously 1-4 instead of A-D) #- C D #- A B xoffset = nprescan+nx+noverscan header['PRESECA'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, 0:0+nprescan]) header['DATASECA'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, nprescan:nprescan+nx]) header['BIASSECA'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, nprescan+nx:nprescan+nx+noverscan]) header['CCDSECA'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:ny, 0:nx]) header['PRESECB'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, xoffset+noverscan+nx:xoffset+noverscan+nx+nprescan]) header['DATASECB'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, xoffset+noverscan:xoffset+noverscan+nx]) header['BIASSECB'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:nyraw, xoffset:xoffset+noverscan]) header['CCDSECB'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[0:ny, nx:2*nx]) header['PRESECC'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, 0:0+nprescan]) header['DATASECC'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, nprescan:nprescan+nx]) header['BIASSECC'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, nprescan+nx:nprescan+nx+noverscan]) header['CCDSECC'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[ny:2*ny, 0:nx]) header['PRESECD'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, xoffset+noverscan+nx:xoffset+noverscan+nx+nprescan]) header['DATASECD'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, xoffset+noverscan:xoffset+noverscan+nx]) header['BIASSECD'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[nyraw:2*nyraw, xoffset:xoffset+noverscan]) header['CCDSECD'] = xyslice2header(np.s_[ny:2*ny, nx:2*nx]) #- Add additional keywords to mimic real raw data header['INSTRUME'] = 'DESI' header['PROCTYPE'] = 'RAW' header['PRODTYPE'] = 'image' header['EXPFRAME'] = 0 header['REQTIME'] = simspec.header['EXPTIME'] header['TIMESYS'] = 'UTC' #- DATE-OBS format YEAR-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss -> OBSID kpnoYEARMMDDthhmmss header['OBSID']='kp4m'+header['DATE-OBS'][0:19].replace('-','').replace(':','').lower() header['TIME-OBS'] = header['DATE-OBS'].split('T')[1] header['DELTARA'] = 0.0 header['DELTADEC'] = 0.0 header['SPECGRPH'] = ispec header['CCDNAME'] = 'CCDS' + str(ispec) + str(channel).upper() header['CCDPREP'] = 'purge,clear' header['CCDSIZE'] = '{},{}'.format(rawpix.shape[0], rawpix.shape[1]) header['CCDTEMP'] = 850.0 header['CPUTEMP'] = 63.7 header['CASETEMP'] = 62.8 header['CCDTMING'] = 'sim_timing.txt' header['CCDCFG'] = 'sim.cfg' header['SETTINGS'] = 'sim_detectors.json' header['VESSEL'] = 7 #- I don't know what this is header['FEEBOX'] = 'sim097' header['PGAGAIN'] = 5 header['OCSVER'] = 'SIM' header['CONSTVER'] = 'SIM' header['BLDTIME'] = 0.35 header['DIGITIME'] = 61.9 #- Remove some spurious header keywords from upstream if 'BUNIT' in header and header['BUNIT'] == 'Angstrom': del header['BUNIT'] if 'MJD' in header and 'MJD-OBS' not in header: header['MJD-OBS'] = header['MJD'] del header['MJD'] for key in ['RA', 'DEC']: if key in header: del header[key] #- Drive MJD-OBS from DATE-OBS if needed if 'MJD-OBS' not in header: header['MJD-OBS'] = Time(header['DATE-OBS']).mjd #- from kpno_longitude = -(111. + 35/60. + 59.6/3600) * u.deg #- Convert DATE-OBS to sexigesimal (sigh) Local Sidereal Time #- Use mean ST as close enough for sims to avoid nutation calc t = Time(header['DATE-OBS']) # This calculation can raise a non-catastrophic "overflow encountered in # double_scalars" error in astropy (see #; catch it here. with np.errstate(all='ignore'): st = t.sidereal_time('mean', kpno_longitude).to('deg').value hour = st/15 minute = (hour % 1)*60 second = (minute % 1)*60 header['ST'] = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:0.3f}'.format( int(hour), int(minute), second) if preproc: log.debug('Running preprocessing at {}'.format(asctime())) image = desispec.preproc.preproc(rawpix, header, primary_header=simspec.header) else: log.debug('Skipping preprocessing') image = Image(np.zeros(truepix.shape), np.zeros(truepix.shape), meta=header) if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0):'Finished pixsim.simulate for camera {} at {}'.format(camera, asctime())) return image, rawpix, truepix
