Source code for


I/O routines for desisim

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import time
from glob import glob
import warnings

import fitsio
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np

from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux
from import write_bintable, native_endian, header2wave

from desispec.image import Image

from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

from desisim.util import spline_medfilt2d

#- support API change from astropy 2 -> 4
import astropy
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
if astropy.__version__.startswith('2.'):
    astropy_sigma_clipped_stats = sigma_clipped_stats
    def sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, maxiters=5):
        return astropy_sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=sigma, iters=maxiters)

[docs]def findfile(filetype, night, expid, camera=None, outdir=None, mkdir=True): """Return canonical location of where a file should be on disk Args: filetype (str): file type, e.g. 'preproc' or 'simpix' night (str): YEARMMDD string expid (int): exposure id integer camera (str): e.g. 'b0', 'r1', 'z9' outdir (Optional[str]): output directory; defaults to $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM/$PIXPROD mkdir (Optional[bool]): create output directory if needed; default True Returns: str: full file path to output file Also see which has equivalent functionality for real data files; this function is only be for simulation files. """ #- outdir default = $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM/$PIXPROD/{night}/ if outdir is None: outdir = simdir(night, expid) #- Definition of where files go location = dict( simspec = '{outdir:s}/simspec-{expid:08d}.fits', simpix = '{outdir:s}/simpix-{expid:08d}.fits', simfibermap = '{outdir:s}/fibermap-{expid:08d}.fits', fastframelog = '{outdir:s}/fastframe-{expid:08d}.log', newexplog = '{outdir:s}/newexp-{expid:08d}.log', ) #- Do we know about this kind of file? if filetype not in location: raise ValueError("Unknown filetype {}; known types are {}".format(filetype, list(location.keys()))) #- Some but not all filetypes require camera # if filetype == 'preproc' and camera is None: # raise ValueError('camera is required for filetype '+filetype) #- get outfile location and cleanup extraneous // from path outfile = location[filetype].format( outdir=outdir, night=night, expid=expid, camera=camera) outfile = os.path.normpath(outfile) #- Create output directory path if needed #- Do this only after confirming that all previous parsing worked if mkdir and not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) return outfile
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- simspec
[docs]def write_simspec(sim, truth, fibermap, obs, expid, night, objmeta=None, outdir=None, filename=None, header=None, overwrite=False): ''' Write a simspec file Args: sim (Simulator): specsim Simulator object truth (Table): truth metadata Table fibermap (Table): fibermap Table obs (dict-like): dict-like observation conditions with keys SEEING (arcsec), EXPTIME (sec), AIRMASS, MOONFRAC (0-1), MOONALT (deg), MOONSEP (deg) expid (int): integer exposure ID night (str): YEARMMDD string objmeta (dict): objtype-specific metadata outdir (str, optional): output directory filename (str, optional): if None, auto-derive from envvars, night, expid, and outdir header (dict-like): header to include in HDU0 overwrite (bool, optional): overwrite pre-existing files Notes: Calibration exposures can use ``truth=None`` and ``obs=None``. ''' import astropy.table import astropy.units as u import desiutil.depend from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*Dex.* did not parse as fits unit") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*nanomaggies.* did not parse as fits unit") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=r".*10\*\*6 arcsec.* did not parse as fits unit") if filename is None: filename = findfile('simspec', night, expid, outdir=outdir) # sim.simulated is table of pre-convolution quantities that we want # to ouput. sim.camera_output is post-convolution. #- Create HDU 0 header with keywords to propagate header = desiutil.depend.add_dependencies(header) header['EXPID'] = expid header['NIGHT'] = night header['EXPTIME'] ='s').value if obs is not None: try: keys = obs.keys() except AttributeError: keys = obs.dtype.names for key in keys: shortkey = key[0:8] #- FITS keywords can only be 8 char if shortkey not in header: header[shortkey] = obs[key] if 'DOSVER' not in header: header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM' if 'FEEVER' not in header: header['FEEVER'] = 'SIM' if 'FLAVOR' not in header: log.warning('FLAVOR not provided; guessing "science"') header['FLAVOR'] = 'science' #- optimistically guessing if 'DATE-OBS' not in header: header['DATE-OBS'] = sim.observation.exposure_start.isot'DATE-OBS {} UTC'.format(header['DATE-OBS'])) #- Check truth and obs for science exposures if header['FLAVOR'] == 'science': if obs is None: raise ValueError('obs Table must be included for science exposures') if truth is None: raise ValueError('truth Table must be included for science exposures') hx = fits.HDUList() header['EXTNAME'] = 'WAVE' header['BUNIT'] = 'Angstrom' header['AIRORVAC'] = ('vac', 'Vacuum wavelengths') wave = sim.simulated['wavelength'].to('Angstrom').value hx.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(wave, header=header)) fluxunits = 1e-17 * u.erg / (u.s ***2 * u.Angstrom) flux32 = sim.simulated['source_flux'].to(fluxunits).astype(np.float32).value.T nspec = flux32.shape[0] assert flux32.shape == (nspec, wave.shape[0]) hdu_flux = fits.ImageHDU(flux32, name='FLUX') hdu_flux.header['BUNIT'] = str(fluxunits) hx.append(hdu_flux) #- sky_fiber_flux is not flux per fiber area, it is normal flux density skyflux32 = sim.simulated['sky_fiber_flux'].to(fluxunits).astype(np.float32).value.T assert skyflux32.shape == (nspec, wave.shape[0]) hdu_skyflux = fits.ImageHDU(skyflux32, name='SKYFLUX') hdu_skyflux.header['BUNIT'] = str(fluxunits) hx.append(hdu_skyflux) #- DEPRECATE? per-camera photons (derivable from flux and throughput) for i, camera in enumerate(sim.camera_names): wavemin = sim.instrument.cameras[i]'Angstrom').value wavemax = sim.instrument.cameras[i]'Angstrom').value ii = (wavemin <= wave) & (wave <= wavemax) hx.append(fits.ImageHDU(wave[ii], name='WAVE_'+camera.upper())) phot32 = sim.simulated['num_source_electrons_'+camera][ii].astype(np.float32).T assert phot32.shape == (nspec, wave[ii].shape[0]) hdu_phot = fits.ImageHDU(phot32, name='PHOT_'+camera.upper()) hdu_phot.header['BUNIT'] = 'photon' hx.append(hdu_phot) skyphot32 = sim.simulated['num_sky_electrons_'+camera][ii].astype(np.float32).T assert skyphot32.shape == (nspec, wave[ii].shape[0]) hdu_skyphot = fits.ImageHDU(skyphot32, name='SKYPHOT_'+camera.upper()) hdu_skyphot.header['BUNIT'] = 'photon' hx.append(hdu_skyphot) #- TRUTH HDU: table with truth metadata if truth is not None: assert len(truth) == nspec truthhdu = fits.table_to_hdu(Table(truth)) truthhdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'TRUTH' hx.append(truthhdu) #- FIBERMAP HDU assert len(fibermap) == nspec fibermap_hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(Table(fibermap)) fibermap_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' hx.append(fibermap_hdu) #- OBSCONDITIONS HDU: Table with 1 row with observing conditions #- is None for flat calibration calibration exposures if obs is not None: if isinstance(obs, astropy.table.Row): obstable = astropy.table.Table(obs) else: obstable = astropy.table.Table([obs,]) obs_hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(obstable) obs_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'OBSCONDITIONS' hx.append(obs_hdu) # Objtype-specific metadata if truth is not None and objmeta is not None: for obj in sorted(objmeta.keys()): extname = 'TRUTH_{}'.format(obj.upper()) if hasattr(objmeta[obj], 'data'): # simqso.sqgrids.QsoSimPoints object tab = objmeta[obj].data tab.meta['COSMO'] = objmeta[obj].cosmo_str(objmeta[obj].cosmo) tab.meta['GRIDUNIT'] = objmeta[obj].units tab.meta['GRIDDIM'] = str(objmeta[obj].gridShape) tab.meta['RANDSEED'] = str(objmeta[obj].seed) if objmeta[obj].photoMap is not None: tab.meta['OBSBANDS'] = ','.join(objmeta[obj].photoMap['bandpasses']) for i,var in enumerate(objmeta[obj].qsoVars): var.updateMeta(tab.meta,'AX%d'%i) tab.meta['NSIMVAR'] = len(objmeta[obj].qsoVars) objhdu = fits.table_to_hdu(tab) objhdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname hx.append(objhdu) else: if len(objmeta) > 0 and len(objmeta[obj]) > 0: objhdu = fits.table_to_hdu(objmeta[obj]) objhdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname hx.append(objhdu) tmpfilename = filename + '.tmp' if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename): os.rename(filename, tmpfilename) hx.writeto(tmpfilename, overwrite=overwrite) os.rename(tmpfilename, filename)'Wrote {filename}')
[docs]def write_simspec_arc(filename, wave, phot, header, fibermap, overwrite=False): ''' Alternate writer for arc simspec files which just have photons ''' import astropy.table import astropy.units as u import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*Dex.* did not parse as fits unit") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=".*nanomaggies.* did not parse as fits unit") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message=r".*10\*\*6 arcsec.* did not parse as fits unit") hx = fits.HDUList() hdr = hdr['FLAVOR'] = 'arc' if 'DOSVER' not in hdr: hdr['DOSVER'] = 'SIM' if 'FEEVER' not in header: hdr['FEEVER'] = 'SIM' hx.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(None, header=hdr)) for camera in ['b', 'r', 'z']: thru = ii = (thru.wavemin <= wave) & (wave <= thru.wavemax) hdu_wave = fits.ImageHDU(wave[ii], name='WAVE_'+camera.upper()) hdu_wave.header['AIRORVAC'] = ('vac', 'Vacuum wavelengths') hx.append(hdu_wave) phot32 = phot[:,ii].astype(np.float32) hdu_phot = fits.ImageHDU(phot32, name='PHOT_'+camera.upper()) hdu_phot.header['BUNIT'] = 'photon' hx.append(hdu_phot) #- FIBERMAP HDU fibermap_hdu = fits.table_to_hdu(fibermap) fibermap_hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' hx.append(fibermap_hdu)'Writing {}'.format(filename)) hx.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite) return filename