[docs]def photpix2raw(phot, gain=1.0, readnoise=3.0, offset=None, nprescan=7, noverscan=50, readorder='lr', noisydata=True): ''' Add prescan, overscan, noise, and integerization to an image Args: phot: 2D float array of mean input photons per pixel gain (float, optional): electrons/ADU readnoise (float, optional): CCD readnoise in electrons offset (float, optional): bias offset to add nprescan (int, optional): number of prescan pixels to add noverscan (int, optional): number of overscan pixels to add readorder (str, optional): 'lr' or 'rl' to indicate readout order 'lr' : add prescan on left and overscan on right of image 'rl' : add prescan on right and overscan on left of image noisydata (boolean, optional) : if True, don't add noise, e.g. because input signal already had noise from a cosmics image Returns 2D integer ndarray: image = int((poisson(phot) + offset + gauss(readnoise))/gain) Integerization happens twice: the mean photons are poisson sampled into integers, but then offets, readnoise, and gain are applied before resampling into ADU integers This is intended to be used per-amplifier, not for an entire CCD image. ''' ny = phot.shape[0] nx = phot.shape[1] + nprescan + noverscan #- reading from right to left is effectively swapping pre/overscan counts if readorder.lower() in ('rl', 'rightleft'): nprescan, noverscan = noverscan, nprescan img = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=float) img[:, nprescan:nprescan+phot.shape[1]] = phot if offset is None: offset = np.random.uniform(100, 200) if noisydata: #- Data already has noise; just add offset and noise to pre/overscan img += offset img[0:ny, 0:nprescan] += np.random.normal(scale=readnoise, size=(ny, nprescan)) ix = phot.shape[1] + nprescan img[0:ny, ix:ix+noverscan] += np.random.normal(scale=readnoise, size=(ny, noverscan)) img /= gain else: #- Add offset and noise to everything noise = np.random.normal(loc=offset, scale=readnoise, size=img.shape) img = np.random.poisson(img) + noise img /= gain return img.astype(np.int32)
#- Helper function for multiprocessing parallel project
[docs]def _project(args): """ Helper function to project photons onto a subimage Args: tuple/array of [psf, wave, phot, specmin] Returns (xyrange, subimage) such that xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += subimage """ try: psf, wave, phot, specmin = args nspec = phot.shape[0] if phot.shape[-1] != wave.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('phot.shape {} vs. wave.shape {} mismatch'.format(phot.shape, wave.shape)) xyrange = psf.xyrange( [specmin, specmin+nspec], wave ) img = psf.project(wave, phot, specmin=specmin, xyrange=xyrange) return (xyrange, img) except Exception as e: if os.getenv('UNITTEST_SILENT') is None: import traceback print('-'*60) print('ERROR in _project', psf.wmin, psf.wmax, wave[0], wave[-1], phot.shape, specmin) traceback.print_exc() print('-'*60) raise e
#- Move this into specter itself?
[docs]def parallel_project(psf, wave, phot, specmin=0, ncpu=None, comm=None): """ Using psf, project phot[nspec, nw] vs. wave[nw] onto image Return 2D image """ img = None if comm is not None: # MPI version # Get a smaller communicator if not enough spectra nspec = phot.shape[0] if nspec < comm.size: keep = int(comm.rank < nspec) comm = comm.Split(color=keep) if not keep: return None specs = np.arange(phot.shape[0], dtype=np.int32) myspecs = np.array_split(specs, comm.size)[comm.rank] nspec = phot.shape[0] iispec = np.linspace(specmin, nspec, int(comm.size+1)).astype(int) args = list() if comm.rank == 0: for i in range(comm.size): if iispec[i+1] > iispec[i]: args.append( [psf, wave, phot[iispec[i]:iispec[i+1]], iispec[i]] ) args=comm.scatter(args,root=0) #now that all ranks have args, we can call _project xy_subimg=_project(args) #_project calls project calls spotgrid etc xy_subimg=comm.gather(xy_subimg,root=0) if comm.rank ==0: #now all the data should be back at rank 0 # use same technique as multiprocessing to recombine the data img = np.zeros( (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x) ) for xyrange, subimg in xy_subimg: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += subimg #end of mpi section else: import multiprocessing as mp if ncpu is None: # Avoid hyperthreading ncpu = mp.cpu_count() // 2 if ncpu <= 1: #- Serial version log.debug('Not using multiprocessing (ncpu={})'.format(ncpu)) img = psf.project(wave, phot, specmin=specmin) else: #- multiprocessing version #- Split the spectra into ncpu groups log.debug('Using multiprocessing (ncpu={})'.format(ncpu)) nspec = phot.shape[0] iispec = np.linspace(specmin, nspec, ncpu+1).astype(int) args = list() for i in range(ncpu): if iispec[i+1] > iispec[i]: #- can be false if nspec < ncpu args.append( [psf, wave, phot[iispec[i]:iispec[i+1]], iispec[i]] ) #- Create pool of workers to do the projection using _project #- xyrange, subimg = _project( [psf, wave, phot, specmin] ) pool = mp.Pool(ncpu) xy_subimg =, args) #print("xy_subimg from pool") #print(xy_subimg) #print(len(xy_subimg)) img = np.zeros( (psf.npix_y, psf.npix_x) ) for xyrange, subimg in xy_subimg: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] += subimg #- Prevents hangs of Travis tests pool.close() pool.join() return img