[docs]class SimSpecCamera(object): """Wrapper of per-camera photon data from a simspec file""" def __init__(self, camera, wave, phot, skyphot=None): """ Create a SimSpecCamera object Args: camera: camera name, e.g. b0, r1, z9 wave: 1D[nwave] array of wavelengths [Angstrom] phot: 2D[nspec, nwave] photon counts per bin (not per Angstrom) Options: skyphot: 2D[nspec, nwave] sky photon counts per bin """ #- Check inputs assert camera in [ 'b0', 'r0', 'z0', 'b1', 'r1', 'z1', 'b2', 'r2', 'z2', 'b3', 'r3', 'z3', 'b4', 'r4', 'z4', 'b5', 'r5', 'z5', 'b6', 'r6', 'z6', 'b7', 'r7', 'z7', 'b8', 'r8', 'z8', 'b9', 'r9', 'z9', ] assert wave.ndim == 1, 'wave.ndim should be 1 not {}'.format(wave.ndim) assert phot.ndim == 2, 'phot.ndim should be 2 not {}'.format(phot.ndim) assert phot.shape[1] == wave.shape[0] if skyphot is not None: assert skyphot.ndim == 2, \ 'skyphot.ndim should be 2 not {}'.format(skyphot.ndim) assert skyphot.shape == phot.shape, \ 'skyphot.shape {} != phot.shape {}'.format(skyphot.shape, phot.shape) = camera self.wave = wave self.phot = phot self.skyphot = skyphot
[docs]class SimSpec(object): """Lightweight wrapper object for simspec data Object has properties flavor, nspec, wave, flux, skyflux, fibermap, truth, obsconditions, header, cameras. cameras is dict, keyed by camera name, of SimSpecCameras objects with properies wave, phot, skyphot. """ def __init__(self, flavor, wave, flux, skyflux, fibermap, truth, obsconditions, header, objtruth=None): """ Create a SimSpec object Args: flavor (str): e.g. 'arc', 'flat', 'science' wave : 1D[nwave] array of wavelengths in Angstroms flux : 2D[nspec, nwave] flux in 1e-17 erg/s/cm2/Angstrom skyflux : 2D[nspec, nwave] flux in 1e-17 erg/s/cm2/Angstrom fibermap: fibermap table truth: table of truth metadata information about these spectra obsconditions (dict-like): observing conditions; see notes below header : FITS header from HDU0 objtruth: additional object type specific metadata information Notes: * all inputs must be specified but can be None, depending upon flavor, e.g. arc and flat don't have skyflux or obsconditions * obsconditions keys SEEING (arcsec), EXPTIME (sec), AIRMASS, MOONFRAC (0-1), MOONALT (deg), MOONSEP (deg) * use self.add_camera to add per-camera photons """ if wave is not None and flux is not None: assert wave.ndim == 1, 'wave.ndim should be 1 not {}'.format(wave.ndim) assert flux.ndim == 2, 'flux.ndim should be 2 not {}'.format(flux.ndim) assert flux.shape[1] == wave.shape[0] if skyflux is not None: assert wave is not None assert flux is not None assert skyflux.ndim == 2, \ 'skyflux.ndim should be 2 not {}'.format(skyflux.ndim) assert skyflux.shape == flux.shape, \ 'skyflux.shape {} != flux.shape {}'.format(skyflux.shape, flux.shape) self.flavor = flavor self.nspec = len(fibermap) self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self.skyflux = skyflux self.fibermap = fibermap self.truth = truth self.objtruth = objtruth self.obsconditions = obsconditions self.header = header self.cameras = dict()
[docs] def add_camera(self, camera, wave, phot, skyphot=None): """ Add per-camera photons to this SimSpec object, using SimSpecCamera Args: camera: camera name, e.g. b0, r1, z9 wave: 1D[nwave] array of wavelengths phot: 2D[nspec, nwave] array of photons per bin (not per Angstrom) Optional: skyphot: 2D[nspec, nwave] array of sky photons per bin """ self.cameras[camera] = SimSpecCamera(camera, wave, phot, skyphot)
[docs]def fibers2cameras(fibers): """ Return a list of cameras covered by an input array of fiber IDs """ cameras = list() for spectrograph in range(10): ii = np.arange(500) + spectrograph*500 if np.any(np.in1d(ii, fibers)): for channel in ['b', 'r', 'z']: cameras.append(channel + str(spectrograph)) return cameras
[docs]def read_simspec(filename, cameras=None, comm=None, readflux=True, readphot=True): """ Read a simspec file and return a SimSpec object Args: filename: input simspec file name Options: cameras: camera name or list of names, e.g. b0, r1, z9 comm: MPI communicator readflux: if True (default), include flux readphot: if True (default), include per-camera photons """ if comm is not None: rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size else: rank, size = 0, 1 if cameras is None: #- Build the potential cameras list based upon the fibermap if rank == 0: fibermap = fits.getdata(filename, 'FIBERMAP') cameras = fibers2cameras(fibermap['FIBER']) if comm is not None: cameras = comm.bcast(cameras, root=0) elif isinstance(cameras, str): cameras = [cameras,] #- Read and broadcast data that are common across cameras header = flavor = truth = fibermap = obsconditions = None wave = flux = skyflux = None objtruth = dict() # =objmeta in desisim.templates if rank == 0: with, memmap=False) as fx: header = fx[0].header.copy() flavor = header['FLAVOR'] if 'WAVE' in fx and readflux: wave = native_endian(fx['WAVE'].data.copy()) if 'FLUX' in fx and readflux: flux = native_endian(fx['FLUX'].data.astype('f8')) if 'SKYFLUX' in fx and readflux: skyflux = native_endian(fx['SKYFLUX'].data.astype('f8')) if 'TRUTH' in fx: truth = Table(fx['TRUTH'].data) if 'OBJTYPE' in truth.colnames: objtype = truth['OBJTYPE'] # output of desisim.obs.new_exposure else: objtype = truth['TEMPLATETYPE'] # output of for obj in set(objtype): extname = 'TRUTH_{}'.format(obj.upper()) if extname in fx: # This snippet of code reads a QsoSimObjects extension, # which is currently deprecated. if 'COSMO' in fx[extname].header: from simqso.sqgrids import QsoSimObjects qsometa = QsoSimObjects(), extname=extname) objtruth[obj] = qsometa else: objtruth[obj] = Table(fx[extname].data) if 'FIBERMAP' in fx: fibermap = Table(fx['FIBERMAP'].data) if 'OBSCONDITIONS' in fx: obsconditions = Table(fx['OBSCONDITIONS'].data)[0] if comm is not None: header = comm.bcast(header, root=0) flavor = comm.bcast(flavor, root=0) truth = comm.bcast(truth, root=0) objtruth = comm.bcast(objtruth, root=0) fibermap = comm.bcast(fibermap, root=0) obsconditions = comm.bcast(obsconditions, root=0) wave = comm.bcast(wave, root=0) flux = comm.bcast(flux, root=0) skyflux = comm.bcast(skyflux, root=0) #- Trim arrays to match camera #- Note: we do this after the MPI broadcast because rank 0 doesn't know #- which ranks need which cameras. Although inefficient, in practice #- this doesn't matter (yet?) because the place we use parallelism is #- pixsim which uses readflux=False and thus doesn't broadcast flux anyway ii = np.zeros(len(fibermap), dtype=bool) for camera in cameras: spectrograph = int(camera[1]) #- e.g. b0 fibers = np.arange(500, dtype=int) + spectrograph*500 ii |= np.in1d(fibermap['FIBER'], fibers) assert np.any(ii), "input simspec doesn't cover cameras {}".format(cameras) full_fibermap = fibermap fibermap = fibermap[ii] if flux is not None: flux = flux[ii] if skyflux is not None: skyflux = skyflux[ii] if truth is not None: truth = truth[ii] # @sbailey - Not sure if we need to do anything with objtruth here simspec = SimSpec(flavor, wave, flux, skyflux, fibermap, truth, obsconditions, header, objtruth=objtruth) #- Now read individual camera photons #- NOTE: this is somewhat inefficient since the same PHOT_B/R/Z HDUs #- are read multiple times by different nodes for different cameras, #- though at least only one reader per camera (node) not per rank. #- If this is slow, this would be an area for optimization. if readphot: for camera in cameras: channel = camera[0].upper() spectrograph = int(camera[1]) fiber = full_fibermap['FIBER'] ii = (spectrograph*500 <= fiber) & (fiber < (spectrograph+1)*500) assert np.any(ii), 'Camera {} is not in fibers {}-{}'.format( camera, np.min(fiber), np.max(fiber) ) #- Split MPI communicator by camera #- read and broadcast each camera if comm is not None: tmp = 'b0 r0 z0 b1 r1 z1 b2 r2 z2 b3 r3 z3 b4 r4 z4 b5 r5 z5 b6 r6 z6 b7 r7 z7 b8 r8 z8 b9 r9 z9'.split() camcomm = comm.Split(color=tmp.index(camera)) camrank = camcomm.rank else: camcomm = None camrank = 0 wave = phot = skyphot = None if camrank == 0: with, memmap=False) as fx: wave = native_endian(fx['WAVE_'+channel].data.copy()) phot = native_endian(fx['PHOT_'+channel].data[ii].astype('f8')) if 'SKYPHOT_'+channel in fx: skyphot = native_endian(fx['SKYPHOT_'+channel].data[ii].astype('f8')) else: skyphot = None if camcomm is not None: wave = camcomm.bcast(wave, root=0) phot = camcomm.bcast(phot, root=0) skyphot = camcomm.bcast(skyphot, root=0) simspec.add_camera(camera, wave, phot, skyphot) return simspec
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- simpix
[docs]def write_simpix(outfile, image, camera, meta): """Write simpix data to outfile. Args: outfile : output file name, e.g. from io.findfile('simpix', ...) image : 2D noiseless simulated image (numpy.ndarray) meta : dict-like object that should include FLAVOR and EXPTIME, e.g. from HDU0 FITS header of input simspec file """ meta = #- Create a new file with a blank primary HDU if needed if not os.path.exists(outfile): header = meta.copy() try: import specter header['DEPNAM00'] = 'specter' header['DEPVER00'] = (specter.__version__, 'Specter version') except ImportError: pass fits.PrimaryHDU(None, header=header).writeto(outfile) #- Add the new HDU hdu = fits.ImageHDU(image.astype(np.float32), header=meta, name=camera.upper()) hdus =, mode='append', memmap=False) hdus.append(hdu) hdus.flush() hdus.close()
[docs]def load_simspec_summary(indir, verbose=False): ''' Combine fibermap and simspec files under indir into single truth catalog Args: indir: path to input directory; search this and all subdirectories Returns: astropy.table.Table with true Z catalog ''' import astropy.table truth = list() for fibermapfile in, 'fibermap'): fibermap =, 'FIBERMAP') if verbose: print('') #- skip calibration frames if 'FLAVOR' in fibermap.meta: if fibermap.meta['FLAVOR'].lower() in ('arc', 'flat', 'bias'): continue elif 'OBSTYPE' in fibermap.meta: if fibermap.meta['OBSTYPE'].lower() in ('arc', 'flat', 'bias', 'dark'): continue simspecfile = fibermapfile.replace('fibermap-', 'simspec-') if not os.path.exists(simspecfile): raise IOError('fibermap without matching simspec: {}'.format(fibermapfile)) simspec =, 'METADATA') #- cleanup prior to merging if 'REDSHIFT' in simspec.colnames: simspec.rename_column('REDSHIFT', 'TRUEZ') if 'OBJTYPE' in simspec.colnames: simspec.rename_column('OBJTYPE', 'TRUETYPE') for key in ('DATASUM', 'CHECKSUM', 'TELRA', 'TELDEC', 'EXTNAME'): if key in fibermap.meta: del fibermap.meta[key] if key in simspec.meta: del simspec.meta[key] #- convert some header keywords to new columns for key in ('TILEID', 'EXPID', 'FLAVOR', 'NIGHT'): fibermap[key] = fibermap.meta[key] del fibermap.meta[key] truth.append(astropy.table.hstack([fibermap, simspec])) truth = astropy.table.vstack(truth) return truth