[docs]def get_nodes_per_exp(nnodes,nexposures,ncameras,user_nodes_per_comm_exp=None): """ Calculate how many nodes to use per exposure Args: nnodes: number of nodes in MPI COMM_WORLD (not number of ranks) nexposures: number of exposures to process ncameras: number of cameras per exposure user_nodes_per_comm_exp (int, optional): user override of number of nodes to use; used to check requirements Returns number of nodes to include in sub-communicators used to process individual exposures Notes: * Uses the largest number of nodes per exposure that will still result in efficient node usage * requires that (nexposures*ncameras) / nnodes = int * the derived nodes_per_comm_exp * nexposures / nodes = int * See desisim.test.test_pixsim.test_get_nodes_per_exp() for examples * if user_nodes_per_comm_exp is given, requires that GreatestCommonDivisor(nnodes, ncameras) / user_nodes_per_comm_exp = int """ from math import gcd import desiutil.log as logging log = logging.get_logger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) #check if nframes is evenly divisible by nnodes nframes = ncameras*nexposures if nframes % nnodes !=0: ### msg=("nframes {} must be evenly divisible by nnodes {}, try again".format(nframes, nnodes)) ### raise ValueError(msg) msg=("nframes {} is not evenly divisible by nnodes {}; packing will be inefficient".format(nframes, nnodes)) log.warning(msg) else: log.debug("nframes {} is evenly divisible by nnodes {}, check passed".format(nframes, nnodes)) #find greatest common divisor between nnodes and ncameras #greatest common divisor = greatest common factor #we use python's built in gcd greatest_common_factor=gcd(nnodes,ncameras) #the greatest common factor must be greater than one UNLESS we are on one node if nnodes > 1: if greatest_common_factor == 1: msg=("greatest common factor {} between nnodes {} and nframes {} must be larger than one, try again".format(greatest_common_factor, nnodes, nframes)) raise ValueError(msg) else: log.debug("greatest common factor {} between nnodes {} and nframes {} is greater than one, check passed".format(greatest_common_factor, nnodes, nframes)) #check to make sure the user hasn't specified a really asinine value of user_nodes_per_comm_exp if user_nodes_per_comm_exp is not None: if greatest_common_factor % user_nodes_per_comm_exp !=0: msg=("user-specified value of user_nodes_per_comm_exp {} is bad, try again".format(user_nodes_per_comm_exp)) raise ValueError(msg) else: log.debug("user-specified value of user_nodes_per_comm_exp {} is good, check passed".format(user_nodes_per_comm_exp)) nodes_per_comm_exp=user_nodes_per_comm_exp #if the user didn't specify anything, use the greatest common factor if user_nodes_per_comm_exp is None: nodes_per_comm_exp=greatest_common_factor #finally check to make sure exposures*gcf/nnodes is an integer to avoid inefficient node use if (nexposures*nodes_per_comm_exp) % nnodes != 0: ### msg=("nexposures {} * nodes_per_comm_exp {} does not divide evenly into nnodes {}, try again".format(nexposures, nodes_per_comm_exp, nnodes)) ### raise ValueError(msg) msg=("nexposures {} * nodes_per_comm_exp {} does not divide evenly into nnodes {}; packing will be inefficient".format(nexposures, nodes_per_comm_exp, nnodes)) log.warning(msg) else: log.debug("nexposures {} * nodes_per_comm_exp {} divides evenly into nnodes {}, check passed".format(nexposures, nodes_per_comm_exp, nnodes)) return nodes_per_comm_exp
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- MPI utility functions #- These functions assist with splitting a communicator across node boundaries. #- That constraint isn't required by MPI, but can be convenient for humans #- thinking about "I want to process one camera with one node" or "I want to #- process 6 exposures with 20 nodes using 10 nodes per exposure"
[docs]def mpi_count_nodes(comm): ''' Return the number of nodes in this communicator ''' nodenames = comm.allgather(socket.gethostname()) num_nodes=len(set(nodenames)) return num_nodes
[docs]def mpi_split_by_node(comm, nodes_per_communicator): ''' Split an MPI communicator into sub-communicators with integer numbers of nodes per communicator Args: comm: MPI communicator nodes_per_communicator: number of nodes per sub-communicator Returns: MPI sub-communicator, node_index, total_num_nodes Notes: * total number of nodes in original communicator must be an integer multiple of nodes_per_communicator * if comm is split into N sub-communicators, node_index is the index of which of the N is returned for this rank * total_num_nodes = number of nodes in original communicator ''' num_nodes = mpi_count_nodes(comm) if comm.size % num_nodes != 0: raise ValueError('Variable number of ranks per node') if num_nodes % nodes_per_communicator != 0: raise ValueError('Input number of nodes {} must be divisible by nodes_per_communicator {}'.format( num_nodes, nodes_per_communicator)) ranks_per_communicator = comm.size // (num_nodes // nodes_per_communicator) node_index = comm.rank // ranks_per_communicator comm_node = comm.Split(color = node_index) return comm_node, node_index, num_nodes