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- Cosmics #- Utility function to resize an image while preserving its 2D arrangement #- (unlike np.resize)
[docs]def _resize(image, shape): """ Resize input image to have new shape, preserving its 2D arrangement Args: image : 2D ndarray shape : tuple (ny,nx) for desired output shape Returns: new image with image.shape == shape """ #- Tile larger in odd integer steps so that sub-/super-selection can #- be centered on the input image fx = shape[1] / image.shape[1] fy = shape[0] / image.shape[0] nx = int(2*np.ceil( (fx-1) / 2) + 1) ny = int(2*np.ceil( (fy-1) / 2) + 1) newpix = np.tile(image, (ny, nx)) ix = newpix.shape[1] // 2 - shape[1] // 2 iy = newpix.shape[0] // 2 - shape[0] // 2 return newpix[iy:iy+shape[0], ix:ix+shape[1]]
[docs]def find_cosmics(camera, exptime=1000, cosmics_dir=None): ''' Return full path to cosmics template file to use Args: camera (str): e.g. 'b0', 'r1', 'z9' exptime (int, optional): exposure time in seconds cosmics_dir (str, optional): directory to look for cosmics templates; defaults to $DESI_COSMICS_TEMPLATES if set or otherwise $DESI_ROOT/spectro/templates/cosmics/v0.3 (note HARDCODED version) Exposure times <120 sec will use the bias templates; otherwise they will use the dark cosmics templates ''' if cosmics_dir is None: if 'DESI_COSMICS_TEMPLATES' in os.environ: cosmics_dir = os.environ['DESI_COSMICS_TEMPLATES'] else: cosmics_dir = os.environ['DESI_ROOT']+'/spectro/templates/cosmics/v0.3/' if exptime < 120: exptype = 'bias' else: exptype = 'dark' channel = camera[0].lower() assert channel in 'brz', 'Unknown camera {}'.format(camera) cosmicsfile = '{}/cosmics-{}-{}.fits'.format(cosmics_dir, exptype, channel) return os.path.normpath(cosmicsfile)
[docs]def read_cosmics(filename, expid=1, shape=None, jitter=True): """ Reads a dark image with cosmics from the input filename. The input might have multiple dark images; use the `expid%n` image where `n` is the number of images in the input cosmics file. Args: filename : FITS filename with EXTNAME=IMAGE-*, IVAR-*, MASK-* HDUs expid : integer, use `expid % n` image where `n` is number of images shape : (ny, nx, optional) tuple for output image shape jitter (bool, optional): If True (default), apply random flips and rolls so you don't get the exact same cosmics every time Returns: `desisim.image.Image` object with attributes pix, ivar, mask """ fx = imagekeys = list() for i in range(len(fx)): if fx[i].name.startswith('IMAGE-'): imagekeys.append(fx[i].name.split('-', 1)[1]) assert len(imagekeys) > 0, 'No IMAGE-* extensions found in '+filename i = expid % len(imagekeys) pix = native_endian(fx['IMAGE-'+imagekeys[i]].data.astype(np.float64)) ivar = native_endian(fx['IVAR-'+imagekeys[i]].data.astype(np.float64)) mask = native_endian(fx['MASK-'+imagekeys[i]].data) meta = fx['IMAGE-'+imagekeys[i]].header meta['CRIMAGE'] = (imagekeys[i], 'input cosmic ray image') #- De-trend each amplifier nx = pix.shape[1] // 2 ny = pix.shape[0] // 2 kernel_size = min(201, ny//3, nx//3) pix[0:ny, 0:nx] -= spline_medfilt2d(pix[0:ny, 0:nx], kernel_size) pix[0:ny, nx:2*nx] -= spline_medfilt2d(pix[0:ny, nx:2*nx], kernel_size) pix[ny:2*ny, 0:nx] -= spline_medfilt2d(pix[ny:2*ny, 0:nx], kernel_size) pix[ny:2*ny, nx:2*nx] -= spline_medfilt2d(pix[ny:2*ny, nx:2*nx], kernel_size) if shape is not None: if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalid shape {}'.format(shape)) pix = _resize(pix, shape) ivar = _resize(ivar, shape) mask = _resize(mask, shape) if jitter: #- Randomly flip left-right and/or up-down if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: pix = np.fliplr(pix) ivar = np.fliplr(ivar) mask = np.fliplr(mask) meta['CRFLIPLR'] = (True, 'Input cosmics image flipped Left/Right') else: meta['CRFLIPLR'] = (False, 'Input cosmics image NOT flipped Left/Right') if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: pix = np.flipud(pix) ivar = np.flipud(ivar) mask = np.flipud(mask) meta['CRFLIPUD'] = (True, 'Input cosmics image flipped Up/Down') else: meta['CRFLIPUD'] = (False, 'Input cosmics image NOT flipped Up/Down') #- Randomly roll image a bit nx, ny = np.random.randint(-100, 100, size=2) pix = np.roll(np.roll(pix, ny, axis=0), nx, axis=1) ivar = np.roll(np.roll(ivar, ny, axis=0), nx, axis=1) mask = np.roll(np.roll(mask, ny, axis=0), nx, axis=1) meta['CRSHIFTX'] = (nx, 'Input cosmics image shift in x') meta['CRSHIFTY'] = (nx, 'Input cosmics image shift in y') else: meta['CRFLIPLR'] = (False, 'Input cosmics image NOT flipped Left/Right') meta['CRFLIPUD'] = (False, 'Input cosmics image NOT flipped Up/Down') meta['CRSHIFTX'] = (0, 'Input cosmics image shift in x') meta['CRSHIFTY'] = (0, 'Input cosmics image shift in y') if 'RDNOISE0' in meta : del meta['RDNOISE0'] #- Amp A lower left nx = pix.shape[1] // 2 ny = pix.shape[0] // 2 iixy = np.s_[0:ny, 0:nx] cx = pix[iixy][mask[iixy] == 0] mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(cx, sigma=3, maxiters=5) meta['RDNOISEA'] = std #- Amp B lower right iixy = np.s_[0:ny, nx:2*nx] cx = pix[iixy][mask[iixy] == 0] mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(cx, sigma=3, maxiters=5) meta['RDNOISEB'] = std #- Amp C upper left iixy = np.s_[ny:2*ny, 0:nx] mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pix[iixy], sigma=3, maxiters=5) meta['RDNOISEC'] = std #- Amp D upper right iixy = np.s_[ny:2*ny, nx:2*nx] mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(pix[iixy], sigma=3, maxiters=5) meta['RDNOISED'] = std fx.close() return Image(pix, ivar, mask, meta=meta)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- desimodel
[docs]def get_tile_radec(tileid): """ Return (ra, dec) in degrees for the requested tileid. If tileid is not in DESI, return (0.0, 0.0) TODO: should it raise an exception instead? """ if not isinstance(tileid, (int, np.int64, np.int32, np.int16)): raise ValueError('tileid should be an int, not {}'.format(type(tileid))) tiles = if tileid in tiles['TILEID']: i = np.where(tiles['TILEID'] == tileid)[0][0] return tiles[i]['RA'], tiles[i]['DEC'] else: return (0.0, 0.0)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- spectral templates #- Utility function to wrap resample_flux for multiprocessing map def _resample_flux(args): return resample_flux(*args)
[docs]def find_basis_template(objtype, indir=None): """ Return the most recent template in $DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATE/{objtype}_template*.fits """ if indir is None: indir = os.environ['DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES'] objfile_wild = os.path.join(indir, objtype.lower()+'_templates_*.fits') objfiles = glob(objfile_wild) if len(objfiles) > 0: return objfiles[-1] else: raise IOError('No {} templates found in {}'.format(objtype, objfile_wild))
[docs]def _qso_format_version(filename): '''Return 1 or 2 depending upon QSO basis template file structure''' with as fx: if fx[1].name == 'METADATA': return 1 elif fx[1].name == 'BOSS_PCA': return 2 else: raise IOError('Unknown QSO basis template format '+filename)
[docs]def read_basis_templates(objtype, subtype='', outwave=None, nspec=None, infile=None, onlymeta=False, verbose=False): """Return the basis (continuum) templates for a given object type. Optionally returns a randomly selected subset of nspec spectra sampled at wavelengths outwave. Args: objtype (str): object type to read (e.g., ELG, LRG, QSO, STAR, STD, WD, MWS_STAR, BGS). subtype (str, optional): template subtype, currently only for white dwarfs. The choices are DA and DB and the default is to read both types. outwave (numpy.array, optional): array of wavelength at which to sample the spectra. nspec (int, optional): number of templates to return infile (str, optional): full path to input template file to read, over-riding the contents of the $DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES environment variable. onlymeta (Bool, optional): read just the metadata table and return verbose: bool Be verbose. (Default: False) Returns: Tuple of (outflux, outwave, meta) where outflux is an Array [ntemplate,npix] of flux values [erg/s/cm2/A]; outwave is an Array [npix] of wavelengths for FLUX [Angstrom]; meta is a Meta-data table for each object. The contents of this table varies depending on what OBJTYPE has been read. Raises: EnvironmentError: If the required $DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES environment variable is not set. IOError: If the basis template file is not found. """ from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() ltype = objtype.lower() if objtype == 'STD': ltype = 'star' if objtype == 'MWS_STAR': ltype = 'star' if infile is None: infile = find_basis_template(ltype) if onlymeta:'Reading {} metadata.'.format(infile)) if objtype.upper() == 'BAL': # non-standard data model meta = Table(, ext=1, upper=True, columns=('BI_CIV','ERR_BI_CIV', 'NCIV_2000', 'VMIN_CIV_2000', 'VMAX_CIV_2000', 'POSMIN_CIV_2000','FMIN_CIV_2000', 'AI_CIV', 'ERR_AI_CIV','NCIV_450', 'VMIN_CIV_450', 'VMAX_CIV_450', 'POSMIN_CIV_450', 'FMIN_CIV_450'))) else: meta = Table(, ext=1, upper=True)) if (objtype.upper() == 'WD') and (subtype != ''): keep = np.where(meta['WDTYPE'] == subtype.upper())[0] if len(keep) == 0: log.warning('Unrecognized white dwarf subtype {}!'.format(subtype)) else: meta = meta[keep] return meta'Reading {}'.format(infile)) if objtype.upper() == 'QSO': with as fx: format_version = _qso_format_version(infile) if format_version == 1: flux = fx[0].data * 1E-17 hdr = fx[0].header from import header2wave wave = header2wave(hdr) meta = Table(fx[1].data) elif format_version == 2: flux = fx['SDSS_EIGEN'].data.copy() wave = fx['SDSS_EIGEN_WAVE'].data.copy() meta = Table([np.arange(flux.shape[0]),], names=['PCAVEC',]) else: raise IOError('Unknown QSO basis template format version {}'.format(format_version)) elif objtype.upper() == 'BAL': flux, hdr =, ext=1, columns='TEMP', header=True) w1 = hdr['CRVAL1'] dw = hdr['CDELT1'] w2 = w1 + dw*flux.shape[1] wave = np.arange(w1, w2, dw) meta = Table(, ext=1, upper=True, columns=('BI_CIV','ERR_BI_CIV', 'NCIV_2000', 'VMIN_CIV_2000', 'VMAX_CIV_2000', 'POSMIN_CIV_2000','FMIN_CIV_2000', 'AI_CIV', 'ERR_AI_CIV','NCIV_450', 'VMIN_CIV_450', 'VMAX_CIV_450', 'POSMIN_CIV_450', 'FMIN_CIV_450'))) else: with as fx: try: flux = fx['FLUX'].data meta = Table(fx['METADATA'].data) wave = fx['WAVE'].data except: flux = fx[0].data meta = Table(fx[1].data) wave = fx[2].data if 'COLORS' in fx: colors = fx['COLORS'].data hdr = fx['COLORS'].header for ii, col in enumerate(hdr['COLORS'].split(',')): meta[col.upper()] = colors[:, ii].flatten() if 'DESI-COLORS' in fx: colors = fx['DESI-COLORS'].data for col in colors.names: meta[col.upper()] = colors[col] #- Check if we have correct version if objtype.upper() in ('ELG', 'LRG'): if 'BASS_G' not in meta.keys(): log.error('missing BASS_G from template metadata') log.error('Is your DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES too old? {}'.format(os.getenv('DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES'))) log.error('Please update DESI_BASIS_TEMPLATES to v3.0 or later') raise IOError('Incompatible basis templates; please update to v3.0 or later') if (objtype.upper() == 'WD') and (subtype != ''): if 'WDTYPE' not in meta.colnames: raise RuntimeError('Please upgrade to basis_templates >=2.3 to get WDTYPE support') keep = np.where(meta['WDTYPE'] == subtype.upper())[0] if len(keep) == 0: log.warning('Unrecognized white dwarf subtype {}!'.format(subtype)) else: meta = meta[keep] flux = flux[keep, :] # Optionally choose a random subset of spectra. There must be a fast way to # do this using fitsio. ntemplates = flux.shape[0] if nspec is not None: these = np.random.choice(np.arange(ntemplates),nspec) flux = flux[these,:] meta = meta[these] # Optionally resample the templates at specific wavelengths. Use # multiprocessing to speed this up. if outwave is None: outflux = flux # Do I really need to copy these variables! outwave = wave else: args = list() for jj in range(nspec): args.append((outwave, wave, flux[jj,:])) import multiprocessing ncpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 #- avoid hyperthreading with multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu) as P: outflux =, args) outflux = np.array(outflux) return outflux, outwave, meta
#------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- Utility functions
[docs]def simdir(night=None, expid=None, mkdir=False): """ Return $DESI_SPECTRO_SIM/$PIXPROD/{night} If mkdir is True, create directory if needed """ if (night is None) and (expid is None): dirname = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_SIM'), os.getenv('PIXPROD') ) #- must provide night+expid, and catch old usage where mkdir was 2nd arg elif (expid is None) or isinstance(expid, bool): raise ValueError("Must provide int expid, not {}".format(expid)) else: dirname = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_SIM'), os.getenv('PIXPROD'), str(night), '{:08d}'.format(expid) ) if mkdir and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) return dirname
[docs]def _parse_filename(filename): """ Parse filename and return (prefix, camera, expid) camera=None if the filename isn't camera specific e.g. /blat/foo/simspec-00000003.fits -> ('simspec', None, 3) e.g. /blat/foo/preproc-r2-00000003.fits -> ('preproc', 'r2', 3) """ base = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) x = base.split('-') if len(x) == 2: return x[0], None, int(x[1]) elif len(x) == 3: return x[0], x[1].lower(), int(x[2])
[docs]def empty_metatable(nmodel=1, objtype='ELG', subtype='', simqso=False, input_meta=False): """Initialize template metadata tables depending on the given object type. Parameters ---------- nmodel : :class:`int` Number of rows in output table. Defaults to 1. objtype : :class:`str` Object type. Defaults to ELG. subtype : :class:`str` Subtype for the given object type (e.g., LYA is objtype=QSO). Defaults to `.` simqso : :class:`bool` Initialize a templates.SIMQSO-style objmeta table rather than a templates.QSO one. Defaults to False. input_meta : :class:`bool` Initialize an input_meta table for use with the various desisim.templates classes (see its use in, e.g., desitarget.mock.mockmaker) Defaults to False. Returns ------- meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Metadata table which is agnostic about the object type. objmeta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Objtype-specific supplemental metadata table (e.g., containing the [OII] flux for ELG targets and surface gravity for stars. """ from astropy.table import Table, Column targetid = np.arange(nmodel).astype(np.int64) # Objtype-agnostic metadata meta = Table() if input_meta: meta.add_column(Column(name='TEMPLATEID', length=nmodel, dtype='i2', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) meta.add_column(Column(name='SEED', length=nmodel, dtype='int64', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) meta.add_column(Column(name='REDSHIFT', length=nmodel, dtype='f8', data=np.zeros(nmodel))) meta.add_column(Column(name='MAG', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='mag')) # normalization magnitude meta.add_column(Column(name='MAGFILTER', length=nmodel, dtype='U15')) # normalization filter return meta else: meta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) meta.add_column(Column(name='OBJTYPE', length=nmodel, dtype='U10')) meta.add_column(Column(name='SUBTYPE', length=nmodel, dtype='U10')) meta.add_column(Column(name='TEMPLATEID', length=nmodel, dtype='i2', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) meta.add_column(Column(name='SEED', length=nmodel, dtype='int64', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) meta.add_column(Column(name='REDSHIFT', length=nmodel, dtype='f8', data=np.zeros(nmodel))) meta.add_column(Column(name='MAG', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='mag')) # normalization magnitude meta.add_column(Column(name='MAGFILTER', length=nmodel, dtype='U15')) # normalization filter meta.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_G', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) meta.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_R', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) meta.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_Z', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) meta.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W1', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) meta.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W2', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) meta['OBJTYPE'] = objtype.upper() meta['SUBTYPE'] = subtype.upper() # Objtype-specific metadata objmeta = Table() if objtype.upper() == 'ELG' or objtype.upper() == 'LRG' or objtype.upper() == 'BGS': objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='OIIFLUX', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='erg/(s*cm2)')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='HBETAFLUX', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='erg/(s*cm2)')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='EWOII', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Angstrom')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='EWHBETA', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Angstrom')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='D4000', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='VDISP', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='km/s')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='OIIDOUBLET', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='OIIIHBETA', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Dex')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='OIIHBETA', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Dex')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='NIIHBETA', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Dex')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='SIIHBETA', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='Dex')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TRANSIENT_MODEL', length=nmodel, dtype='U20')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TRANSIENT_TYPE', length=nmodel, dtype='U10')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TRANSIENT_EPOCH', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='day')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TRANSIENT_RFLUXRATIO', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) elif objtype.upper() == 'QSO': objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) if simqso: objmeta.add_column(Column(name='MABS_1450', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='mag')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='SLOPES', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros( (nmodel, 5) )-1)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='EMLINES', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros( (nmodel, 73, 3) )-1)) else: objmeta.add_column(Column(name='PCA_COEFF', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros( (nmodel, 4) ))) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='BAL_TEMPLATEID', length=nmodel, dtype='i2', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='DLA', length=nmodel, dtype=bool)) #objmeta.add_column(Column(name='METALS', length=nmodel, dtype=bool)) elif objtype.upper() == 'STAR' or objtype.upper() == 'STD' or objtype.upper() == 'MWS_STAR': objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TEFF', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='K')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='LOGG', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='m/(s**2)')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='FEH', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) elif objtype.upper() == 'WD': objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='TEFF', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='K')) objmeta.add_column(Column(name='LOGG', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='m/(s**2)')) return meta, objmeta
[docs]def empty_snemetatable(nmodel=1): """Initialize a metadata table for SNE. Parameters ---------- nmodel : :class:`int` Number of rows in output table. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- snemeta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Metadata table. """ from astropy.table import Table, Column targetid = np.arange(nmodel).astype(np.int64) snemeta = Table() snemeta.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', data=targetid)) snemeta.add_column(Column(name='SNE_TEMPLATEID', length=nmodel, dtype='i2', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) snemeta.add_column(Column(name='SNE_FLUXRATIO', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1)) snemeta.add_column(Column(name='SNE_EPOCH', length=nmodel, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nmodel)-1, unit='days')) snemeta.add_column(Column(name='SNE_FILTER', length=nmodel, dtype='U15')) # normalization filter return snemeta